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Was the era of good feelings all that good?

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1 Was the era of good feelings all that good?
From Madison to Monroe Was the era of good feelings all that good?

2 Background of Presidents
James Madison (DR) Virginia Native James Monroe (DR) Virginia Native BOTH PRESIDENTS PRESIDED OVER COUNTRY DURING TIMES Increased nationalism Increased sectionalism Decreased impact of political parties

3 Foreign Policy issues War of 1812 Fought between U.S. and Britain
Main issue was neutrality on seas and ending the practice of impressment Occurs in part bc of policies of Jefferson Embargo Act of 1807 strangles our economy Non-intercourse Act – allow trade with anyone other than GB or FR Macon’s Bill # 2 says we will begin trade with whichever country (FR or GB) stops impressing 1st

4 Other War of 1812 Causes Native Americans Impressments continue
Thought that G.B. was assisting N.A. unrest Tecumseh was Native American leader who refused to sell land Resulted in fight … during course of it weapons were discovered Impressments continue Worst incident … Chesapeake affair American ship Chesapeake attacked after refusing to allow G.B. sailors on to search for deserters

5 War of 1812 results Treaty of Ghent
No land changes hands No money changes hands Pre-war status quo BUT … U.S. gains R-E-S-P-E-C-T Battle of New Orleans fought after war _____________ never got the news that the treaty was signed; became war hero.

6 Post War issues Huge growth in Nationalism
Temporary decline in political parties “American system” … idea that we should Increase funding of Army and Navy Build of roads and canals Tariff of 1816 – protect domestic industry Recharter national bank Assume state debts

7 BUT … Sectionalism lurks
Constitutional provisions dealing with slavery 1 2 3 Slavery grows in the south, esp. after cotton gin. North wants Tariff … South and West resistant to tariffs. WHY??? Madison Veto’s Calhoun’s Bonus Bill Bill would have paid for roads and canals with federal money. Veto angered South … caused private businesses to step in. Economically … country is going in different directions

8 Missouri Compromise Mo wants to be admitted to union
But … 11 free states and 11 slave states What problem in particular would admitting Mo cause? Compromise MO admitted as slave ME admitted as free 36 30 is dividing line bt slave and free

9 Monroe Doctrine (1821) Doctrine stating that we will view European efforts to colonize in the Western hemisphere as threats IRONY … empty threat We had just fought a war and were in no position to enforce it Will become relevant later

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