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New Parents Induction 2017/2018 Season

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1 New Parents Induction 2017/2018 Season

2 Agenda Club history Team set up for new season Club coaches
GREETLAND Agenda GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club Club history Team set up for new season Club coaches Committee team Club Philosophy How we are funded Child protection FA respect Parents contribution, what can you do ?? Social media and web site New for this season and next

Junior Football Club Club was formed back in 1970 with 4 teams and was called Greetland Boys. In 1984 the club moved into the new Greetland Community Centre. We changed our name to Greetland Goldstars in 1998 and our first girls teams were formed saw the club gain the prestigious FA Charter Standard award. The club gained the FA Charter Development award in In 2014, Greetland Goldstars started our first disability teams, who train down at 3Gi in Halifax. And in 2015 we were awarded the highest award in grassroots football, the FA Charter Community Standard.

4 32 teams, across 14 age groups, with over 350 players
Teams for 2017/2018 season GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club 3 x Under 7’s 2 x Under 8’s 1 x Under 9’s Girls (New team) 2 x Under 9’s 1 x Under 10’s girls 3 x Under 10’s 3 x Under 11’s 1 x Under 12’s Girls 2 x Under 12’s 2 x Under 13’s 1 x Under 14’s 1 x Under 15’s 1 x Under 16’s 1 x Under 18’s 1 x Under 21’s 2 x Open Age Saturday teams 3 x Ability Counts Adults teams 2 x Ability Counts Junior teams (under 14 and 16’s) 32 teams, across 14 age groups, with over 350 players

5 And they are all unpaid volunteers
GREETLAND Club coaches GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club All our club coaches and managers are CRB checked (£10 per check) All are working towards or hold the FA level 1 football coaching award (4 days in total, course funded by the club £140) A lot of coaches are now walking towards their FA Level 2 awards A great deal of coaches attend the WRCFA (West Riding County FA) CPD (Continuing Professional Development) events, so they can enhance there knowledge and experience in their own time. And they are all unpaid volunteers

6 Meet the club committee
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club President – Nigel Whitworth Chairman – John King Secretary – Paul Price Treasurer – Charlotte Spencer Child Welfare Officer – Stuart Blagbrough Membership secretaries - Gary Pickard and Russ Baxter Coach Development Officers – Nick Walker Fundraising Officer – Adam Oldroyd and Andy Commons Football Development Office and Charter Standard Officer – John King Press and Publicity Officer – Nigel Whitworth

Junior Football Club Who we are We are a Charter Standard Community football club, serving the local community in providing football for everyone irrespective of age, race, sex or ability. How we play We actively promote football in a positive manner, respecting others around us, playing fairly and behaving graciously to oppositions and officials at all times. The player Our players are representatives of our club, we promote development of players to achieve the best they can whilst always enjoying the experience of football. How we coach We promote our coaches to continuously develop their skills so they can provide the best coaching to all our players in a safe and positive environment for progression. How we support The club supports and mentors all coaches and players who wish to progress their coaching experience and football activities within the club.

8 How we are funded GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club All our money comes from player subs and fundraising. We pay out around £16,900 in winter training hire each season. Our club equipment costs us around £2,640 last season (footballs, bibs, pumps etc.) Pitch hire from Calderdale council is £3,500 each season. The clubs affiliation with WRCFA and Huddersfield league fees is around £1,300 Coaching courses £1,733 This is why club fundraising it very important, please support our events

9 Child Protection Policy
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club Greetland Goldstars Junior Football Club aims to provide the safest environment possible for all children who train and play for the club. The safety and well being of any child that we come in contact with is our first priority. The club adheres to the Football Association guidelines on all matters concerning child protection and all Managers, Coaches and Assistants are certified and registered with the West Riding F.A to ensure their suitability to supervise children. Stuart Blagbrough is the clubs Child Welfare Officer Tel No , mobile , All coaches, assistants and managers will have an up to date CRB check. Football Association quote ‘Non action is not an option’

10 Now watch this short FA video, have you seen this person???
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club Respect is the collective responsibility of everyone involved in football to create a fair, safe and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place. Respect club Codes of Conduct for parents Designated Spectator Areas please use them Captain taking responsibility Referee managing the game In The FA’s annual Grassroots Survey 56 per cent of respondents reported that their experience of the game had improved as a result of measures introduced through the Respect programme - up from 40 per cent. Now watch this short FA video, have you seen this person???

11 FA Respect Campaign Video
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club FA Respect Campaign Video

12 Parents contribution, what can you do?
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club Support your children in a positive manner from the touch line. Always respect the referee and remember they are all voluntary, and without them we could not play. Provide the coaches/managers with as much support as you can (putting up/taking down goals, putting up respect barriers etc.) Provide and support the clubs fundraising events, and remember without the club there would be no teams. We are always interested in people who want to get involved in helping on the committee or other club activities, please ask. Club moto “To win fairly and lose with honour”

13 New this season and next!
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club The club, with the assistance of the WRCFA has set up a new under 9’s girls team and a new disability league 4 team, with a grant from the Football Foundation We have been chosen by the FA to run one of 200 girls Wildcats centres (5 to 11 years of age) We have re started talks with Calderdale Council re the assist transfer of Greetland Goldfields to the club. Greetland Goldstars is one of only a small handful of FA Community Charter clubs in this area

14 Social media and web site
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club The clubs web site is a great source of information We encourage you all to look at our web site, it will have all the fixtures and results for all the teams. The club now has a Facebook account Also a new Twitter account We encourage you all to use these social media sites as they are a great way to find out what the club does.

15 GREETLAND Club defibrillator GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club The club has a defibrillator machine which is located in the bar area at the Community Centre (on the selves where the sweets are). Its very easy to use and guides you through what to do Make sure you know where its located

16 Questions and suggestions??
GREETLAND GOLDSTARS Junior Football Club Questions and suggestions??

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