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OpenStack Switzerland User Group

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1 OpenStack Switzerland User Group
OpenStack and CERN Tim Bell @noggin143 OpenStack Switzerland User Group 15th November 2012

2 What is OpenStack ? OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

3 Principles Open Source Open Design Open Development Open Community
Apache 2.0 license, NO ‘enterprise’ version Open Design Open Design Summit, anyone is able to define core architecture Open Development Anyone can involve development process via Launchpad & Github Open Community OpenStack Foundation in 2012, Now 190+ companies, developers, members OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

4 OpenStack Swiss User Group
Tim Bell, CERN

5 OpenStack Cloud Components
Nova – Compute Layer Swift – Object Store Quantum – Networking Horizon – Dashboard Cinder – Block Storage Keystone – Identity Glance – Image management Each component has an API and is pluggable Other non-core projects interact with these components OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

6 OpenStack Folsom OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

7 October Summit in San Diego
1,400 people attended with 320 talks and up to 8 parallel streams Double the spring 2012 summit in San Francisco International involvement is increasing Asia especially China Europe Companies and Open Source community generally working well Transparency and shared goals OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

8 Talent Competition OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

9 What’s new from the summit ?
Component Folsom Grizzly (plan for Q2/2014) Nova (Compute) Host Aggregates Hyper-V/PowerVM support Cells Bare metal support Cinder (Block Storage) Now in core NFS as a block device Multiple backends QoS for backends Resize Glance Replicated images New client Incremental images Keystone PKI support LDAP support for Active Directory Domains User Groups Horizon Support for volumes Realtime notifications Cross project signalling Swift Versioned objects SSD acceleration Multi-range get Quantum Pluggable backends Security groups High Availability OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

10 Upcoming Projects Ceilometer Heat Red Dwarf Equilibrium
Metering and billing Heat Cloud orchestration Red Dwarf Database as a Service Equilibrium Load Balancing as a Service DNS as a Service May become part of Quantum High Availability Nova Controller OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

11 OpenStack Foundation The OpenStack Foundation is an independent body providing shared resources to help achieve the OpenStack Mission by Protecting, Empowering, and Promoting OpenStack software and the community around it, including users, developers and the entire ecosystem. Provides Promotion of the OpenStack brand Event management such as Summits, User Groups, … Legal coverage of trademark, contributions Continuous integration and Testing infrastructure Developer tools to ease contribution OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

12 OpenStack Board Structure
"Individual Members" who participate on their own or as part of their paid employment. It’s free to join as an Individual Member and Individual Members have the right to run for, and vote for, a number of leadership positions. ”Platinum Members” are companies which make a significant strategic commitment to OpenStack in funding and resources. Platinum Members each appoint a representative to the Board of Directors ”Gold Members” are companies which provide funding and resources, but at a lower level than Platinum Members. Associate Members as a class elect representatives to the Board of Directors. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

13 OpenStack Swiss User Group
Tim Bell, CERN

14 Individual Members Elected by the membership of the foundation
Rob Hirschfeld (DELL) Monty Taylor (HP) Hui Cheng (SINA) Yujie Du (99 Cloud) Troy Toman (Rackspace) Tim Bell (CERN) Tristan Goode (Aptira) Jesse Andreas (Nebula) No company can have more than 2 directors Rules for individual member voting are currently under discussion with the community to find best ways of representing all the members OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

15 Foundation Governance
OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

16 What is CERN ? Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire – aka European Laboratory for Particle Physics Between Geneva and the Jura mountains, straddling the Swiss-French border Founded in 1954 with an international treaty Our business is fundamental physics , what is the universe made of and how does it work Established by an international treaty at the end of 2nd world war as a place where scientists could work together for fundamental research Nuclear is part of the name but our world is particle physics OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

17 Answering fundamental questions…
How to explain particles have mass? We have theories and accumulating experimental evidence.. Getting close… What is 96% of the universe made of ? We can only see 4% of its estimated mass! Why isn’t there anti-matter in the universe? Nature should be symmetric… What was the state of matter just after the « Big Bang » ? Travelling back to the earliest instants of the universe would help… Our current understanding of the universe is incomplete. A theory, called the Standard Model, proposes particles and forces, many of which have been experimentally observed. However, there are open questions - Why do some particles have mass and others not ? The Higgs Boson is a theory but we need experimental evidence. Our theory of forces does not explain how Gravity works Cosmologists can only find 4% of the matter in the universe, we have lost the other 96% We should have 50% matter, 50% anti-matter… why is there an asymmetry (although it is a good thing that there is since the two anhialiate each other) ? When we go back through time 13 billion years towards the big bang, we move back through planets, stars, atoms, protons/electrons towards a soup like quark gluon plasma. What were the properties of this? OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

18 Community collaboration on an international scale
Biggest international scientific collaboration in the world, over 10,000 scientists from 100 countries Annual Budget around 1.1 billion USD Funding for CERN, the laboratory, itself comes from the 20 member states, in ratio to the gross domestic product… other countries contribute to experiments including substantial US contribution towards the LHC experiments OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

19 The Large Hadron Collider
The LHC is CERN’s largest accelerator. A 17 mile ring 100 meters underground where two beams of particles are sent in opposite directions and collided at the 4 experiments, Atlas, CMS, LHCb and ALICE. Lake Geneva and the airport are visible in the top to give a scale. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

20 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel
The ring consists of two beam pipes, with a vacuum pressure 10 times lower than on the moon which contain the beams of protons accelerated to just below the speed of light. These go round 11,000 times per second being bent by the superconducting magnets cooled to 2K by liquid helium (-450F), colder than outer space. The beams themselves have a total energy similar to a high speed train so care needs to be taken to make sure they turn the corners correctly and don’t bump into the walls of the pipe. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

21 - At 4 points around the ring, the beams are made to cross at points where detectors, the size of cathedrals and weighing up to 12,500 tonnes surround the pipe. These are like digital camera, but they take 100 mega pixel photos 40 million times a second. This produces up to 1 petabyte/s. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

22 Accumulating events in 2009-2011
- Collisions can be visualised by the tracks left in the various parts of the detectors. With many collisions, the statistics allows particle identification such as mass and charge. This is a simple one… OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

23 To improve the statistics, we send round beams of multiple bunches, as they cross there are multiple collisions as 100 billion protons per bunch pass through each other Software close by the detector and later offline in the computer centre then has to examine the tracks to understand the particles involved OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

24 Heavy Ion Collisions To get Quark Gluon plasma, the material closest to the big bang, we also collide lead ions which is much more intensive… the temperatures reach 100,000 times that in the sun. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

25 - We cannot record 1PB/s so there are hardware filters to remove uninteresting collisions such as those whose physics we understand already. The data is then sent to the CERN computer centre for recording via 10Gbit optical connections. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

26 Initial data reconstruction Data distribution
Tier-0 (CERN): Data recording Initial data reconstruction Data distribution Tier-1 (11 centres): Permanent storage Re-processing Analysis Tier-2 (~200 centres): Simulation End-user analysis The Worldwide LHC Computing grid is used to record and analyse this data. The grid currently runs over 2 million jobs/day, less than 10% of the work is done at CERN. There is an agreed set of protocols for running jobs, data distribution and accounting between all the sites which co-operate in order to support the physicists across the globe. Data is recorded at CERN and Tier-1s and analysed in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid In a normal day, the grid provides 100,000 CPU days executing over 2 million jobs OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

27 Upstairs in the computer centre, a high roof was the fashion in the 1980s for mainframes but now is very difficult to get cooled efficiently OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

28 Our Challenges - Data storage
Our data storage system has to record and preserve 30PB/year with an expected lifetime of 20 years. Keeping the old data is required to get the maximum statistics for discoveries. At times, physicists will want to skim this data looking for new physics. Data rates are around 6GB/s average, with peaks of 25GB/s. >20 years retention 6GB/s average 25GB/s peaks 30PB/year to record OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

29 45,000 tapes holding 73PB of physics data
Tape robots from IBM and Oracle Around 60,000 tape mounts / week so the robots are kept busy Data copied every two years to keep up with the latest media densities OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

30 New data centre to expand capacity
Data centre in Geneva at the limit of electrical capacity at 3.5MW New centre chosen in Budapest, Hungary Additional 2.7MW of usable power Hands off facility Deploying from 2013 with 200Gbit/s network to CERN Asked member states for offers 200Gbit/s links connecting the centres Expect to double computing capacity compared to today by 2015 OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

31 Time to change strategy
Rationale Need to manage twice the servers as today No increase in staff numbers Tools becoming increasingly brittle and will not scale as-is Approach CERN is no longer a special case for compute Adopt an open source tool chain model Our engineers rapidly iterate Evaluate solutions in the problem domain Identify functional gaps and challenge them Select first choice but be prepared to change in future Contribute new function back to the community Double the capacity, same manpower Need to rethink how to solve the problem… look at how others approach it We had our own tools in 2002 and as they become more sophisticated, it was not possible to take advantage of other developments elsewhere without a major break. Doing this while doing their ‘day’ jobs so it re-enforces the approach of taking what we can from the community OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

32 Building Blocks Bamboo mcollective, yum Puppet AIMS/PXE Foreman JIRA OpenStack Nova git Koji, Mock Yum repo Pulp Active Directory / LDAP Model based on Google Toolchain, Puppet is key for many operations. We’ve only had to write one new significant custom CERN software component which is in the certificate authority. Other parts such as Lemon for monitoring are from our previous implementation as we did not want to change all at once and they scale. Lemon / Hadoop Hardware database Puppet-DB OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

33 Prepare the move to the clouds
Improve operational efficiency Machine ordering, reception and testing Hardware interventions with long running programs Multiple operating system demand Improve resource efficiency Exploit idle resources, especially waiting for disk and tape I/O Highly variable load such as interactive or build machines Enable cloud architectures Gradual migration to cloud interfaces and workflows Improve responsiveness Self-Service with coffee break response time Standardise hardware … buy in bulk and pile it up then work out what to use it for Memory, motherboards, cables or disks interventions Users waiting for I/O means wasted cycles. Build machines at night unused during the day. Interactive machines mainly during the day Move to cloud APIs … need to support them but also maintain our existing applications Details later on reception and testing OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

34 Service Model Pets are given names like
They are unique, lovingly hand raised and cared for When they get ill, you nurse them back to health Cattle are given numbers like They are almost identical to other cattle When they get ill, you get another one Puppet applies well to the cattle model but we’re also using it to handle the pet cases that can’t yet move over due to software limitations. So, they get cloud provisioning but flexible configuration management. Future application architectures should use Cattle but Pets with strong configuration management are viable and still needed OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

35 Supporting the Pets with OpenStack
Network Interfacing with legacy site DNS and IP management Ensuring Kerberos identity before VM start Puppet Ease use of configuration management tools with our users Exploit mcollective for orchestration/delegation External Block Storage Currently using nova-volume with Gluster backing store Live migration to maximise availability KVM live migration using Gluster KVM and Hyper-V block migration OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

36 Current Status of OpenStack at CERN
Working on an Essex code base from the EPEL repository Excellent experience with the Fedora cloud-sig team Cloud-init for contextualisation, oz for images with RHEL/Fedora Components Current focus is on Nova with KVM and Hyper-V Keystone running with Active Directory and Glance for Linux and Windows images Pre-production facility with around 200 Hypervisors, with 2000 VMs integrated with CERN infrastructure, Puppet deployed and used for simulation of magnet placement using and batch physics programs OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

37 OpenStack Swiss User Group
Tim Bell, CERN

38 Ramping to 15K hypervisors with 100K to 300K VMs by 2015
Next Steps Deploy into production at the start of 2013 with Folsom running the Grid software on top of OpenStack IaaS Support multi-site operations with 2nd data centre in Hungary Exploit new functionality Ceilometer for metering Bare metal for non-virtualised use cases such as high I/O servers X.509 user certificate authentication Load balancing as a service Ramping to 15K hypervisors with 100K to 300K VMs by 2015 OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

39 Conclusions Production at CERN in next few months on Folsom
Our emphasis will shift to focus on stability Work together with others on scaling improvements Community is key to shared success Foundation gives a structure for collaboration Our problems are often resolved before we raise them Packaging teams are producing reliable builds promptly CERN contributes and benefits Thanks to everyone for their efforts and enthusiasm Not just code but documentation, tests, blogs, … OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

40 OpenStack Swiss User Group
Tim Bell, CERN

41 References CERN Scientific Linux
Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Jobs Detailed Report on Agile Infrastructure HELiX Nebula EGI Cloud Taskforce OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

42 Backup Slides OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

43 Data Centre by Numbers Hardware installation & retirement
~7,000 hardware movements/year; ~1,800 disk failures/year Racks 828 Servers 11,728 Processors 15,694 Cores 64,238 HEPSpec06 482,507 Disks 64,109 Raw disk capacity (TiB) 63,289 Memory modules 56,014 Memory capacity (TiB) 158 RAID controllers 3,749 Tape Drives 160 Tape Cartridges 45,000 Tape slots 56,000 Tape Capacity (TiB) 73,000 High Speed Routers (640 Mbps → 2.4 Tbps) 24 Ethernet Switches 350 10 Gbps ports 2,000 Switching Capacity 4.8 Tbps 1 Gbps ports 16,939 558 So, to the Tier-0 computer centre at CERN… we are unusual in that we are public with our environment as there is no competitive advantage for us. We have thousands of visitors a year coming for tours and education and the computer center is a popular visit. The data centre has around 2.9MW of usable power looking after 12,000 servers.. In comparison, the accelerator uses 120MW, like a small town. With 64,000 disks, we have around 1,800 failing each year… this is much higher than the manufacturers’ MTBFs which is consistent with results from Google. Servers are mainly Intel processors, some AMD with dual core Xeon being the most common configuration. IT Power Consumption 2,456 KW Total Power Consumption 3,890 KW OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

44 Public Procurement Purchase Model
Step Time (Days) Elapsed (Days) User expresses requirement Market Survey prepared 15 Market Survey for possible vendors 30 45 Specifications prepared 60 Vendor responses 90 Test systems evaluated 120 Offers adjudicated 10 130 Finance committee 160 Hardware delivered 250 Burn in and acceptance 30 days typical 380 worst case 280 Total 280+ Days OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

45 Training and Support Buy the book rather than guru mentoring
Follow the mailing lists to learn Newcomers are rapidly productive (and often know more than us) Community and Enterprise support means we’re not on our own We’ve been very pleased with our choices. Along with the obvious benefits of the functionality, there are soft benefits from the community model. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

46 Staff Motivation Skills valuable outside of CERN when an engineer’s contracts end Many staff at CERN are short term contracts… good benefits for those staff to leave with skills in need. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

47 When communities combine…
OpenStack’s many components and options make configuration complex out of the box Puppet forge module from PuppetLabs does our configuration The Foreman adds OpenStack provisioning for user kiosk to a configured machine in 15 minutes Communities integrating … when a new option is being used at CERN in OpenStack, we contribute the changes back to the puppet forge such as certificate handling. Even looking at Hyper-V/Windows openstack configuration… OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

48 Foreman to manage Puppetized VM
OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

49 Active Directory Integration
CERN’s Active Directory Unified identity management across the site 44,000 users 29,000 groups 200 arrivals/departures per month Full integration with Active Directory via LDAP Uses the OpenLDAP backend with some particular configuration settings Aim for minimal changes to Active Directory 7 patches submitted around hard coded values and additional filtering Now in use in our pre-production instance Map project roles (admins, members) to groups Documentation in the OpenStack wiki OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

50 Welcome Back Hyper-V! We currently use Hyper-V/System Centre for our server consolidation activities But need to scale to 100x current installation size Choice of hypervisors should be tactical Performance Compatibility/Support with integration components Image migration from legacy environments CERN is working closely with the Hyper-V OpenStack team Puppet to configure hypervisors on Windows Most functions work well but further work on Console, Ceilometer, … OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

51 What are we missing (or haven’t found yet) ?
Best practice for Monitoring and KPIs as part of core functionality Guest disaster recovery Migration between versions of OpenStack Roles within multi-user projects VM owner allowed to manage their own resources (start/stop/delete) Project admins allowed to manage all resources Other members should not have high rights over other members VMs Global quota management for non-elastic private cloud Manage resource prioritisation and allocation centrally Capacity management / utilisation for planning OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

52 Opportunistic Clouds in online experiment farms
The CERN experiments have farms of 1000s of Linux servers close to the detectors to filter the 1PByte/s down to 6GByte/s to be recorded to tape When the accelerator is not running, these machines are currently idle Accelerator has regular maintenance slots of several days Long Shutdown due from March 2013-November 2014 One of the experiments are deploying OpenStack on their farm Simulation (low I/O, high CPU) Analysis (high I/O, high CPU, high network) OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

53 Federated European Clouds
Two significant European projects around Federated Clouds European Grid Initiative Federated Cloud as a federation of grid sites providing IaaS HELiX Nebula European Union funded project to create a scientific cloud based on commercial providers EGI Federated Cloud Sites CESGA CESNET INFN SARA Cyfronet FZ Jülich SZTAKI IPHC GRIF GRNET KTH Oxford GWDG IGI TCD IN2P3 STFC OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

54 Federated Cloud Commonalities
Basic building blocks Each site gives an IaaS endpoint with an API and common security policy OCCI? CDMI ? Libcloud ? Jclouds ? Image stores available across the sites Federated identity management based on X.509 certificates Consolidation of accounting information to validate pledges and usage Multiple cloud technologies OpenStack OpenNebula Proprietary OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

55 CERN is more than just the LHC
CNGS neutrinos to Gran Sasso CLOUD demonstrating impacts of cosmic rays on weather patterns Anti-hydrogen atoms contained for minutes in a magnetic vessel However, for those of you who have read Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons or seen the film, there are no maniacal monks with pounds of anti-matter running around the campus OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

56 CERN’s tools The world’s most powerful accelerator: LHC
A 27 km long tunnel filled with high-tech instruments Equipped with thousands of superconducting magnets Accelerates particles to energies never before obtained Produces particle collisions creating microscopic “big bangs” Very large sophisticated detectors Four experiments each the size of a cathedral Hundred million measurement channels each Data acquisition systems treating Petabytes per second Top level computing to distribute and analyse the data A Computing Grid linking ~200 computer centres around the globe Sufficient computing power and storage to handle 25 Petabytes per year, making them available to thousands of physicists for analysis OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

57 Our Infrastructure Hardware is generally based on commodity, white-box servers Open tendering process based on SpecInt/CHF, CHF/Watt and GB/CHF Compute nodes typically dual processor, 2GB per core Bulk storage on 24x2TB disk storage-in-a-box with a RAID card Vast majority of servers run Scientific Linux, developed by Fermilab and CERN, based on Redhat Enterprise Focus is on stability in view of the number of centres on the WLCG We purchase on an annuak cycle, replacing around ¼ of the servers. This purchasing is based on performance metrics such as cost per SpecInt or cost/GB Generally, we are seeing dual core computer servers with Intel or AMD processors and bulk storage servers with 24 or 36 2TB disks The operating system is Redhat linux based distributon called Scientific Linux. We share the development and maintenance with Fermilab in Chicago. The choice of a Redhat based distribution comes from the need for stability across the grid, where keeping the 200 centres running compatible Linux distributions. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

58 New architecture data flows
OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

59 Virtualisation on SCVMM/Hyper-V
OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

60 Scaling up with Puppet and OpenStack
Use based on BOINC for simulating magnetics guiding particles around the LHC Naturally, there is a puppet module puppet-boinc 1000 VMs spun up to stress test the hypervisors with Puppet, Foreman and OpenStack is not an instruction on how to build your own accelerator but a magnet simulation tool to test multiple passes around the ring. We wanted to use it as a stress test tool and in ½ day, it was running on 1000 VMs. OpenStack Swiss User Group Tim Bell, CERN

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