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Limbrick News Date: 19th May 2017

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1 Limbrick News Date: 19th May 2017
Latest news: Special mention certificates were awarded to: Yr R – Yr 1 – Yr 2 – Yr 3 – Yr 4 – Yr 5 – Yr 6 – Reading raffle winners: Rec – Yr 4 – It’s been another busy week at Limbrick Wood Special mention assembly will take place on Monday. Year 4 have collected data during a traffic survey. Year 4 and 5 have completed a week of brilliant swimming. Old £5 notes: We are unable to accept old style £5 notes as they are no longer legal tender. Zoolab visited our Nursery and Reception classes Active Kids Vouchers –last few days; Sainsbury’s have finished giving out Active Kids vouchers now. Please hand in any vouchers that you still have at home as soon as possible. Thank you. Nut free packed lunches: Thank you to all parents for supporting our request for nut and sesame free products in children’s lunch boxes. We are liaising with the School Nursing Service to see whether we can provide further guidance about this.

2 Limbrick News Diary dates: Menu Changes:
Thursday 25th May – Bikeability for Year 5 Friday 26th May – Bikeability for Year 5 Friday 26th May – Ice cream van in school, please bring £1 Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June - Half term holiday Monday 5th June – Start of new term, children return to school Thursday 8th June – Y3 trip to Chadworth Roman Villa Thursday 15th June – Y4 trip to New Walk Museum Menu Changes: Solihull Catering Services have made some minor changes to our two week menu cycle. Please see the listing on our “What’s on this week …” sheet attached for more details. Groundwork WM: We have received some information about a project in Coventry and Warwickshire which aims to build better opportunities for adults. They can help you to manage your finances effectively and to access workshops and training. Please go to or telephone or for more information. Letters this week: Y3 trip to Chadworth Roman Villa – YN - Parent conduct New Faces: Please say hello to Peyton-Leigh in Nursery. Costs: Dinner money: £2.10 per day £10.50 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day 100% Attendance and Punctuality: Our Year 6 class achieved 100% attendance this week. Well done again to all of Year 6. Year 6 will be able to wear non-uniform on Monday 22nd May. There were 20 lates this week which affected 6 classes. Please ensure your children arrive at school on time. The bell goes at 8.55am. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. Therefore we will continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why. Mrs Devine will be closely monitoring children who are continuously late for school, offering support to those families who need it. If children are regularly late for school, then I will also ask parents/carers to attend a meeting with myself and the Children and Family First Team to address this issue more formally.

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