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Reactance Reactance In Phase + _ + + _ _ Voltage Current Voltage

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Presentation on theme: "Reactance Reactance In Phase + _ + + _ _ Voltage Current Voltage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactance Reactance In Phase + _ + + _ _ Voltage Current Voltage
E P G --II-- Reactance In Phase Voltage Current + _ Reactance + _ Voltage Current + _ Voltage Current MALAGA

2 Inductance & Capacitance
E P G --II-- Inductance & Capacitance There are two kinds of reactance: inductive and capacitive. Inductive reactance causes the current to lag the voltage. Capacitive reactance causes the current to lead the voltage. electrons Magnetic Field Current Voltage Voltage Current + + _ _ MALAGA

3 Electric Power ( in phase PF=1) V A =W
E P G --II-- Electric Power (single phase) P = V x I x PF= Watts (Three phase) P = x V x I x PF = Watts ( in phase PF=1) Voltage + V A Current _ V x A =W MALAGA

4 E P G --II-- Electric Power + _ + _ MALAGA

5  Electric Power V A =W Apparent power (KVA) Real power (KW) V x 
E P G --II-- Electric Power V A V x =W Apparent power (KVA) Real power (KW) Reactive power (Kvar) MALAGA

6 Generator & Engine power
E P G --II-- Engine power Gen power Pf=0.7 Generator & Engine power Pf=0.8 Pf=1.0 MALAGA

7 SPEED SPEED Load effects Load Load E P G --II-- MALAGA X X = Y Y Y X

8 3% Speed droop Speed droop 100% 0% S p e d Horsepower or Load 1545
E P G --II-- Speed droop 3% Speed droop 1545 1500 1522 S p e d 100% Horsepower or Load 0% MALAGA

9 Same horsepower , same droop
E P G --II-- Same horsepower , same droop 3% Speed droop 1545 1500 0% 100% Horsepower or Load S p e d 100% 1522 50% MALAGA

10 Different horsepower , same droop
E P G --II-- Different horsepower , same droop 3% Speed droop 50% S p e d 1545 1500 1522 100% 100% 0% Horsepower or Load MALAGA

11 Same horsepower , different droop
E P G --II-- Same horsepower , different droop 4% droop 1560 100% 3% droop 1545 1500 S p e d 100% 0% Horsepower or Load MALAGA

12 Same horsepower , different droop
E P G --II-- Same horsepower , different droop 4% droop 3% droop 1545 1500 1485 100% S p e d 100% 0% Horsepower or Load MALAGA

13 What will happen ? 3% droop 0% droop 100% 100% 0% Horsepower or Load S
E P G --II-- What will happen ? 3% droop 0% droop 1545 1500 S p e d 100% 0% 100% Horsepower or Load MALAGA

14 Preparing the SPEED for parallel operation in droop situation
E P G --II-- Preparing the SPEED for parallel operation in droop situation The sets to be paralleled should be operated for at least one hour to ensure stable temperatures while adjustments are made. Use the same Multimeter for all measurements. Take care of the speed first? - Turn Voltage droop and voltage gain to zero position. - Turn Speed droop to zero position. - Run engine with no load at high idle (rated speed + droop%). - Apply full load, adjust for rated speed with the speed. droop pot. MALAGA

15 Preparing the VOLTAGE for parallel operation
E P G --II-- Preparing the VOLTAGE for parallel operation - Run engine with no load at high idle (rated speed + droop%). - Adjust the system voltage with LEVEL pot. - Apply full load , verify the speed , adjust the voltage util it is equal to the no load voltage with the GAIN pot. When speed and voltage setting are correct put units in parallel and apply the load. Check the output current of every generator. The sum of individual generator amp should not be more then 10% over the load amp. MALAGA

16 Isochronous ( 0% speed droop )
E P G --II-- Isochronous ( 0% speed droop ) 0% droop 0% droop Electric governor has the ability to sense the load and compare it to the load other units carry MALAGA

17 Isochronous ( 0% speed droop )
E P G --II-- Isochronous ( 0% speed droop ) Engine Generator PT CT Governor L O A D DC voltage Parallel Lines Load GAIN pot 2301A Woodward Parallel Lines 6VDC Rated speed pot MALAGA

18 Isochronous ( 0% speed droop )
E P G --II-- Isochronous ( 0% speed droop ) Engine Generator PT CT Governor L O A D Parallel Lines 2301A Woodward Summing point 6VDC Engine Generator CT PT Governor 2301A Woodward Summing point 6VDC MALAGA

19 Isochronous ( 0% speed droop )
E P G --II-- Isochronous ( 0% speed droop ) 0VDC 6VDC 3VDC Load 0% 100% 50% MALAGA

20 Isochronous ( 0% speed droop )
E P G --II-- Isochronous ( 0% speed droop ) 3VDC 0% 50% Load 0VDC 6VDC 3VDC 0% 50% Load 0VDC 6VDC 100% MALAGA

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