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Presentation on theme: "C.K.PITAHAWAL COLLEGE OF ENGG. AND TECH."— Presentation transcript:


2 CREDITS: NAME ENROLLMENT NO. Vohra Mustafa 130090119124 Suthar Dilip
BRANCH DIV. SEM YEAR GROUP MECHANICAL B 5 2015 22 NAME ENROLLMENT NO. Vohra Mustafa Suthar Dilip Somaiya Milan Ashwin Chauhan


4 INTRODUCTION The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are variations in the load. For e.g. :- When the load on an engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore it becomes necessary to increase the supply of working fluid. On the other hand, when the load on the engine decreases, its speed increases and thus less working fluid is required.

5 The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain limits. A little consideration will show, that when the load increases, the configuration of the governor changes and a valve is moved to increase the supply of the working fluid. Conversely, when the load decreases, the engine speed increases and the governor decreases the supply of working fluid.


7 TYPES OF GOVERNORS The governors may, broadly, be classified as
1. Centrifugal governors. 2. Inertia governors. The centrifugal governors, may further be classified as follows :

The centrifugal governors are based on the balancing of centrifugal force on the rotating balls by an equal and opposite radial force, known as the controlling force. It consists of two balls of equal mass, which are attached to the arms. These balls are known as governor balls or fly balls. The balls revolve with a spindle, which is driven by the engine through bevel gears. The upper ends of the arms are pivoted to the spindle, so that the balls may rise up or fall down as they revolve about the vertical axis.

9 When the load on the engine increases, the engine and the governor speed decreases.
This results in the decrease of centrifugal force on the balls. Hence the balls move inwards and the sleeve moves downwards. The downward movement of the sleeve operates a throttle valve at the other end of the bell crank lever to increase the supply of working fluid and thus the engine speed is increased. In this case, the extra power output is provided to balance the increased load. Conversely, it operates the same when the load on the engine decreases.

1. Height of a governor: It is the vertical distance from the centre of the ball to a point where the axes of the arms (or arms produced) intersect on the spindle axis. It is usually denoted by h. 2. Equilibrium speed: It is the speed at which the governor balls, arms etc., are in complete equilibrium and the sleeve does not tend to move upwards or downwards. 3. Mean equilibrium speed: It is the speed at the mean position of the balls or the sleeve. 4. Maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds: The speeds at the maximum and minimum radius of rotation of the balls, without tending to move either way are known as maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds respectively. Note : There can be many equilibrium speeds between the mean and the maximum and the mean and the minimum equilibrium speeds. 5. Sleeve lift: It is the vertical distance which the sleeve travels due to change in equilibrium speed.

11 WATT GOVERNOR The simplest form of a centrifugal governor is a Watt governor, as shown in Figure. It is basically a conical pendulum with links attached to a sleeve of negligible mass. The arms of the governor may be connected to the spindle in the following three ways : 1. The pivot P, may be on the spindle axis as shown in Figure (a). 2. The pivot P, may be offset from the spindle axis and the arms when produced intersect at O, as shown in Figure (b) 3. The pivot P, may be offset, but the arms cross the axis at O, as shown in Figure (c).

12 m = Mass of the ball in kg, w = Weight of the ball in Newton = m.g, T = Tension in the arm in Newton, ω = Angular velocity of the arm and ball about the spindle axis in rad/s, r = Radius of the path of rotation of the ball i.e. horizontal distance from the centre of the ball to the spindle axis in meters, FC = Centrifugal force acting on the ball in Newton = m.ω2.r, and h = Height of the governor in meters.

1. First method (Resolution of forces method): In this analysis it is assumed that mass of arms, links, sleeve are negligible in comparison with the mass of the balls and therefore, neglected in the analysis. Each ball will be in equilibrium under the action of following forces: (1) Centrifugal force acting on ball i.e. FC=m.ω2.r (2) Tension T in upper arm (3) The weight of the ball W=m.g

14 Consider Figure below, applying Lami’s theorem we get,


16 2. Second method (Instantaneous centre method):
As shown in fig below

17 Since the sleeve B moves up and down it works as a slider and its velocity is in vertical direction. It’s centre of rotation lies at line IB in horizontal direction Whereas, A revolves about A and its peripheral velocity is in direction perpendicular to OA at A. Therefore, OAB acts as a single slider crank chain mechanism with OA as oscillating crank, B as slider and AB as connecting rod. Hence, I represents the instantaneous centre of link 3 w.r.t. link 1.

18 Taking moment about I, Therefore, we find that the results obtained by either method is same.

19 PORTER GOVERNOR To overcome the defects of a Watt Governor, sleeve is loaded by a dead weight. The load moves up and down the central spindle. m = Mass of each ball in kg, w = Weight of each ball in newtons = m.g, M = Mass of the central load in kg, W = Weight of the central load in newtons = M.g, r = Radius of rotation in metres, h = Height of governor in metres , N = Speed of the balls in r.p.m ., ω = Angular speed of the balls in rad/s= 2 πN/60 rad/s, FC = Centrifugal force acting on the ball in newtons = m.ω2.r, T1 = Force in the arm in newtons, T2 = Force in the link in newtons, α = Angle of inclination of the arm (or upper link) to the vertical, and β = Angle of inclination of the link (or lower link) to the vertical.

Instantaneous center method:

21 Since the sleeve B moves vertically, its centre of rotation is along a horizontal from B.
The point A on link AB which is also the point on link OA moves in an arc of circle with centre O, hence the centre of rotation of A on AB is along the line OA produced. Hence, “I” is the point of intersection of horizontal line at B and the extension of line OA produced. It represents the instantaneous centre of link AB. Considering the equilibrium of all the forces for left half of the governor and taking moments about I, we get,


23 If all the arms are equal in length and they intersect on the axis of spindle then,
Hence, If mass of dead weight M is negligible i.e. M=0, then above equation reduces to the equation of Watt Governor. The height of governor can be increased by increasing the mass of dead weight. Differentiating above equation with respect to N gives,

24 It is clear from above equation that the porter governor can be made more effective compared to Watt governor by increasing M/m ratio.


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