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Security and getting access to the training infrastructure

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1 Security and getting access to the training infrastructure
Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI With thanks for some slides to EGEE and Globus colleagues

2 What is Grid security? The Grid problem is to enable “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations.” From ”The Anatomy of the Grid” by Ian Foster at. al So Grid Security is security to enable VOs What is needed in terms of security for a VO?

3 Virtual Organization concept
VO for each application, workload or community The more dynamic the better…and the harder Security problems at two levels: network level security VO level security

4 Problems at network level
Grid service User Participants of a grid communicate over the Internet How can communication endpoints be identified? Authentication How can a secure channel established between two partners? Message encryption Non-repudiation Message integrity

5 Problems at VO level Broker Storage service User
Computing service Broker Which networked entity is / is not member of a VO? What are VO members allowed to do? Authorization How can services act on behalf of a user? How can a broker access the „user’s sites”? How can a job which is started by the broker access the user’s private data?

6 Grid Security Infrastructure Public key infrastructure (PKI)
based on Public key infrastructure (PKI)

7 Basis of Public Key Infrastructure
Every networked entity (user/machine/software) is assigned with two keys: one private key and one public key a message encrypted by one key can be decrypted only by the other one. it is impossible to derive the private key from the public one Concept (simplified version): Public keys are exchanged The sender encrypts using receiver’s public key The reciever decrypts using their private key; Paul’s keys public private John Paul ciao 3$r Examples of [ublic key algorithms: Diffie-Helmann (1977) RSA (1978) The lengths of the keys, at the moment, varies from 512 bits (insecure) to 2048 bits. As the keys are much longer respect to those for symmetric algorithms, this kind of algorithms are much slower. For practical pourposes they are used togheter: first a temporary key for a symmetric algorithm is generated, which is used to encrypt the message, then the public key of the receiver is used to encrypt this key, which is sent (in encrypted form) together with the message. John Paul bye %i4 %i4 bye

8 Entity identity Since I’m the only one with access to my private key, you know I signed the data associated with it But, how do you know that you have my correct public key? ?

9 Public and private keys
Public key is wrapped into a “certificate” Certificate is created by trusted third parties: Grid Certification Authorities (CA) Private key is stored in an encrypted form – protected by a passphrase Prive key is created by the grid user Private key can be accessed only by the owner Certificate Public key Subject:/C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Gergely Issuer: C=CH, O=CERN, OU=GRID, CN=CERN CA Expiration date: Oct 26 08:08: GMT Serial number: 625 (0x271) Optional Extensions M e t a d a t a Typically valid for one year Hash of Public key & metadata encrypted using CA’s private key CA Digital signature

10 Certification Authorities
Grid user must generate private and public key Public key must be signed by a recognized CA CAs can establish a number of people “registration authorities” RAs: Personal visit to the nearest RA instead of the national CA CAs recognized by EGEE: Per continent Per country Per region

11 Issuing a grid certificate
Instructions, tutorials (should be) on CA homepages User generates public/private key pair in browser or in files. CA root certificate CA signature links identity and public key in certificate. CA informs user. Cert Request Public Key User sends public key to CA and shows proof of identity. Certification Authority Cert When CA informs the user that the certificate is ready, using the browser that already generated the key pair, the user downloads the certifiacte into the browser. The private key is already there and matches the public key in the certificate. State of Illinois ID Private Key encrypted on local disk: passphrase

12 User’s private key and certificate
Keep your private key secure if possible on a USB drive only Do not loan your certificate to anyone Report to your CA if your certificate has been compromised. Private key and certificate can be: Stored in your browser Stored in files using different file format (PEM, P12, …) Typical situation on Globus, gLite, ARC middleware based grids: sipos]$ ls -l .globus/ total 8 -rw-r--r sipos users Oct usercert.pem -r sipos users Oct userkey.pem If your certificate is used by someone other than you, it cannot be proven that it was not you.

13 Logging into the Grid: Creating a proxy credential
% voms-proxy-init  login to the Grid Enter PEM pass phrase: ******  private key is protected by a password Options for voms-proxy-init: VO name -hours <lifetime of new credential> -bits <length of key> -help % voms-proxy-destroy  logout from the grid Delegated credentials will not be revoked sipos]$ voms-proxy-init --voms gilda Enter GRID pass phrase: *********** Your identity: /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Gergely Creating temporary proxy Done Contacting [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=Catania/] "gilda" Done Creating proxy Done Your proxy is valid until Sat Jun 23 04:55:

14 Proxy delegation create proxy process User Interface Resource Broker
Submit job (Delegate proxy) Resource Broker create proxy Submit job (Delegate proxy) File and Replica Catalog Computing Element Storage Element Site X process Read/write data Authorization Service (VO Management Service)

15 User Responsibilities 2.
Do not launch a delegation service for longer than your current task needs. If your certificate or delegated service is used by someone other than you, it cannot be proven that it was not you.

16 Joining a VO Obtaining certificate: Annually Joining VO: Once
Users (and machines) are identified by certificates. VOMS keeps list of people who are registered to a VO Steplist User obtains certificate from Certification Authority User registers at the VO usually via a web form VO manager authorizes the user VOMS DB updated The user’s identity is replicated onto resources within 24 hours CA List of EGEE VOs: On CIC Operations Portal: Joining VO: Once VO manager VO Membership Service Replicating VOMS DB once a day VOMS database Grid sites User’s identity = Subject of certificate: $ grid-cert-info -subject /C=HU/O=NIIF CA/OU=GRID/OU=NIIF/CN=Gergely

17 MyProxy server You may need:
To interact with a grid from many machines And you realise that you must NOT, EVER leave your certificate where anyone can find and use it…. Your job may need a long proxy And you should keep the lifetime of delegated proxy short Solution: you can store a long term proxy in a “MyProxy server” and derive a short living proxy certificate when needed MyProxy ~ storage for proxy files

18 myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation
MyProxy example UI MyProxy Server (myproxy-init) Delegated proxy Certificate Private key myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation Portal WEB Browser the Grid any grid service Delegated proxy 2

19 Security summary How can you become an EGEE user
Obtain a certificate from a recognized CA:  1 year long, renewable certificates, accepted in every EGEE VO Find and register at a VO EGEE NA4 - CIC Operations portal: Use the grid: command line clients and APIs installed on the User Interface (UI is mainaned by the VO / your institute / you) voms-proxy-init –voms <voName> voms-proxy-destroy Portals and long-running jobs Typically involve interaction with MyProxy

20 Outline of security practical (Part of job submission practical)
Security basics: Investigate your certificate Create proxy Investigate your proxy Destroy your proxy Create proxy again Submit job

21 GILDA Training Infrastructure

22 GILDA is “t-Infrastructure”
Why t-infrastructure? Training is necessary! Production VOs for production T-Infrastructure for training Need guaranteed response for tutorials; limit the vulnerability of production systems have a training CA – lightweight authentication able to change middleware to prepare participants for future releases on production system need safe resources for installation training easy entry point for new communities

23 The GILDA t-infrastructure
~10 sites in 3 continents

24 The GILDA services
HOST User Interface (UI) Backup User Interface (UI) P-GRADE Portal LCG Resource Broker (RB) gLite Resource Broker (WMS 3.0) gLite (WMproxy) Resource Broker (WMS 3.1) Information Index (BDII) VOMS server DGAS Price Authority DGAS HLR GridICE Monitoring System Services Availability Monitoring (SAM) Services Status (GStat) LCG File Catalog (LFC) gLite File Transfer Service . . . AMGA Web Interface R-GMA server MyProxy Server Backup MyProxy Server

25 How to join GILDA Get your GILDA CA personal certificate
Or get long term certificate from national CA Accept the GILDA Use Policy Register to the GILDA Virtual Organization 4a: Get SSH enabled to User Interface Login to the Grid Tutor User Interface 4b: Login to GILDA portals (e.g. P-GRADE) 4c: Download and use the GILDA VM UI

26 Situation at the course
30 user certificates were obtained from GILDA CA One private key + one public key per person Certificates have been registered at GILDA VO 40 accounts were created on User Interface machine For command line tutorials (including GridWay and GANGA) Certificate and private key are available on User Interface $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem Certificates were uploaded into GILDA MyProxy server For P-GRADE Portal tutorial

27 Thank you! Questions?

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