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HOW WE CAN HELP Key Programs & Services for Employers

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1 HOW WE CAN HELP Key Programs & Services for Employers
Quick Reference Sheet ORGANIZATION CITY OF OTTAWA WHO WE ARE The City of Ottawa's Employment Ontario Centre is located in downtown Ottawa at 370 Catherine Street.  Co-located with one of the City's Social Services Centres, our expert Employment Specialists are trained to help you prepare for, find and keep employment. They can also help you access other City services, government and community programs. Our staff offer a wide range of employment supports, including Ontario Works - all designed to help you reach your employment goals.  HOW WE CAN HELP Key Programs & Services for Employers PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Contact: Partners for Jobs (P4J) - The City of Ottawa’s Partners for Jobs (P4J) team can work with your business to find and recruit suitable candidates for your staffing needs. We can help your business by marketing open positions to thousands of job seekers. We can screen applicants, arrange interviews and offer support to new employees in a number of ways. Your job opportunities will be accessed by thousands of job seekers. If you would prefer to speak to a member of the P4J team before submitting your job order, please do so. Our contact information is below and we would be happy to speak with you. General Inquiries: Job Fairs and Onsite Interviews - The P4J team has professional Job Developers who can assist businesses to coordinate job fairs, information sessions and job interviews. We have been involved in hundreds of these events, resulting in thousands of job seekers getting hired. If requested, we can provide the facilities to host such events at one of our Employment Resource Areas across the City. We can also help to develop and distribute advertising to ensure that your event is a success. Financial Incentives for Qualified Employers - The City of Ottawa can offer financial incentives to employers who hire eligible candidates. Incentives can last for up to six months and can be used to offset training and supervision costs that employers may incur. A P4J Job Developer would welcome the opportunity to discuss financial incentives further with you. Employment Ontario - Get help finding and hiring skilled employees. Learn about a number of financial hiring incentives available to employers. Our free services include: Job postings, Screening and matching services, Job fairs, Experienced employment specialist, Information about the local labour market, Job retention services, Apprenticeship information. Small, medium and large employers across Ontario can now apply for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant to invest in skills training for new and existing employees. ext or  -DONE -Updated OEH and Trilium logos -All hyperlinks work and contact information in valid -Updated the 'Find Candidates' hyperlink -All information is current -The quick-clicks link brought you to a page stating “page not found". I added the new quick clicks link that leads to the under construction page. -Quick Clicks link does not have a French page. New link added - leads to English page. -****Perhaps the City of Ottawa could provide an official description? Added source below city of Ottawa description. The info had been found on wikipedia by the orginal creator of this QRS. You can explore further at FIND PEOPLE Find Candidates Access this page directly at June 2016 Update

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