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Officer Training 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Officer Training 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officer Training 101

2 What is the purpose of a leader?

3 Our purpose is TO SERVE.

4 What are the responsibilities of a leader?

5 Responsibilities of a Leader
To Compromise To Lead By Example To Create an Environment Oriented to Trust To Choose Goals that Can Be Obtained To Maintain Integrity To Recognize Team and Team Member Accomplishments To Be Familiar With the Organization To Be Committed

6 What are the attributes of a leader?

7 Humility

8 Honesty

9 Open-mindedness

10 How do you effectively communicate with your team members?

11 Effective Communication
LISTENING – Are you listening actively? Are you interrupting or taking turns during conversations? APPROACH – What’s your audience? What’s your tone, volume, and pitch? DEVELOPMENT AND CLARITY – Does what you’re saying make sense? Is there a point/reason? STYLE – Word Choice and Body Language CORRECTNESS – Is what you’re saying correct? Have you clarified the right information with your superiors before repeating it to another?

12 What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication?

13 “Less talk, less mistake.”
SILENCE SPEAKS Know what to say at the right time to say it. Nonverbal communication is the way you speak with your body. It is your posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and hand motions.

14 Region Officer Responsibilities

15 President Work with advisors to create meeting agendas
Preside over meetings Leads the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Acts as a member of the State Executive Council Assists other Region Officers in their roles 1 RAP = Signals the audience to sit, adjourns the meeting, and closes a file/motion 2 RAPS = Calls the meeting to order 3 RAPS = Signals members to stand Multiple Short Taps = Brings the group back to order

16 Vice President Knows how to use the gavel Leads Officer elections
Recruits candidates Assists the President Acts as a member of the State Executive Council Meeting in the absence of the President Represents the President in meetings where the President is unable to attend

17 Secretary Takes notes of all actions and decisions in meetings
Responsible for knowledge of the membership in an area/region Conducts Roll-Call at every meeting Submits finalized minutes for every meeting Submits membership tally to State Office Membership recruitment

18 Treasurer Mathematical equations Efficient technologist
Leads and plans recreational activities Executes fundraising plans Keeps an accurate financial report Presents the updated budget to Region Executive Council Submits Region Officer Teams’ reimbursement requests

19 Historian Creative and Artistic Region Manual
Keeps annual history of the Region Organizes Region Awards Assists the Reporter in publicizing FCCLA Organizes pictures/videos taken at every meeting Shares detailed information from past meetings

20 Reporter Outgoing Social media tracker
Updates all of the Region’s social media Has access to all types of social media Takes photos/videos at every meeting Assists the Historian by supplying photos/videos Creates Region Newsletter

21 Region Officer To-Do List
Script Writing

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