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Virtual SSLC for Postgraduate Taught Programmes Pilot Study

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1 Virtual SSLC for Postgraduate Taught Programmes Pilot Study
Warwick Students: Ariel Wang, Roisin O’Brien, Nat Panda Ricky Jones, Kate Birchenall Background Higher education landscape is evolving and drawing students from a wide demographic: Age and gender, ethnicity, Professional and personal responsibilities, Geographic locations. Interactions with students must adapt accordingly to encourage our mutual engagement with a transient and part-time student body Virtual [online] Student Staff Liaison Committee [SSLC] as a platform to garner student opinion on the learner experience. Aims To pilot a virtual SSLC for, and in collaboration with: Full-time and part-time PGT Masters students Course directors, administrative colleagues Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement Unit, Warwick Student Union, IT services. Outcomes of the Project Project Timeline Use: Google Chrome, Desktop, tablet or laptop Asynchronous access to the agenda Feedback from all students attendees and non-attendees to meeting Documents for meeting in pdf or Powerpoint Steering group to plan project Pilot the use of Blackboard Collaborate Ultra as the online platform Engaged postgraduate students in the pilot-testing and trouble-shooting Developed the user guide for the vSSLC Tested vSSLC with participants at different locations: campus and remote access in the UK Conclusions We developed a proof-of-concept for the Virtual SSLC We will implement in in order to gain vital information on our learner experience We will share our experiences and disseminate good practice within The University of Warwick academic community and beyond. Warwick Academics Olwyn Westwood, David Davies, Debbi Marais, Robert O’Toole, Jacob Saranga

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