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Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson

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1 Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson
Lesson 15 Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson

2 Ibzan, Elon, Abdon Ibzan From Bethlehem (probably in Zebulun)
Had 30 sons and gave away 30 daughters in marriage Judged for 7 years Elon From Zebulun and judged 10 years Abdon Had 40 sons and 30 grandsons who rode on 70 donkey colts Lived and died in the hill country of Ephraim

3 The Cycle Begins Again Again, Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord
This time, the enemy was the Philistines The Philistines oppressed Israel for 40 years Remember the oppressors mentioned in the beginning of the story of Jephthah?

4 Overview of Samson Samson did some immoral things Gambled
Chose a wife contrary to the law because she pleased him Visited a harlot Samson is listed as a hero of faith (Heb. 11:32) Jephthah, Samson, and Eli perhaps overlapped Samson began to, but did not completely deliver Israel from the Philistines

5 Zorah

6 Foretelling of Samson’s Birth
Manoah lived in Zorah, on the border of Judah and Dan Manoah’s wife was barren The Angel of the Lord appeared to her to inform her that she would have a son He was to be a Nazarite from birth She was not to have wine or anything unclean

7 Foretelling of Samson’s Birth
She told her husband of the encounter Manoah prayed that the Angel would come again God listened, and the Angel appeared to her again while Manoah was not with her She ran to get Manoah Manoah sees the Angel and begins to ask questions about the son to come

8 Foretelling of Samson’s Birth
Manoah wanted the Angel to stay The Angel will not eat the food and commands that a burnt offering be given to Jehovah He asks the Angel His name He does not give a direct answer, but wonderful Manoah offers the goat and meal, and the Angel goes up into heaven with the flame of the offering Manoah and his wife are afraid that they will die because they have seen the Lord Samson is born

9 Samson and the Woman from Timnah
Samson wants a wife from the daughters of the Philistines in Timnah Samson’s mother and father disapprove (they did not know it was of the Lord), but Samson insists! On his way to Timnah, Samson kills a lion with his bare hands like it was a young goat Samson continued to Timnah

10 Zorah Timnah

11 Samson and the Woman from Timnah
Samson goes to Timnah again, this time to take her for his wife On the way, he goes to see the carcass of the lion he had killed There was honey in the lion, and Samson ate Samson gave his parents some honey, too

12 Samson and the Woman from Timnah
Samson gives a feast for seven days Samson poses a riddle to them, and essentially, places a bet The bet is for 30 linen garments and 30 changes of clothes (for his companions) “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet” They could not explain the riddle

13 Samson and the Woman from Timnah
The Philistines threaten Samson’s wife and family She weeps excessively Eventually, on the 7th day of the feast, Samson tells her, and she tells the Philistines Samson kills 30 Philistines in Ashkelon to pay his bet Samson’s father gives his wife to his best man

14 Zorah Ashkelon Timnah

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