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Reconciling Power Flow (PF) with Production Cost Model (PCM) Cases

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1 Reconciling Power Flow (PF) with Production Cost Model (PCM) Cases
Donald Davies Western Electricity Coordinating Council

2 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Anchor Data Set Proposal from Joint PCC-TEPPC Review Task Force (JPTRTF) Task Force Report – Anchor Data Set – Appendix B Purposes – Common representation of loads, resources, transmission 10 years in the future Common foundation for load, resource, and transmission topology data Consistent processes and protocols for gathering planning data Western Electricity Coordinating Council

3 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Anchor Data Set Transmission Topology Resources Load Forecasts Other – generator unit start-up times, variable O&M costs, emission costs Western Electricity Coordinating Council

4 Recent Helpful SRWG Initiatives
SS – for station service load Identification of Turbine Type Identification of non-conforming loads Identification of balancing authorities Identification of Long IDs Identification of Substations Also helpful to match up to WSM Identification of Netted generators with NT Western Electricity Coordinating Council

5 Information from PF used by PCM
Generators Must Match Load Location Transmission Topology and Voltage Control Status of Generator Step-up transformers Adaptive Voltage Control Transmission Topology Must Match Generator Station Service Load Generator Dispatch among units on River Systems and combined cycle plants Western Electricity Coordinating Council

6 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Generators Must Match PCM Generators are indexed to PF generators In some instances the PCM includes generators that are not represented in the PF or vice-versa Suggested Solution: Existing generators – Both PF and PCM Need to follow requirements of the Data Preparation Manual Planned generators – Need to identify represented generators following processes in PCM and they need to be included in the PF with adequate transfer capability. at high voltage buses if needed? Include necessary transmission Enhancements. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

7 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Load Location PCM Needs a credible load (geographical) pattern for as many hours as possible Suggested Solution: PF should identify BA for each load to match load forecast and hourly load profile used for PCM PF should identify non-conforming loads and PCM should consider in locating BA level Loads PCM can use multiple initial power flow cases with different load patterns (such as seasonal) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

8 Status of Generator Step-up Transformers
The PCM needs step-up transformers closed, while PF cases often open step-up transformers for off-line units Suggested Solution Close all generator step-up transformers in moving from PF to PCM Set generator status to off for generators at 0 output in moving from PCM to PF. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

9 Adaptive Voltage Control
PCM does not consider Voltage Control, PF Requires appropriate voltage control Suggested Solution: Where possible – use automatic voltage control device operation, including when representing manual operator actions Western Electricity Coordinating Council

10 Transmission Topology Must Match
The PF and the PCM need to represent the same future transmission projects Suggested Solution: Those compiling the PF should represent the transmission projects for the PF case to match the projects desired for the PCM Other scenarios can be studied if automation (such as epcl code) is available to facilitate adding or removing identified transmission projects Western Electricity Coordinating Council

11 Generator Station Service Load
PF should explicitly Identify Generator Station Service Load. PCM are currently set up to net station service load Suggested Solution Net station service load when loading a PF into a PCM Unnet station service load when exporting a PF from the PCM if stability studies are required Another option - Ignore this problem Western Electricity Coordinating Council

12 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Generator Dispatch among units on River Systems and combined cycle plants In the PCM, River Systems and Combined Cycle Plants have over-simplifed allocation of output. A PF requires better allocation Suggested Solution: Determine where these over-simplifications occur in the PCM and either do a better job of allocating output (may require program changes), or do some kind of post processing when exporting to a power flow case Western Electricity Coordinating Council

13 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Donald Davies Phone: Western Electricity Coordinating Council

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