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with Florida Virtual School!

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Presentation on theme: "with Florida Virtual School!"— Presentation transcript:

1 with Florida Virtual School!
Welcome to World History with Florida Virtual School!

2 Surfing through the Presentation
Grace Period Course Expectations Navigating the course How to submit work Communication & Help Sneak Peak at World History

3 You have access to the course
24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any location that has an internet connection. The first 28 days that you are active in the course serve as a “Free Trial” period. You may drop the course during the first 28 days without it affecting your transcript. If you decide to drop after the first 28 days, or you are dropped by the teacher for not completing the required assignments, it may go on your high school transcript as a failing grade. Less than 50% complete = WF (Withdrawn Failing) 50% or more completed = CF (Complete Failed)

4 Parent and Student Course Expectations
Monthly Calls: Your teacher must complete a phone call with the parent and student at least once a month. Please help your teacher by scheduling an appointment for a monthly call before the last contact date turns red. Academic Integrity Policy: You are not permitted to turn in work that is not your own and you should not share your work with others. We use to check your work against everything on the internet including other students’ papers. Plagiarism may result in being withdrawn failed from the course. Sick/Computer Problems: If you get sick and cannot work for a week or if you have computer issues, please contact your instructor, so that alternate plans can be made. Vacation Time: You have two vacation weeks built into each segment of the course. Please or call your instructor before taking a vacation week. (Time can only be given in weeks, not days.) Oral Components: You have will have oral components at the end of each Module (except Module 1). It is very important that you make an appointment, or call your instructor when you get to that point in the course.

5 How can I tell if my course is Active?
Sign in with your username & password at and you will see your “dashboard”. It will look something like this: Click on World History 3) Then you will be redirected to EDUCATOR which is site where you will do your work for the course.

6 How do I know my grade, how long I’ve been in the class, and when to contact my teacher?

7 Course Announcement Page
When you enter the class, the announcement page is the first thing you will see. It is updated weekly, so take a moment and read it each week. Course links to navigate to the different areas in the class. Important Upcoming Events and Information. Make Appointment for Orals, Monthly Calls and Welcome Calls Teacher Contact Information is always posted. Need Help on some of the Assignments? Here are some help links. Help Link and Audio for all Lessons.

8 Announcement Page Links
LESSONS: This is like your course textbook. You will find all of your course content and assignment instructions here. Just remember to work through the lessons in order. COURSE INFORMATION: You will be able to access my contact information, your pace chart, course questions and answers, and the academic integrity policy here. ASSESSMENTS: This is where you will submit your work for grading after you have completed it. (Remember – directions for assignments are located in the LESSONS link) GRADEBOOK: You may view your graded assessments and assessment submission status here. Your assessments will usually be graded within 48 hours. Please read my comments after your assessments are graded. I give you hints for corrections that you can make and write personal feedback for you to consider. You can make corrections and resubmit in the GRADEBOOK area. You are allowed unlimited submissions for written (typed) assessments. After you are activated you will use the course to correspond with me rather than the VSA messaging system. Every time you log in to the course the second thing you should do is read your s (after you have read the course announcements page of course.) Do NOT use the red “X” on your internet browser to logoff. Click the Logoff button or else you may end up locked out of the course.

9 How do I know what assignments to do?
Assignments that are due each week Week you are in 1.02,1.03, 1.04 1

10 Importance of Staying on Pace
It is very important that you stay on pace and complete assignments each week, in order to successfully complete the course, so don’t go at a snail’s pace! If you fall 2 weeks behind pace you may be sent to the Success Center. Once that occurs, we will need to set up a Success Plan (a new Pace Chart). If you don’t comply with the Success Plan, you will be administratively dropped from the course. Communicate with your teacher if you are unable to complete work, need help with an assignment, or have questions about the class.

11 How do I begin a lesson? Click here Then Click Here

12 How do I submit assignments?
Click either on Gradebook or Assessments You can also save your file and upload as an attachment. Just click “Browse” find the file saved on your computer, then click on the file and it will upload. You have unlimited submissions on written work, so you may correct it and resubmit!! At the bottom of the screen there is a “Submit for Grading” box. Make sure to check that box and then click submit for grading

13 How do I save files before submitting?
 Save the file with the Module and Assignment number using an underscore.  Save the file with an .rtf extension. This ensures that your teachers will be able to open and read the file. RIGHT WAY 2_01 WRONG WAY 2.01

14 Communicating with my teachers
Oral quizzes are required to pass the course. Call your teacher during her working hours when you come to one in the course. Please try to call your teacher back within 48 hours if she has left you a message. When leaving a message for your teacher include your name, phone number with the area code, and the best times to reach you. Check your every couple of days, if not daily! Also, check your Gradebook at least once a week to review your grades and feedback on assignments. You may need to resubmit something! ;)

15 Quick…I need HELP!!! To contact Tech Support by phone call:
For help with an World History assignment, just or call your teacher during their office hours. If you are experiencing technical issues, our FLVS Tech Team is amazing and will work with you to resolve those problems! To contact Tech Support by phone call: Representatives are available: Monday - Friday: 8am - 8pm EST Saturday - Sunday: 8am - 2pm EST To submit a Help Ticket, visit the FLVS Support Center at:

16 Here’s a Sneak Peek at what you can look forward to in World History…

17 Segment 1 Module 1: Introduction to Class - This is a quick and easy module, but it is chock full of info that you want to pay VERY close attention to as you read! Module 2: -Ancient Civilizations-You will be studying Ancient China, India, and Egypt. You will also be completing a chart with the Ancient Civilizations of the Babylonians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Assyrians and the Persians. At the end of each Module, instead of a test, you will complete an Exhibit. You will select 5 of the most important “artifacts” we studied in that Module (except at the end of Module 3 where you will include important contributions of the Romans and Greeks). You will include a picture of your “artifact” and two sentences-a description sentence and an explanation sentence. Module 3: Rome , Greece and World Religions-You will be studying Greeks Gods and Goddesses, and Roman Architecture. You will do a project on World Religions that will allow you to see how long these religions, maybe your religion has been around, and other interesting Facts. Module 4-North Wing: the Crossings-You will study Feudalism, the Ancient African Kingdoms, the Catholic Church, and the Crusades Module 5-The Renaissance-You will study about art, the Protestant Reformation and Queen Elizabeth I.

18 Segment 2 Module 6: -The Enlightenment-You will study about the telescope, and the microscope. You will learn about the Role of Women, Napoleon, science, and the French Revolution. Module 7:- Nationalism-You will study about what happened when Napoleon lost. You will discover what happens to weak countries that cannot defend themselves. Module 8: -War and Depression-You will learn about the “War to end all Wars.” You will study the Holocaust, and the Great Depression. Module 9:-Interdependence-You will learn about the Cold War. You will study Gandhi, and the decolonization of India. You will discuss things that have happened in the world that had a huge impact on YOU!

19 Feeling Confused? No worries…that is what your FLVS teachers are here for…to help guide you to success! We are available from 8am-8pm most days of the week. Phone calls and s will usually be returned within 24 hours and assignments graded within 48 hours! Now that you have viewed this presentation, it is time for you to schedule a Welcome Call with your teacher!

20 What do I do now? Log in to with the username and password provided to you by your school. Click on World History on your FLVS dashboard. Once you enter the course, your teacher’s announcement page appears. Scroll down and click on the link that looks like this: Select a day and time that you AND a parent/guardian would like to do the Welcome Call and your teacher will call you. Thank you! 

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