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You can’t hide that Hawk Pride!

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Presentation on theme: "You can’t hide that Hawk Pride!"— Presentation transcript:

1 You can’t hide that Hawk Pride!
Hawk Nation

2 welcome to online learning

3 What is a Virtual Lab? Day Morning Afternoon
The virtual lab is a quiet space at Viera HS that provides your child with dedicated time during the school day to complete one or more online classes. Their schedule reflects the period they will spend each day in the lab. In addition to their scheduled lab, students may visit during these hours for additional assistance and support, or to work on and submit assignments, tests, DBAs etc. Day Morning Afternoon Monday 8:00 – 8:30 AM 3:30 – 4:00 PM Tuesday 8:00 – 8:30 AM 3:30 – 4:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 – 8:30 AM 2:30 – 4:00 PM Thursday by apt 3:30 – 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 – 8:30 AM 3:30 – 4:00PM

4 The on the V-L-L FACILITATOR: DAVID FORMANEK (pronounced for-man-ick) LAB PHONE: (321) EXT LAB WEBSITE: SCHOOLS: Brevard Virtual School ( Florida Virtual School ( ** I’m here for you and your child! ** ** If you ever have a question or concern, please feel free to contact me. **

CUSTOMER SERVICE: 1 (800) HELP DESK: 1 (800) , OPTION 2 SERVICE HOURS: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm (MONDAY – FRIDAY) 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (SATURDAY – SUNDAY) WEB HELP DESK:

6 About Mr. Formanek My Goals: Guide course selection
Support active learning Track progress and completion (individually & as a group) Encourage and motivate Provide the tools and strategies needed to succeed: Online Learning Standards & Expectations Avoiding Plagiarism and Other Academic Integrity Issues Developing SMART Goals Success Requires a Plan Strategies for a Busy Life Study Habits for a Positive Online Learning Experience

7 About Mr. Formanek My Job is to: Set the expectations Lead by Example
Be a champion for students Raise them up…not tear them down Provide assistance I want to celebrate their personal and educational accomplishments (and I know you do too). I believe in each of them, and have full confidence that they’ll be successful in everything they do. I’ll fight for every student. I’m always in their corner, cheering them on…and I know you’ll be there, too!

8 Why is my child taking an online course?
Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) mandates that all students seeking a HS Diploma from an accredited charter, public or private high school enroll in, and successfully complete, at least one online course. S (2)(c), F.S. Online learning offers several benefits: Variety Flexibility Acceleration Virtual Experience Grade Forgiveness College Preparation FUN CLASSES | HIGHER GRADES | FULLY ACCREDITED | CERTIFIED TEACHERS

9 BEYOND expectations B.E. Considerate B.E. Prepared B.E. Respectful
B.E. Responsible B.E. Yourself

10 EXPECTATIONS Students will: Maintain Adequate Weekly Progress.
Utilize the Pace Chart within the course to stay on track. Ask for assistance when help is needed.

11 “Adequate Weekly Progress”
Failure to maintain Adequate Weekly Progress will trigger an Academic Withdrawal request from the course instructor. On average: 5 – 10% progression per week is expected 3 – 5 assignments per week is expected DBA scheduled in advance with reflection submitted on time Exams, tests and quizzes completed on time Progress is monitored by: BVS/FLVS Instructor Facilitator Guidance Counselor YOU!

12 Academic Integrity By signing the AI Pledge, students agree to:
- submit their own original work. - cite outside sources properly. - receive teacher approval for collaboration assignments. - ask for help from the teacher or facilitator if there are questions.

13 Academic Integrity This is a really big deal …
I WILL NOT: Allow others to complete my work; Allow others to copy my work; Provide classmates with answers for their work. To the best of their knowledge, misuse content from the internet. Practice plagiarism in any form. Forms of plagiarism include, but are not limited to: Purchasing or obtaining term-papers from a research service or term paper mill Turning in a paper from a “free term paper” website. Turning in another student’s work without that student’s knowledge. Turning in an assignment that someone else has written for me. Copying content from a source text without proper citations. Copying materials from a source text, supplying proper documentation, but leaving out quotation marks. Paraphrasing materials from a source text without proper documentation. Soliciting someone to complete my coursework in any way, including using social media.

14 Consequences for Violating AI
receive a zero on the assignment; repeat the assignment for full or partial credit; academic probation; proctored exams; removal from the course.

15 Communication Your child’s education AND successful completion of his or her course is of the utmost importance to me and your child’s teacher. Regular communication is a key component to that success. Reach out to us anytime if you have questions or concerns. If the course instructor has made every effort to contact you, and there is no response, your child may be withdrawn from their course. This will have an adverse effect on their GPA and may affect graduation eligibility. Let’s work together and keep those lines of communication open! 

16 Communication Issues I need to know about:
Computer (hardware / software / internet connectivity) Login problems (user ID and Password) OLP and system navigation issues Error/Exception messages Difficulty contacting instructor Content-related questions Extended absences and field trips Other stuff: Basically, if it’s important to you, it’s important to me. Keep me posted! 

17 How is progress tracked?
Parent Account Accountability Checks ChalkTalk Conferences Completion Tracking Worksheet Progress Reports PACE Chart Student Success Plans

18 Can I Track My Child’s Progress? Yes, absolutely!
** GRADES ARE POSTED BY VIRTUAL INSTRUCTORS AND AVAILABLE ONLINE 24/7/365 ** ** FINAL GRADES WILL APPEAR ON TRANSCRIPTS, BUT NOT ON REPORT CARDS ** ** THE LASTEST INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE 24/7 ON THE FLVS WEBSITE ** Register for a parent/guardian account by visiting: Click on <New Parent/Guardian> link at the top Account access provides a secure way to communicate with your child’s teacher, and let’s you monitor their progress.

19 Accountability Check Daily Weekly
I walk the classroom within the first few minutes of each period to ensure students are logged in and working. Randomly to record grades and progress, or to answer questions and troubleshoot problems. Weekly ChalkTalk Conferences

20 Chalk Talk Conferences
Short weekly meetings that address academic performance and progress. Schedule Day M Tu Th F Week 1: Group A B C D Week 2: Group B C D A Week 3: Group C D A B Week 4: Group D A B C ** Wednesday is OPEN Conference Day! **

21 Completion Tracking Worksheet
Not all classes are created equal, so worksheets are customized by course. Worksheets are due on scheduled conference days. Weekly completion and grades are monitored against established goals for each course based on an expected schedule of completion. I fill in the boxes; students must be ready to justify progress.

22 Weekly Dashboard Lab average; posted on bulletin board.

23 Discussion-Based Assessments
REQUIRED Instructors ask questions to ensure comprehension of course material. Students ask questions about things they don’t quite understand. They can use their notes. Students should relax, smile and engage their instructor. Students should not be rude or disrespectful. Be sure and ask your child’s instructor about their DBA process/policy. It varies!

24 How Can I Support My Child?
Online courses are challenging! Students new to online learning will struggle at first, and often become unmotivated and frustrated early on. If there is very little or no support in school or at home, they will lose focus and shut-down. They cannot successfully complete their courses without an active and engaging adult by their side! Students need encouragement from the people that are most important in their lives. This means you, me and their instructor, working together to ensure they are successful! Here’s how you can help: Students need excellent interpersonal and time-management skills. They also need to be self-motivated, and have the ability to comprehend instructional material with little or limited direction and guidance. Understand that online classes are much harder than traditional equivalents. Provide the encouragement and support they need. Participate in the welcome activity. This is a required activity for every new course in which they enroll. Sign up for a Parent Account and actively monitor your child’s progress. Inquire about specific assignments and tasks, especially those that they have failed or passed with high marks. Hold your child accountable for the work they have submitted. Make them open their gradebook and show you what assignments are done, what still needs to be completed, and what can be resubmitted for a better grade. Openly discuss their progress and grades. Communicate regularly with me (school facilitator) and the online instructor. Celebrate accomplishments and milestones (a high-5 or fist bump will do!): Examples: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% complete; exceeding adequate progress; excellent test and exam grades

25 a few final thoughts … IEP and 504 Notice
If your child is on an IEP or 504, I will receive and forward the document to the instructor on your behalf (this includes any relevant updates). FLVS Student Code of Conduct Students are expected to follow. Academic Integrity (AI) Pledge: It is important that you review and discuss AI with your child. Very simply, your child must agree to submit their own original assignments. This includes, but is not limited to: tests, exams and quizzes; research papers and all other written assignments; visual and multimedia presentations (with and without audio and video); etc. Further, if an outside source is used, your child will cite the source appropriately. Help is available, so cheating and plagiarizing will not be tolerated. Consequences include academic withdrawal from Florida Virtual and Brevard Virtual.

26 I look forward to your CELEBRATING your child’s success!
THANK YOU! I look forward to your CELEBRATING your child’s success!

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