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人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 4.

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1 人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 4

2 Unit 4 Earthquakes

3 Earthquake happened in San Francisco, 1906.

4 San Francisco San Francisco lies in northern California and is surrounded on three sides by water. At 5:13 on the morning of April 18th, 1906, the city was shaken by a terrible earthquake. A great part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings

5 were burnt. The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250,000. About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires.

6 Work in pairs. Discuss how you would feel if your home was suddenly destroyed without warning.

7 The listening text is an interview of a survivor of the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906.

8 Listen to the tape and write down the main idea.
You may think about: Who is speaking? Where was the person at the time? What did the person do?

9 Listen to the tape and then tell
whether they are true or false. 1. The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened. 2. Many huge buildings were shaking –bricks were falling.

10 3. A lot of people were buried under the ruins.
4. Some cows were killed in the fire. 5. He felt safer because he got away easily.

11 Listen to the tape again and in groups discuss these questions.
1. When did the earthquake begin? The earthquake began around 5 o’clock in the morning. 2. What did the speaker do after he woke up? The speaker rushed outside as he woke up.

12 3. What did he see and hear outside?
When he got outside he thought the world had come to an end. He heard people crying and shouting. He saw people running everywhere and bricks falling down from buildings. There were big fires too.

13 4. What happened to the man next to him?
The man next to him was killed by bricks falling from a nearby building. 5. How did he get away from the city? He got away from the city by boat. 6. Which of your adjectives describe the man’s feelings most closely? Very shocked, devastated.

14 Read the sentences below and pay attention to liaison and incomplete explosion.
1 I asked a man standing nex(t) to me wha(t) happened. 2 Some of them ha(d) broken their legs and others were climbing upon each other to get out.

15 on Page 62

16 Read the six statements in Exercise 1 and predict the content of listening.
Listen to the tape for the first time and check your predicted answers.

17 Listen to the tape again and tell whether they are true or false.
1. It is believed that on the surface of the earth are a number of plates. 2. The plates are always moving. 3. If the plates stop moving, there is an earthquake.

18 4. If the plates move, there is an earthquake.
5. Wherever you live, you are in an earthquake area. 6. China has two plates pushing on her and they make mountains and earthquakes.

19 Listen to Part 1 and answer these questions.
1 Why do earthquakes happen? Earthquakes happen when two moving plates jump and push against each other.

20 2 Why do California, China and Japan have a lot of earthquakes?
California, Japan and China have a lot of earthquakes because they are placed in areas where different plates meet.

21 Listen to Part 2 and complete the sentences.
1 Do not build _______________________ ______________. 2 Make sure you build _______________ __________________. houses along a line where two plates meet houses on rock rather than on sand

22 3 You must ________________________
__________. ______ buildings will fall down and ______ ones may ________. make the houses as strong as possible Weak strong stay up

23 on Page 66

24 Work in groups of four and discuss the best way to protect oneself if there was an earthquake. And talk about three things that you think are the most useful if an earthquake comes.


26 Listen to a dialogue between a teacher and her students and write down the three key words that they mentioned. _________________ drop cover hold

27 Listen to Part 1 again and write down the three things to do to keep safe if there is an earthquake.
My earthquake plan 1st thing I must do: __________________ __________________________________________________ I must drop to the floor and cover my head and neck with my arms.

28 2nd thing I must do: _________________
______________________________________________________________________ 3rd thing I must do: __________________ ______________________________________________________________ Make sure I hide under something like a table to protect myself from things falling on top of me. I must hold onto the furniture so it doesn’t move away from me during the earthquake.

29 Listen to Part 2 again and write down any other advice that you think is useful.
My earthquake advice If you are outside, you should _____________________________________________________________ keep away from power lines, trees, signs, cars and buildings.

30 If you are in the living room, you should ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you are in the house alone, you should __________________________________________________________________________________ make sure that the bookcases are tied to the wall and the TV set is tied to a table so that they can’t move. ring a family friend to tell them where you are and collect your personal earthquake bag.



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