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Presentation on theme: "BAGUIO CHAPTER BLOOD SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:


2 The National Blood Donation Program of the Department of Health in partnership with RED Cross was established to ensure adequate supply of safe blood and to promote and encourage voluntary blood donation by the citizenry. And to instill public consciousness of the principle that blood donation is a humanitarian act.

3 BACKGROUND It was 1994 when Rep. Act 7719 which is AN ACT PROMOTING VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION, PROVIDING FOR AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF SAFE BLOOD, REGULATING BLOOD BANKS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF regulated. This program was implemented since commercial blood bank was rampant and blood transfused is not safe.

4 Give the Gift of Life, donate blood – theme 2013

5 BLOOD…… Blood contains many life-saving components that can help to treat different illnesses and injuries. For many people, blood donors are their life-line. Blood is life…….

6 VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONOR one who donates blood on one's own volition or initiative and without monetary compensation;  willingness heart to give

7 BLOOD DONATION -occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used  for transfusions and/or made into biopharmaceutical medications by a process called fractionation (separation of whole-blood components). Donation may be of whole-blood (WB), or of specific components directly (the latter called apheresis).

help save the life of an accident victim  a patient with severe anemia person undergoing major surgery or even a newborn baby.  used to treat leukemia patients mother who gave birth looses blood

9 DONATION PROCESS: 1)Registration
Your personal particulars will be recorded and you will be asked to fill in a health assessment questionnaire.

10 2) Medical screening A doctor or nurse will ask you about your medical and social history to confirm that you are fit to make a donation, after which your weight, blood pressure, pulse and body temperature will be taken.

11 . 3) Blood test Your blood hemoglobin level will be checked to ensure that you can make a donation.

12 4) Blood donation Your arm will be cleaned, after which a local painkiller will be applied to ensure that you feel no pain during the donation

13 ITS SIMPLE AND SAFE….. 5) Refreshments
After the donation, you will be required to rest briefly and have some light refreshments before resuming normal activities.  ITS SIMPLE AND SAFE…..

14 Donating blood is an act of great human kindness
Donating blood is an act of great human kindness. Your blood can save the life of another person.

15 How often can we give blood?
For male donors – every 2months For females – every 3months

16 Who Can Donate? Male Female Old young age and 17 – we need parent or guardian consent physically fit to donate and they should be a regular donor

17 What to prepare before donation:
6 hours of sleep No alcohol intake for 12hrs Eaten breakfast, no fasting


19 Lets all be a part of this humanitarian act… you don’t need to be a doctor, a nurse, a medtech, a member of 911 to save life. Your blood is enough to save the life of those in need.

You will feel great knowing you are making difference You will meet donors and hear why they give blood. It may change your own You will become a part of a 130 yr old tradition of neighbors helping neighbors in need.



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