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The Lowest Animal Review

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1 The Lowest Animal Review

2 Purpose and methodology
What is the main idea of Twain’s essay? That humans are cruel, violent, dishonest, and shameful. Also that Darwin’s theory of the ascent of man should actually be the descent of man. How did he prove his thesis? He stated that he conducted painstaking experiments (not true) and he also described man’s reprehensible history of violence and cruelty. What was the purpose of expressing this idea? To make his readers aware of man’s true nature and to encourage people to change. What literary tool did Twain use to express his thesis? satire

3 Four Techniques of Satire
Humor Describing in such a way as to cause laughter Exaggeration Overstatement that draws attention or makes a point Absurdity Describing extreme situations that are impossible to take seriously Irony Saying the opposite of what is actually meant

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