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Making your writing more concise (and hopefully more precise!)

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Presentation on theme: "Making your writing more concise (and hopefully more precise!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making your writing more concise (and hopefully more precise!)
Negative Summary: Making your writing more concise (and hopefully more precise!)

2 Lengthy Abstract: Thermoelectric power was used to elucidate the electrical transport properties of aligned and randomly oriented carbon nanotube systems in the temperature range 77–450 K. A higher range of temperature is not necessary for understanding of the underlying transport and, furthermore, was not available to the authors. Thermoelectric power is traditionally viewed as the indication of the sign of the majority carrier in a system. This paper does not disagree with this view. Many other researchers from all over the world have investigated thermoelectric power in carbon nanotubes systems. A carbon nanotube is a cylindrical allotrope of carbon comprising sp2–bonded carbon atoms on a hexagonal network. There is currently no agreed value for thermoelectric power for a carbon nanotube network and no explanation of the thermal current generation mechanism. Here we attempt to address this problem by investigating the effect various degrees of randomness in a nanotube network. Randomness is an expression of the degree of disorder. A weakly negative thermoelectric power, comparable with that of a graphite flake, was observed for a macroscopic bundle of multiwall carbon nanotubes with individual axes aligned parallel to the main axis, which is defined by the temperature gradient. However, mats of randomly oriented multiwall carbon nanotubes gave a strongly positive thermoelectric power, as did mats of single-wall nanotubes. This observation begs the question: why? This is evidence of the importance of inter-tube contacts in the interpretation of the thermoelectric power data for carbon nanotube systems. Models for thermoelectric power behaviour incorporating contact effects are described. The paper concludes with a statement of the significance of all experimental outcomes. (265 words)

3 Original Abstract Thermoelectric power was used to elucidate the electrical transport properties of aligned and randomly oriented carbon nanotube systems in the temperature range 77–450 K. A weakly negative thermoelectric power, comparable with that of a graphite flake, was observed for a macroscopic bundle of multiwall carbon nanotubes with individual axes aligned parallel to the main axis. However, mats of randomly oriented multiwall carbon nanotubes gave a strongly positive thermoelectric power, as did mats of single-wall nanotubes. This is evidence of the importance of intertube contacts in the interpretation of the thermoelectric power data for carbon nanotube systems. Models for thermoelectric power behaviour incorporating contact effects are described. (107 words)

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