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Carbon monoxide from shortwave infrared measurements of TROPOMI: Algorithm, Product and Plans Jochen Landgraf, Ilse Aben, Otto Hasekamp, Tobias Borsdorff,

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon monoxide from shortwave infrared measurements of TROPOMI: Algorithm, Product and Plans Jochen Landgraf, Ilse Aben, Otto Hasekamp, Tobias Borsdorff,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon monoxide from shortwave infrared measurements of TROPOMI: Algorithm, Product and Plans
Jochen Landgraf, Ilse Aben, Otto Hasekamp, Tobias Borsdorff, Haili  Hu, Joost aan de Brugh

2 The TROPOMI instrument
SWIR-3 channel Assembled TROPOMI instrument Because of innovative immerse grating technology , the SWIR-3 channel has only a volume of 5 liters.

3 The 2.3 μm spectral range Spectral range contains information on:
Water HDO Methane Carbon monoxide Quality requirement for operational data product: CO: 10 % precision / 15 % accuracy CH4: 1 % precision / 1 % bias

4 Level 1 data product (2:15 hr after sensing)
Data streams Level 1 data product (2:15 hr after sensing) Near real time NRT Offline OFL scientific 45 min after L1 2 weeks after NRT SURFsara CO CH4 CO CH4, CO, HDO/H2O Level 2 data product

5 The 2.3 μm spectral range Quality requirement for operational data product: CO: 10 % precision / 15 % accuracy CH4: 1 % precision / 1 % bias The design of the algorithms is driven by a trade-off between TROPOMI L2 data coverage and the required accuracy. Different algorithms (SICOR for CO and RemoTeC for CH4) Different data coverage (70 % versus 3 %) Different accuracies

6 Physics based retrieval approach
Light path can be shortened or enhanced due to atmospheric scattering. A physics based retrieval aims to infer information an trace gases and atmospheric scattering simultaneously from the measurement. Both, the operational CH4 and CO retrieval are based on this principle, which makes the algorithm numerically demanding. 28/06/2015

7 CO data coverage No useable signal for clear-sky scenes over ocean (except in glint geometry). To improve coverage, we have to consider cloudy observations as well, filtering on low altitude water clouds. Mean SNR of SCIAMACHY 2.3 μm clear sky measurements

8 Operational CO algorithm: SICOR
Band 1: nm non-scattering retrieval, difference between retrieved CH4 and a priori knowledge used to filter on high and optically thick clouds Band 2: nm remaining atmospheric scattering is described by a triangular height distribution. Fit parameters: CO, H2O, scattering optical depth and scattering layer height, using a priori CH4. Retrieval uses a two stream RTM. Processing time: 0.15 seconds per ground pixel Reference: Gloudemans et al., 2009 / Vidot et al., 2012, Borsdorff et al., 2014, 2015 Landgraf et al., 2016

9 SICOR: CO data product for cloudy atmosphere
Estimate retrieval performance from simulated measurements CO mean bias: 1.6 % Standard deviation: 2.3 %

10 Cloud retrieval from CH4 absorption features (1)
Two stream solver is one of the most simple RT solver accounting for multiple scattering but it introduces forward model errors to the retrieval. So, the retrieved cloud parameters allow to describe the CH4 absorption well but introduces an bias for CO with a different vertical distribution

11 Cloud retrieval from CH4 absorption features (2)
Additionally errors are introduced by wrong CH4 a priori knowledge (XCH4 from TM5-NOAA of previous year, air mass and water from ECMWF forecast). Overall 3 % CH4 uncertainty 3 % CO uncertainty depending on profile Difference between CH4 total column dry air mixing ratios from TM5-NOAA simulations and GOSAT retrievals for the period June 2009 to December 2012.

12 TROPOMI orbit ensemble (1)
Orbit ensemble of simulated measurements with resampled MODIS cloud data to TROPOMI pixel size cloud fraction cloud optical depth cloud top height

13 TROPOMI orbit ensemble (2)
MODIS surface albedo Calypso cirrus optical depth

14 TROPOMI orbit ensemble – CO column
Biomass burning event central Africa Overall very good precision Small biases with some outliers <8% due to simple cloud model

15 CO Bias Probability Density Function
CO mean bias: 0.9 % CO standard deviation: 1.1 % Only very weak dependence of the CO bias on cloud occurrences clear sky cloudy

16 SCIAMACHY heritage 10 years of SCIAMACHY CO total column, Borsdorff, T., et al., 2016 (in preparation)

17 SRON Plans Validation and algorithm improvement
TCCON, IAGOS for validation NIR-SWIR combination (to use O2 A band instead of CH4 for cloud retrieval) Combining cloudy and clear sky measurements to retrieve height information TIR-SWIR combination Small case studies to demonstrate the use of the CO data product in close collaboration with modelers.

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