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Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

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Presentation on theme: "Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences
Sentence Structure Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

2 Subjects/Predicates Subject-who is performing the action?
Predicate-what are they doing? The angry dog chewed on his bone. For her birthday, the silly child is going to Chuck E. Cheese. The flower is beautiful.

3 Clauses independent clause-expresses a complete thought; has a subject and verb Subordinate/dependent clause-does not express a complete thought; has a subject and verb Example: After I finished studying, I went to the movies.

4 Simple Sentences 1 ind. clause and 0 sub. clause
A simple sentence may have a compound subject, compound predicate (verb), or both. Examples: Stephanie and Kate love shopping. Adam caught the ball but then dropped it. Trent and Cameron researched their topics and wrote persuasive papers.

5 Compound Sentences 2 or more ind. Cl. but no sub. cl.
Ind. clauses usually joined by a coordinating conjunction(FANBOYS) or semicolon. Example: Mrs. Bisanz teaches math, but Mrs. Lindgren teaches language arts.

6 Complex Sentences 1 ind. clause and at least 1 sub. clause. Steps to follow: Circle the FANBOYS and semi-colons. Cross out prepositional phrases. Label verbs (v). Label subjects (s). Put [brackets] around subordinate clauses.

7 Adjective Clause Dependent clauses that follow the nouns or pronouns that they modify Often begin with: That, which, who, whom, whose

8 Adverb Clause A dependent clause that is used as an adverb
What is it describing? Begin with subordinating conjunctions such as… after although as as if because Before if where Since than though unless Until when whenever while

9 Complex Sentence-Practice
When I watch Jersey Shore, I feel old. Some of the contestants who took part in American Idol were from Atlanta.

10 Compound-Complex 2 or more ind.clauses and at least 1 sub. clause.
Christy began playing soccer only two years ago, but already her team has qualified for the national championship that will take place next month.

11 Compound-Complex-Practice
I have read several novels in which the main characters are animals, but the novel I like best is Charlotte’s Web. When Max left the house, he locked the door, but he forgot his homework on his desk.

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