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The Magi: Coming from Afar

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1 The Magi: Coming from Afar
Matthew 2:1-12 p.890 Sunday December 14, 2014

2 Introduction Christmas – my favourite time of year
Mostly because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christ-child This is a controversial story Today’s scripture: two ways to respond

3 The Magi’s Quest Magi – wise men; studied the stars to understand what was happening on earth Would have known about Jewish promise of an anointed saviour-king (Messiah, Christ) Noticed a peculiar star and determined this star indicated the coming of the anointed one God spoke to them through their skills, talents, interests A star!

4 The Magi’s Quest The discovery of the star set the Magi on a quest to find the newborn King of the Jews Weeks or months of preparation for the quest Travel plans, guards, attendants, expensive A very intentional quest Months later, they arrive in Jerusalem (the center of the Jewish faith) Ask “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (2:2) Religious leaders answered… Bethlehem (Micah 5:2,4) They continued on their quest to Bethlehem

5 Herod’s Quest Herod was disturbed / troubled / afraid by the Magi’s quest His title was King of the Jews! Was fearful that the Magi were announcing the birth of his replacement His response was to stick to his own quest for: Self-protection, self-preservation, power, control

6 Herod’s Quest Herod was cunning – gives the Magi info about where to go next (Bethlehem) 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” (2:7-8) Herod faked a desire to worship the Christ-child He was a ruthless man, killed three of his sons and one of his wives

7 Herod’s Quest “All of Jerusalem” (2:3) was troubled as well
Because their power was threatened if Herod’s power was threatened Or because they knew that when Herod was afraid, danger follows Herod wanted to destroy not worship the Christ-child (more on this during next week’s sermon) Herod and “all Jerusalem” had the opportunity to join the Magi on their quest But they did not. They stuck to their own quest for power and control.

8 Magi’s Response Worship & Offering (2:11) They had finally arrived!
“They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures [resources] and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.“ They had finally arrived! They worshiped, adored, offered everything They reached the end of their quest! Or…

9 Magi’s Response … Was it the beginning of a new quest?
2:12 “they returned to their country by another route” (NIV) or “by another way” (NASB) They took a different travel route to avoid Herod Would have been troublesome with their large team Long detours, danger for disobeying Herod, who had large military presence in the area One encounter with Christ-child  big life change for Magi They went home in a truly new way Lives oriented towards God

10 Our Quest Last week at UC: Big flood, power outages, lots of trouble
Why do these things happen? Why last week just before the Children’s Choir concert? A community ministry of UC – designed to meet the needs of and bless the neighbourhood, and to build meaningful relationships

11 Our Quest We are all on a quest
Can be unintentional and not meaningful or antithetical to what we believe Can be unhealthy and not God’s will for our lives I’ve been asking myself these questions: Are we on a quest which God has set out for us? Is our goal encounter with the Christ-child and returning home ‘another way’? Or are we on a quest of our design?

12 Our Quest Maybe these building crises are a reminder of who is in control Maybe they are our “star” Maybe God is calling us to… Give up our agendas for His Re-prioritize our lives towards Loving Christ & Serving the World Invest more of our selves, resources, treasures into the quest to be His radical transformative presence right here. Right now.

13 Our Quest The choice is ours…
Will we move in closer to God Or will we remain afar? Will we allow an encounter with the Christ-child to transform us and send us home a different way? Or will we cling to our own agendas and ways? Let us do as the Magi did and follow the star! And be changed by the Christ-child today!

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