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A&O : ML team University Paris XI

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Presentation on theme: "A&O : ML team University Paris XI"— Presentation transcript:

1 A&O : ML team University Paris XI
M2 project AI and Bridge Véronique Ventos A&O : ML team University Paris XI

2 Common vision of bridge

3 Some links (french FFB : interactive)
English : (Wikipedia)

4 Bridge in 2016

5 World bridge Games 2016

6 Bridge in 2016

7 The game of Bridge

8 Duplicate

9 Incomplete Information

10 Incomplete information

11 Incomplete information

12 Challenge Bridge : new real challenge for AI
Our intuition : reconciliation of the two AI paradigms  (symbolic and numeric)

13 Advantages Rules are simple and broadly known
Sequential and easily modelisable Incremental scoring Huge amount of data in standard format (need an expertise depending on the task) Low Factor chance No real time

14 Difficulties Incomplete Information 4 players and 2 teams
Different kind of Reasonings Need of explanation Psychologic factors Human expertise is not enough Long adaptation according to a new partner

15 Main goal Hybrid architecture combining modules from different paradigms with: different levels of representation use or learn a knowledge domain collaborative composants Agent(s) ?

16 Incomplete list Reinforcement Learning Probabilistic Programming
Planning in MDP POMDP Deep Learning (Recurrent Networks) Text mining Case based reasoning

17 Go and Alpha Go Go = deep mind challenge
In march 2016, alphaGo won 4 to 1 against a professional top Go player Lee Sedol without handicaps.

18 Courtesy of Olivier Teytaud

19 Computer bridge Communauty born more than 40 years ago
Bridge robots : far from best human players (quite similar to go programs in 2005) Partition search, Monte-Carlo simulations

20 Boosting Adaptation to bridge of a recent method using for boosting game AIs (Teytaud et al., 2014), (Cazenave et al. , 2016) by seeking a random seed better than the others on a particular game The AI bridge Wbridge5 developed by Yves Costel has been boosted with the best seed found on the outcome of these experiments


22 Gain = +0.1 imps/board Boosted Wbridge5 won the world championship bridge robots in September 2016 with +6 imps on 64 boards

23 Results

24 AI winter is not coming (back):)

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