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ECE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits

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1 ECE 1270: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Lecture 13: Operational Amplifiers Part 2 Chapter 5 The Operational Amplifiers Sections

2 Operational Amplifiers
Pin Diagram Positive Power Supply Negative Power Supply

3 OpAmp Characteristics
vp vo + vn - An Ideal Op amp has infinite open-loop gain, infinite input resistance and zero output resistance When Op amp is connected in the circuit... For an ideal OpAmp vp = vn (voltages at positive input terminal and negative input terminal are equal to each other) ip= in = 0 (currents entering the positive and negative input terminals are zero) vp ip vo vn in

4 Op-Amp Configurations
1) Inverting Amplifier 2) Non-inverting Amplifier 3) Voltage Follower (or buffer) 4) Summing Amplifier 5) Difference Amplifier

5 Non-inverting Amplifier
1) Output and Input signals have same polarity (0 ° phase shift) 2) Non-inverting Amplifier provides positive voltage gain

6 AP 5.4 (Use the formula) a) Find the output voltage when Rx=60 kΩ
b) How large can Rx be before saturation

7 Voltage Follower (Buffer)
Suppose Rg=Rf=0 (short), Rs=Inifinite (open) Circuit becomes voltage follower, e.g. vo=vi Q: Why should we use a voltage follower (Gain=1)?

8 Summing Amplifier A Summing Amplifier combines several inputs and outputs the weighted sum of the inputs

9 Summing Amplifier: Application
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) Q: Why do we use DAC?

10 p5.17: Design of a Summing Amp
Va Vb Vc Vd Ra Rb Rc Rd Design the Summing Amplifier so that

11 Difference (Differential) Amplifier
Differential Amp rejects Common-mode signal (noise or DC) If Ra/Rb=Rc/Rd (same ratio) then... A Difference (Differential) Amplifier amplifies the difference between two input signals but rejects signals common to the inputs

12 Differential Amplifier: Application
Instrumentation Amplifer (IA) An Instrumentation Amplifier (IA) is used for precise measurement and amplification with noise reduction in sensors and data acquisition systems

13 AP5.5a: Differential Amplifier
Find range of Va that results in linear operation (avoids saturation) Use Eq (5.22) (because Ra/Rb ≠ Rc/Rd )

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