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The Annual Exam in Asymptomatic Adults

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1 The Annual Exam in Asymptomatic Adults
Elizabeth “Ellie” Richardson, MSIII UNMSOM

2 45 year old woman with an insignificant past medical history and A family history significant for hypertension presents to clinic for her annual exam. Last PaP smear was 3 years ago with no significant findings and Negative for HPV. What should be done during her annual physical exam appointment if she has no complaints or concerns? Clinical Case


4 PICO Patient- Asymptomatic Adults
Intervention- review Annual physical exam components and associated frequencies. Create an EB recommendation for providers. Comparison- Standard Annual PE exams. Outcome- Reduced healthcare costs such as unnecessary visits and possible unneeded diagnostic tests; improve patient outcomes PICO

5 MeSH terms: Adult; Diagnostic tests, Routine; Humans; Middle aged; Physical Examination Key words: Body temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, auscultation [abdomen, peripheral pulse, lymph node, spleen, liver], digital rectal examination, pulse, hearing tests, breast examination, lung percussion, muscle stretch reflex, and terms for routine Physical Examination MESH Terms

6 1940’s Routine annual comprehensive physical examinations became a part of American medical practice
1980’s AMA, ACP, USPSTF, and Canadian task force recommended a focused annual physical examination on preventative clinical health outcomes Tremendous support from physicians and patients of an annual physical exam` Physicians endorse the annual pe for reasons such as building rapport with patients, satisfy patients’ expectations, fear of malpractice litigation, and compensation. (Frame 1995, Prochazka ) American Adults showed a 90% endorsement for the annual physical exam according to a 2002 study. (Oboler 2002) Background

7 Purpose- ”Determine whether the routine annual physical examination results in improved outcomes for asymptomatic adults.” Objective- Primary: to evaluate the Value of Routine annual PE. Secondary: If a specific visit increases the likelihood that patients will receive preventive services. Study design- primary: Reviewed USPTF recommendations; Systematic reviews, computerized literature review- MEDLINE, and JAMA articles Purpose: Objective: Do not include screening and preventive interventions, PE to further explore pt’s concerns, or PE to meet insurance, disability, employment or sports requirements. Primary- What components are recommended by high quality EB guidelines or reports. Study Design: Primary: “USPSTF to recommend a service the benefits of the service must outweigh the harms.” USPTF focuses on clinical preventive services not just the identification of the disease. Systematic review- Obler and LaForce reviewed medical literature from ; 1988 to current literature search Medline, Reviewed 53 chapters of The Rational Clinical Examination, compilation of articles from JAMA. Secondary: Boulware 2007, Update to current Medline Description of Study

8 Population studied-English speaking, Asymptomatic adult patients
Study Questions-Frequency of physical exams, Efficacy of physical exam components Conclusion- 1. Comprehensive routine annual pE are not recommended for the asymptomatic adult. Components of PE for the asymptomatic adult include: BP screening every 1-2 years, Periodic measurement of BMI, Pap smears (USPTF criteria) 2. Some evidence indicating a specific visit for preventive services may increase the likelihood of PAP smears, cholesterol screening, and FOBT Purpose: Objective: Do not include screening and preventive interventions, PE to further explore pt’s concerns, or PE to meet insurance, disability, employment or sports requirements. Primary- What components are recommended by high quality EB guidelines or reports. Study Design: Primary: “USPSTF to recommend a service the benefits of the service must outweigh the harms.” USPTF focuses on clinical preventive services not just the identification of the disease. Systematic review- Obler and LaForce reviewed medical literature from ; 1988 to current literature search Medline, Reviewed 53 chapters of The Rational Clinical Examination, compilation of articles from JAMA. Secondary: Boulware 2007, Update to current Medline Description of Study

9 The review addresses a sensible question because annual Physical exams are routinely scheduled
Search for studies appeared to be exhaustive Primary objective included 11 references Secondary Objective included a robust Systematic review Comprehensively assessed risk of bias in primary studieS. Bias of primary studies carries over; did not directly evaluate specialty society recommendations, however, Each component of the PE was linked to a specific purpose Results were clinically applicable and the authors provided a recommendation to providers - Secondary Critical Appraisal

10 Discussion The study design was appropriate for the clinical question
Cons: Selective inclusion of English speaking adults. Did not assess other groups in the united states such as immigrants, refugees, Asylees, and non- english speakers Pros: Large Diverse sample size Pros of intervention- improve patients outcomes, EB recommendation of an annual physical exam Cons of intervention- ‘Intangible’ benefits of the pE or ‘laying on of hands’ in the strengthening Rapport with patients I found this to be clinically relevant because of the frequency of annual physical exam appointments Before implementing this intervention I would like additional EB information of the frequency of patients that are lost to follow-up because of the decreased frequency of annual check-ins and hospitalization rates in patients with this implemented intervention Discussion

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