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Do Now! 3 sentences How were your snow days? What did you do?

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1 Do Now! 3 sentences How were your snow days? What did you do?
HW: Advanced: “The Hangman” and questions Academic: finish chapter 3 & “The Hangman” and questions

2 Let’s Discuss… What would you do??
Your family is having a delicious picnic in the park. A homeless man who appears harmless enough comes up to you and asks if you can spare some food… Help/Do Not Help

3 What would you do?? Your family is having a delicious picnic in the park. A homeless man who appears mentally unbalanced comes up to you and asks if you can spare some food… Help/Do Not Help

4 What would you do??? Your family is having a picnic in the park. At this picnic, your parents tell you that they have both lost their jobs, and they don’t know how long they can support the style of living to which you are accustomed ….at that moment, a homeless man comes up and asks if you can spare some food…. Help/Do Not Help

5 What would you do? Your parents have been out of work for months…they scrounge up what little food you have and you all go to the park to try to enjoy yourselves with your meager portions…at that moment a homeless man comes up to you and asks if you can spare some food… Help/Do Not Help

6 What would you do?? Your parents have been out of work for a year. You haven’t been able to sleep properly because your heat has been turned off due to the inability to pay the bill. You and your family have not had much to eat in the past week. You are able to scrounge up enough money to buy a loaf of bread for your family. You are walking home by yourself at night and at that moment a homeless man comes up to you and asks if you can spare some food… Help/Do Not Help

7 Self-Preservation the protection of oneself from harm or death, esp. regarded as a basic instinct in human beings and animals.

8 Denial/False Hope What is denial?
What role is it playing in the lives of the people of Sighet?

9 Rhetorical Questions What are they? Why do we use them?

10 Chapter One Part Two: Placed in a ghetto and then transported
How do the people in the town react? Police are no longer nice.

11 Chances to Escape #1: move to Palestine #2: (page 14) #3: (page 20)

12 Waiting for Transport What’s the town’s attitude? What’s waiting like?
Elie’s father? Mother? Sister?

13 As people left… The town began to forget that the people who were transported existed… WHY?

14 Page 19 “‘Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!’ the Hungarian police were screaming. That was when I began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today. They were our first oppressors. They were the first face of hell and death. They ordered us to run. We began to run. Who would have thought that we were so strong?”

15 The Synagogue to the Train
What was it like? How do we see dehumanization?

16 Night Chapter 2 Dehumanization Animal-like:

17 Mrs. Shcacter Who is she? What does she do? Why?
How do the people react?

18 Mrs. Schacter is Foreshadowing…

19 Learning of Auschwitz Final destination Conditions were good
We would not leave our families Young work in factories Old work in fields “Our confidence soared”

20 Tall Chimneys What do they describe upon entering the camp?

21 “The Hangman” Follow along as I read: Diffident: shy Scaffold
Hemp: rope Gallows Buckshot eyes: lead eyes Usurer: a person who lends money at unreasonably high rates of interest. Infidel: a person who does not believe in a religion that someone regards as the true religion

22 With your Table Answer the questions provided On back:
Statement by Martin Niemöller: ( ) a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps Answer this question at the bottom of the statement: How does his statement connect to “The Hangman”? How does it connect to self-preservation? To the Holocaust?

23 The Author’s Note Why does he say he wrote this book initially?
Why did he write this book? What is his purpose?

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