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S2 Investigation The Nazi Holocaust.

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Presentation on theme: "S2 Investigation The Nazi Holocaust."— Presentation transcript:

1 S2 Investigation The Nazi Holocaust

2 The Holocaust – an investigation
You will have the chance to use a variety of different sources e.g. TV, books, internet & booklets. This project should be completed in your jotters by the deadline given by your teacher.

3 key instructions: Use the instruction sheet in class to build your investigation. This highlights the four main area’s: 1) The Nazi Camps 2) Killing the Victims 3) Schlomo – A Survivor 4) Anne Frank

4 Remember your 5th section (free choice)!
You must research a fifth section that has something to do with World War Two e.g. weapons, Hitler, Planes, family history etc.

5 Use your workbooks carefully – they will help.
Your teacher will now explain exactly how you use these: Instruction sheets Nazi Germany class workbook The Holocaust class text book

6 Make your investigation as detailed as you can!
Complete in your jotter with as much detail as possible. Back of jotter for notes/ front for project! Complete 5 sections & a cover page & contents page. To be completed in class and for homework! Remember to hand it in at the end of the lesson on…?

7 2S? Your project is due in at the end of class on _____ __th ________ 20__!

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