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Culture, Education and Sport Department of Kaunas Region Municipality

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1 Culture, Education and Sport Department of Kaunas Region Municipality
The head Irena Marcinkevičienė


3 Governance of schooling
The structure of governance in Lithuania is discharged at three key levels: by the Ministry of Education and Science; through the 60 municipalities; and at the level of the individual school. Municipalities in Lithuania play a key role in overseeing the provision of education within their areas.

4 Municipalities Municipalities also carry specific responsibility for the education of children with special education needs and for the provision of other education-related services including transport, catering, informal education and professional development and other support for teachers.

5 Kaunas District Municipality
KAUNO RAJONO SAVIVALDYBĖ Territory: 1496 km2; Municipality consists from: 25 elderships, where are in total 371 villages, 9 boroughs and 3 towns Population – 91 thousand, one of the most densely populated areas of Lithuania

6 The Department Culture, Education and Sport – a structural part of Kaunas District Municipality
Administration is responsible for implementation of State and Regional policy. The Department supervises, analyses, evaluates the state of the regional education, culture, sport and takes the decisions about the improvement of the situation regarding better quality and results.   

7 Structure Culture,Education and Sports Department Culture Education
Economy Finance Educational Center Library

8 Types of educational institutions, the number of pupils 2015-09-01
Number of institutions The number of pupils Number of pupils in pre-school education Kindergartens 19 (+4 private) 2012 Multifunctional center 1 79 Infant schools 3 304 200 Primary schools 226 100 Progymnasium 1188 - Basic schools 10 1719 313 Gymnasiums 12 5484 129 Non-formal education schools (about 1600) Sanatorium schools 2 varies A total 52 (+4) 8921 2833 Savivaldybės ugdymo įstaigose mokysis mokinių ir vaikų, iš jų apie 800 (pernai 254) priešmokyklinio ir 2033 ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikai. Pirmoje klasėje mokosi 888 mokinukai (pernai mokėsi 776). Nuo Kauno rajono ugdymo įstaigose dirbs 1318 pedagogų. Over students attend schools, 115 leaders and 1300 teachers work at 52 schools.

9 Gymnasium 12 Division 6 Progymnasiusm 1 Basic schools 10 Division 4
Kauno rajone bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų tinklas išdėstytas racionaliai, siekiant išsaugoti mažam vaikui mokyklą kuo arčiau namų. Division 4 Primary school 1 Infant schools 3

10 Changes in the number of students 2008-2015 and forecasts

11 Performance Comparison of standardized tests, 4 years
O ką apie mūsų mokinių pasiekimus sako standartizuotų testų duomenų analizė? Tarptautiniai mokymosi pasiekimų tyrimai rodo, kad Lietuvoje bendrasis ugdymas orientuotas į vidutinius daugumai mokinių pasiekiamus rezultatus To priežastys greičiausiai yra sisteminės - nepakankama mokytojų kompetencija, jų darbo (ne)vertinimas, metodinės pagalbos jiems stoka, nesistemingas ir nekryptingas kvalifikacijos tobulinimas, mokyklos nelankstumas keičiantis ugdymo reikalavimams, įvairūs mokytojo veiklos organizavimo ypatumai. Nors mūsų rajono mokinių rezultatai geresni nei Lietuvos vidurkis, matome tą pačią tendenciją. Šįmet aukštesniųjų pasiekimų sumažėjo , o nepasiektų patenkinamų padidėjo. Galbūt ir dėl to, kad mokytojai ima suprasti, jog ši duomenų analizė yra ne kažkam iš aukščiau, o informacija jiems patiems - mokinio pasiekimams analizuoti ir ieškoti būdų , kaip juos gerinti. Mes džiaugiamės, kad antrus metus dalyvaujame Standartizuotų testų tyrimuose ir galime daryti tam tikras išvadas. International learning outcomes research shows that Lithuania general education oriented to the average for most students achievable results

12 Performance Comparison of standardized tests, 8 years
Ateinančių metų uždavinys – analizuojant egzaminų rezultatus nustatyti priežastis, kas atsitinka, kad geri aštuntokų pasiekimai nekoreliuoja su valstybinių brandos egzaminų rezultatais, ir kodėl pagrindinių dalykų - lietuvių k., matematikos - brandos egzaminų rezultatai pastaraisiais metais gerokai atsilieka nuo šalies vidurkio (skirtingai nei artimiausių savivaldybių). 8th grade results in writing and especially in reading are significantly better than the national average.

13 1300 teachers work at Kaunas district schools

14 Age of teachers in Kaunas district schools 2015-2016

15 SL in Kaunas district schools 2015-2016
50 percent of SL are over 55 years

16 Schools The new Education Law makes clear
that “the quality of education shall be the responsibility of the education provider” (i.e. the school), the importance of self-governance at school level, the particular role of the school council as the highest self-governance body at school level.

According to the survey results: • school head leadership is a necessary prerequisite for the effective management of a modern school; • in the context of ongoing education reforms, a school leader can act as a transformational leader by setting the direction of school activities, engaging the school community, sharing their leadership.

18 The head of the school as a transformational leader
by setting the direction of school activities, expresses the belief in the importance of school vision, but in the development of the school’s vision not always involves others members of the school community or accepts the diversity of opinions;

19 The head of the school as a transformational leader
by enabling the school community, personally strives for success in school, but lacks the capacity to mobilize the school community in the overall planning and co-operation;

20 The head of the school as a transformational leader
by sharing leadership, encourages the professional development of the school community, but shares leadership very timidly with others and does not always pay attention to growing new leaders in the school.

21 The research of schools’ headmasters’ opinion (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, 2012)
The research showed that they are satisfied with the conditions of developing skills. The main problems are: the lack of motivation to improve skills, the lack of good lectors and money, inconsistency of the system. 

Good School – School seeking to make sense discovery and learning success, underlying its activities with community agreements and learning

23 Non formal education Galime pasidžiaugti, kad mokyklos išradingai pritaiko veiklą įvairių gabumų mokinių užimtumui.

24 Pupils' Council - the future leaders
Kaunas district student council kindness campaign "Open Heart" Elections to the Lithuanian pupils parliament Members of Lithuanian pupils parliament Džiaugiamės suaktyvėjusia Kauno rajono mokyklų ir mokinių tarybų veikla, Kauno rajono mokinių tarybų gerumo akcija “Atverkime širdis”, kurioje dalyvavo visos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos. Šiais metais bus organizuojama 3 mėnesių mokinių savanorystė penkiuose Kauno rajono senelių ir socialinės globos namuose. 2014 m. lapkričio 4d. Vyko Kauno rajono mokinių rinkimai į Lietuvos mokinių parlamentą. Rajono mokiniams atstovauti buvo išrinkti Lukrecija Antulytė iš Piliuonos vidurinės mokyklos ir Vilkijos gimnazijos mokinys Ignas Markevičius.  Džiugu, kad mūsų rajone įvairiais būdais ir priemonėmis ugdomas visuomeniškas, pilietiškas, kūrybingas ir atsakingas jaunimas. Councils meeting with Film and theater actor

25 We organize events to honor successful students
We organize sports events

26 Kaunas Region song and dance Festival

27 OECD Reviews of School Resources: Lithuania 2016

28 Strengths At national level the strategic importance of education is recognised There is distributed responsibility for governance, with a role for all principal actors Commitment to equity and evidence of some core efficiencies within the school system

29 Emerging culture of school evaluation for improvement
Increased national recognition and support for pre-primary education Investment to support the greater integration of students with special educational needs

30 Action for structural reform to the school network has helped to limit the decline in cost-effectiveness Clear national documentation with data, models and analytics to support school network reform Home to school transport arrangements are recognised as integral to school network reform

31 There is some evidence, at municipality level, of clear and decisive strategic leadership
There is evidence of innovative thinking in relation to some aspects of school network reform Revised funding mechanism to support non-formal education provision

32 Lithuanian education system
Compulsory Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Preprimary Primary Basic Gen. sec. University Nursery - kindergarten Gymnasium College Kindergarten Vocational education

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