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Baseball Rules.

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1 Baseball Rules

2 Rule 6 Pitching

3 NFHS Pitching Regulations
Remember the rules regarding: Pitchers uniform/glove Pitching to one batter Ambidextrous pitchers Dropped ball Warm-up Throws and Time Limits Throwing at Batter Tape, bandages, or other items on the fingers or palm of the pitching hand

4 NFHS Pitching Regulations
Two legal pitching positions Windup Set Position of the Feet determines the position being used When do pitching regulations begin (when is a pitcher a pitcher and not a fielder)? When he intentionally contacts the pitcher’s plate

5 NFHS Pitching Regulations
What is the “Time of the pitch” Defined as the moment that the Pitcher has committed himself to delivering the pitch to the batter Crucial for determining balks, certain base awards Different for windup and set position

6 NFHS Pitching Regulations
WINDUP Position of the hands Step onto the rubber with both hands at his side Step onto the rubber with one hand in front of his body Step onto the rubber with both hands together in front of his body Position of the feet Pivot foot is in contact with the pitcher’s plate Non-Pivot foot on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate

7 NFHS Pitching Regulations WINDUP

8 NFHS Pitching Regulations
WINDUP Allowable actions Step off with Pivot Foot Pitch Pumps or rotations Not more than 2 Foot movement (non-pivot foot) One step forward, sideways or one step backward and then forward Pitching motion Continuous without interruption or alteration from the “Time of Pitch”

9 NFHS Pitching Regulations
SET POSITION Position of the hands Pitching hand at his side or behind his back Gorilla Stance is legal, unless the arm is swinging The ball may be in either hand or glove Position of the Feet Entire pivot foot in contact with or directly in front of the pitcher’s plate Non-pivot foot if front of a line extending from the front edge of the pitcher’s plate

10 NFHS Pitching Regulations SET POSITION

11 NFHS Pitching Regulations SET POSITION

12 Illegal in Wind-up AND Set position
Hybrid Stance Illegal in Wind-up AND Set position

13 NFHS Pitching Regulations
SET POSITION Allowable actions Step off with the pivot foot Step and throw to a base Pitch Coming Set Must go from the stretch to the set position in one continuous motion Must come to a complete and discernable stop with the ball in both hands in front of the body with the glove at or below the chin Checking Runners Turning the shoulders to check a runner prior to the set is legal

14 NFHS Pitching Regulations
Balks – with runners on base Feinting toward first base Drops the ball & it doesn’t cross foul line Fails to step toward the base being thrown to Throws or feints to an unoccupied base Illegal Pitch Stops or hesitates in the delivery Removes hand from ball (other than in the act of pitching) Doesn’t pitch after entire non-pivot foot crosses back of pitching plate Makes pitching motion while off the plate Within 5 feet of the plate without the ball

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