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Obey and Honor our Parents

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1 Obey and Honor our Parents
Ephesians 6:1-3

2 We must cherish our parents!
Because God entrusted us to them. “Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” Proverbs 23:22 Our parents are our first lesson in authority, respect, and love…etc. Obeying our parents is the right thing to do. “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” Colossians 3:20

3 We must cherish our parents!
Because God entrusted us to them. Now if we didn’t have good parents then we need to cherish those who were like parents to us. He expects every parent to be the godly parent that He would have them to be, but some fail worse than others. “Treat people who make mistakes the way you would want God to deal with you when you make a mistake.” We do not have a license to disrespect them.

4 We must cherish our parents!
Because God entrusted us to them. Learning to respect and obey our parents is key to learning to respect and obey God. This idea of obeying and honoring our parents does not pertain just to small children. It is relevant to the day they die. We become independent, but they are always our parents and we are commanded to take care of their needs and take note of their advice/warnings.

5 We must cherish our parents!
Because they have sacrificed for us. Honor in Ephesians 6:2—includes the idea of caring for elderly parents along with the idea of outer behavior of obedience and attitudes that we hold on the inside.

6 We must cherish our parents!
Because they have sacrificed for us. “Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:32

7 We must cherish our parents!
Because they have sacrificed for us. “Give proper recognition (honor) to those widows who are really in need. But, if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.”—I Timothy 5:3-4

8 We must cherish our parents!
Because they have sacrifice for us. “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” I Timothy 5:8

9 We must cherish our parents!
Because they have sacrificed for us. Jesus dealt with the subject of those who would refuse to take care of their parents in their old age. Mark 7:1-23; Matthew 15:1-20 The practice of Corban refuted.

10 We must cherish our parents!
Because they are a vital part of the family unit and the church family. They should be respected for their wisdom and their years of service. “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” Proverbs 1:8 “Cursed is anyone who dishonors their father or mother. Then all the people shall say Amen!” Deuteronomy 27:16

11 We must cherish our parents!
Because they are a vital part of the family unit and the church family. Respect must be given to the old and the young, men and women. We must hold all generations in the church to be important. And show the proper respect to all members. The church needs to act as a godly family.

12 “Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.”

13 We must cherish our parents!
Time of decision, repentance and a call to action.

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