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What will I learn today? Title: Speech preparation

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1 What will I learn today? Title: Speech preparation
LO: To prepare a speech on political ideologies and extremism Knowledge: To know what a motivational speech involves To plan my speech Skills: To evaluate material to use in my speech Project: Political Ideologies. School: Chalfonts Community College, Buckinghamshire. Date: September 2016

2 Homework Complete your plan for your speech, ready to begin writing in tomorrow’s lesson.

3 ‘Extremism is never OK.’ OR ‘Extremism isn’t always evil.’
This will act as your assessment for this unit. It will not be graded but you will have feedback on the strength of your speech. You will be judged on: Your use of persuasive language Your knowledge and understanding of historical and current case studies (e.g. ISIS, Fidel Castro) The clarity of the range of points you make

4 What makes a good speech?
Watch the Emma Watson clip from the UN and think about: What is good about her speech? What could you improve about her speech? Are you motivated to join her campaign? Why/why not? If there were three top tips you gave yourself for speech writing, what would they be?

5 Planning Using the planning sheet provided to begin planning your speech. Don’t forget to use key terms from this unit! Freedom fighter Ideology Democracy Theocracy Dictatorship Extremist Violence Anarchy NOTE ALSO THAT YOUR INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION NEED TO BE STRONG. DON’T WAFFLE! THEY NEED TO BE BRIEF, PUNCHY PARAGRAPHS THAT CAPTURE THE LISTENNER.

6 What have I learnt today?
Stand on the right side of the room if you think ‘Extremism is never OK’ and on the left if you think that ‘Extremism isn’t always evil’. Be prepared to justify your position! Pick a few students to justify their position Project: Political Ideologies. School: Chalfonts Community College, Buckinghamshire. Date: September 2016

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