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Primary Care Support England

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Care Support England"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Care Support England
Service transformation

2 Our vision Transforming locally managed operations into a modern and efficient national customer-focused service.

3 Timescales for transformation
Jul 17 2018 Medical Records Performers Lists Ophthalmic Payments Market Entry GP Payments & Pensions Cervical Screening

4 Timescales for transformation
Medical Records Introducing a faster and safer way for moving medical records between practices or into storage, by using track and trace technology Jul 17 2018 Performers Lists Ophthalmic Payments Market Entry GP Payments & Pensions Cervical Screening

5 Timescales for transformation
Performers Lists Simple, online service for submitting and tracking performer list applications. Self-service function will enable performers to amend their own details via PCSE Online Jul 17 2018 Medical Records Ophthalmic Payments Market Entry GP Payments & Pensions Cervical Screening

6 Timescales for transformation
GP Payments & Pensions PCSE Online will provide a straightforward way to submit multiple claims, access pension information, look up payment statements and view expected payment dates. Jul 17 2018 Medical Records Cervical Screening Performers Lists Ophthalmic Payments Market Entry

7 Timescales for transformation
Cervical Screening Screening call/recall services will be accessed via PCSE Online. Functionality will be the same, but PCSE Online will have a different look and feel and be intuitive to use. Jul 17 2018 Medical Records Performers Lists Ophthalmic Payments Market Entry GP Payments & Pensions

8 Questions? Questions?

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