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Area By: Angie Eyring.

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1 Area By: Angie Eyring

2 Squares & Rectangles The area of a square follows a formula this formula is L x W L= length and w=width. For example if a a squares length is 2 and It’s width is 1 then the area is 2 because 2 times 1 is 2.

3 Circles A circle is different because it has no sides the formula changes also. The new formula becomes: pi times R squared. Pi= 3.14 and R is radius. And squared is you times the radius by itself.

4 Triangles Seeing the fact that 2 sides of the triangles are slanted and slanted lines are longer than the straight, this is another reason for the formula to change again. This new formula is ½ height times base. Because a triangle is ½ of a rectangle and not all is there. The height runs from the highest point to the base.

5 Trapezoids A trapezoid is a very weird shape. So the Formula follows along with that changing again. The two paralell lines are base 1 and base 2 , doesn’t matter which one. And the height is from one to two is that length. Times the two bases added together and you have your area.

6 The End BYE!

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