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Our Focus Our Focus is on comprehending

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Presentation on theme: "Our Focus Our Focus is on comprehending"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Focus Our Focus is on comprehending
What does this look like in our classrooms? It is shown by the actions (strategies) we use to build meaning. Our Outcome will be comprehension.

2 The 7 High Reliability Literacy Teaching Strategies
Getting Knowledge Ready Vocabulary Reading Aloud Paraphrasing Saying Questions the text answers Summarising Reviewing

3 They must be taught explicitly until the child automatises them.
What Do We Mean By Teaching Literacy? These strategies are not about learning to read they are about reading for learning Because Literacy allows you to convert written information into knowledge. They must be taught explicitly until the child automatises them. Research has shown that children with imagery knowledge only, won’t retrieve it as well. They need to have phonemic and contextual knowledge as well. (eg The word “can” )

4 Getting Knowledge Ready

5 Phase 1 -Preparation to Read Visualise and Organise
What may a rainforest look like? What would you see? What do you hear? What would you feel?

6 Teach Them To Visualise
Get them to talk about it. Put it into sentences orally first

7 When Visualising Ask Them
What do you think the text will tell you? What do you already know about this topic? Look at the picture on the cover, what details do you see? Ask them what they might see in 10 mins if this was a moving picture!

8 How Students Express It In Words and Sentences Orally
Students talk about what they visualise. Students think, pair and share. Students ask the questions they want answered by the text. After reading the text, students make connections with their own lives and share there written responses orally.

9 Phase 2: Organise Their Knowledge
Before reading the text Give a set of key words from text. Decode / Syllabilise Find Root words Write synonyms rainforest fertile cycle humidity ferns dense canopy tropical flora

10 Phase 3 – Bridging Their Prior Knowledge To The Text
Students look at the text they will be reading. They identify key features, such as sub-headings, illustrations. Suggested Activities include: Reading aloud the title and saying it in other ways. Suggest purposes for text and what they know, now having read it. Readers suggest a reading plan (e.g I will look at pictures, I will pause at the end of each paragraph and write down the main idea.)

11 Vocabulary

12 Vocabulary What does teaching vocabulary look like?
When you are teaching vocabulary to students you are teaching them to: Say key words accurately Spell and write key words Understand the meaning of these words How to work out the meanings of new words. See how new words can come from words they already know.

13 RAN – Rapid Automatic Naming Of Words
Students must use correct pronunciation Students must recognise letter clusters and be able to say the words rapidly. The more the students talk about their visual images the more the RAN increases. Students must do a physical action (e.g writing word lists) to increase the RAN.

14 Why? Because we want the new information acquired to transfer from Short Term to Long Term Memory
Ideas joined here Long term memory Short term memory space

15 When is Vocabulary in Memory
Students have stored vocabulary in memory when they can: Say what they think key words mean. Link words with what they know Create their own definitions. Visualise pictures of the words. Act out words.

16 How New Words Are Learnt
Say words that sound like it: Rime Main, pain, stain (speak, sing) To retain new Vocabulary (eg sustain) they must do 3 actions Look at spelling patterns ain, sus, stain (write it down, link it with (physical action) They are drawing information from 3 separate parts of the brain. To hold it in long term memory they must share it – e.g “This is what I have learnt.” Link with synonyms Last, keep going ,continue (Making connections)

17 The Link at CHPS What will this look like from Prep to Grade 6?
All Students will be able to name and use these strategies. Teachers will use common language. Teachers will use common frameworks when planning. Common frameworks begin at word level or even letter blend level if required. Then sentence level, conceptual (link in paragraphs) level, topic level then disposition


19 Primary discourse Acquire Cultural Assets Explicit Social practices
Decode Letter Clusters Syllabaries Small words in big words Make connections Acquire Cultural Assets Explicit Social practices Literate practices Automatic expertise Familiar discourses Justification Embodied language

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