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Lower bounds for approximate membership dynamic data structures

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1 Lower bounds for approximate membership dynamic data structures
Shachar Lovett IAS Ely Porat Bar-Ilan University Synergies in lower bounds, June 2011

2 Information theoretic lower bounds
Information theory is a powerful tool to prove lower bounds, e.g. in data structures Study size of data structure (unlimited access) Static d.s.: pure information theory Dynamic d.s.: communication game

3 Talk overview Approximate set membership problem
Bloom filters (simple near-optimal solution) Lower bounds – static case New dynamic lower bounds

4 Talk overview Approximate set membership problem
Bloom filters (simple near-optimal solution) Lower bounds – static case New dynamic lower bounds

5 Approximate set membership
Large universe U Represent subset S  U Query: is x  S? Data structure representing S approximately: If x  S: answer YES always If x  S: answer NO with high probability Why approximately? To save space U ~S S

6 Applications Storage (or communication) is costly, but a small false positive error can be tolerated Original applications (70’s): dictionaries, databases – Bloom filters Nowadays: mainly network applications

7 Talk overview Approximate set membership problem
Bloom filters (simple near-optimal solution) Lower bounds – static case New dynamic lower bounds

8 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
Bit array of length m

9 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
h(x1)=4 1 Bit array of length m

10 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
h(x2)=1 1 Bit array of length m

11 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
h(x3)=4 1 Bit array of length m

12 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Query: y  S? Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
Bit array of length m

13 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Query: y  S? Hash function h:U  {1,…,m}
h(y)=3 1 Bit array of length m

14 Bloom filters S={x1,x2,…,xn} Query: y  S? NO Hash function
h:U  {1,…,m} Query: y  S? NO h(y)=3 1 Bit array of length m

15 Bloom filters: analysis
hash S={x1,x2,…,xn} Query: y  S? If y  S: returns YES always If y  S: returns NO with probability Error ½: Error : (repetition) 1 Bit array of length m

16 Known bounds Upper bounds (e.g. algorithms) Lower bounds:
Bloom filter: Improvements: [Porat-Matthias’03, Arbitman-Naor-Segev’10] Lower bounds: information theoretic: Can be matched by static data structures [Charles-Chellapilla’08,Dietzfelbinger-Pagh’08,Porat’08] This work: dynamic d.s.

17 Talk overview Approximate set membership problem
Bloom filters (simple near-optimal solution) Lower bounds – static case New dynamic lower bounds

18 Static lower bounds Static settings: insert + query
Yao’s min-max principle: prove lower bound for deterministic data structure, randomized inputs Insert: x1,…,xn m bits Query: y

19 Static lower bounds Deterministic data structure: compression
Insert: x1,…,xn m bits Query: y Static lower bounds Deterministic data structure: compression maps all sets to a small family of sets Input: random set Accept set: Properties: Small memory: No false negatives: Few false positives: Optimal setting:

20 Static lower bounds Set S, Represented by Goal: show #A(S) large U
Insert: x1,…,xn m bits Query: y Static lower bounds U A(S) S Set S, Represented by Goal: show #A(S) large

21 Static lower bounds Properties: Assume that General case: convexity
Insert: x1,…,xn m bits Query: y Static lower bounds Properties: Assume that If then General case: convexity

22 Talk overview Approximate set membership problem
Bloom filters (simple near-optimal solution) Lower bounds – static case New dynamic lower bounds

23 Dynamic lower bounds Basic dynamic settings: two inserts + query
Break inputs to k, n-k chunks m bits m bits Insert: x1,…,xk Insert: xk+1,…,xn Query: y

24 Dynamic lower bounds Accepting sets: Properties:
Insert: x1,…,xk m bits Insert: xk+1,…,xn Query: y Dynamic lower bounds Accepting sets: Properties: General approach: analyze size of accepting sets Sets A(x1,…,xk) can’t be too small (covering) Sets A(A(x1,…,xk),xk+1,…,xn) can’t be too large (error) These yield the trivial lower bound again… 

25 Dynamic lower bounds Method of typical inputs On a typical input:
Insert: x1,…,xk m bits Insert: xk+1,…,xn Query: y Dynamic lower bounds Method of typical inputs On a typical input: A(x1,…,xk) not too small A(A(x1,…,xk),xk+1,…,xn) not too large Inputs uncorrelated with data structure: Yields an improved lower bound  (note: “typical” can be 1% of inputs)

26 Dynamic lower bounds Functional inequality:
Insert: x1,…,xk m bits Insert: xk+1,…,xn Query: y Dynamic lower bounds Functional inequality: Free parameter: k – how to break input Optimal choice: Extension: break input into more parts Doesn’t seem to help much

27 Summary THANK YOU! Approximate membership problem
Static algorithms match static information theoretic lower bound: This work: new dynamic information theoretic lower bound THANK YOU!

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