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CS3060 Beacon Module 13 Company Instructions/Setting Alerts

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1 CS3060 Beacon Module 13 Company Instructions/Setting Alerts
People and Technology Creating a Safer, Cleaner Environment Updated 6/13

2 Instructions Overview
Instructions are used to organize and clarify the information Instructions are used in a number of different applications Entry Locations may also be referred to as “Levels”: Understanding the proper location to input an instruction is as important as the instruction itself Company Level Instructions are saved against a specific WIN ID Contract Level Instructions are saved against a specific Win Web Contract Quote Level Instructions are saved against a specific quote number Sales Order Level Instructions are saved against a specific order and will only apply to that unique sales order Profile Level Instructions are saved against a specific waste profile and only apply to that unique profile Do NOT use instructions to define details that can be stored in specific data locations. Example: Customer recovery fee requirements should not be defined in billing instructions Instruction entries are reviewed daily by the Customer Master File Data Manager Instructions are used in a number of different applications. To organize and clarify the information, there are a number of Instruction types available for your use. The system List of Values or LOVS as we will refer to them moving forward have more selections available than should be used. Review the Instruction Matrix on the next slide carefully to make sure you understand which systems utilize the different instruction types. Displayed is a “use” and “print to” column for each Instruction Type. This demonstrates where a particular instruction type can be used and where the instruction automatically prints. * Edit Sheet is what the billers edit to produce an invoice, Pick up sheet is a document printed by the local office for distribution to the filed personnel assigned to execute the job and the Receiving Report is a document used by the receiving facility to record QC data for a waste shipment. The reference to Company Level refers to instructions saved against a specific WIN ID either through Beacon or directly in Win Web. The instructions can be either generator specific or customer specific. Manage company level instructions in terms of how we manage WIN Ids on orders, etc as defined by the Colink set-up in Beacon. Understanding the Hierarchy and proper location to input an instructions is as important as the instruction itself. The level where you enter a “bill” instruction, for example, would depend on what that “bill” instruction should be applied to ….if it applied to multiple WIN ID’s on a contract then the “bill” instruction would be entered at the “contract” level. If it applied to only 1 WIN ID then it would be entered at the “company” level, etc.

3 Specific Billing Instruction Types
Billing Instructions are categorized based on the type of service. BLAL: Billing Comments All Services BLAP: Apollo Billing Comments BLBK: Bulk Billing Comments BLCP: CleanPack Billing Comments BLDC: Drum and CleanPack Billing Comments BLDM: Drum Billing Comments BLER: Emergency Response Billing Comments BLFS: Field Service Billing Comments BLHW: HHW Billing Comments BLIM: Industrial Maintenance Billing Comments BLOI: Oil Billing Comments BLPP: PPM Billing Comments BLSP: Supply/Sale of Product Billing Comments

4 Instructions Matrix Here is the Instruction Matrix, it is helpful when determining the “level” and “type” of instruction to use. The Instruction types go from broad or “contract level” to very specific or “profile level”. Each instruction “type” can be used at certain levels. For example a “bill” instruction can be placed at any level while a SCHD or scheduling instruction can be placed at every level EXCEPT the Profile level (you can not add a scheduling pick up comment for a profile). * Next we will cover each Level of instruction as well as the instruction types used at each level.

5 Company Level Instructions Manage by all Beacon Users
Company instructions can be either generator specific or customer specific. Manage company level instructions in terms of how we manage WIN Ids on orders etc. as defined by the Colink set-up in Beacon. BL-Type: customer specific instructions used to identify specialty billing requirements that may apply based on the type of services provided. If an instruction applies to more than one customer code for a company then the user must either enter the same instruction against each WIN ID or utilize Contract Level Bill instructions. Billing instructions should not contradict pricing entries from any system. DIR: Direction Instructions are used to provide field personnel with proper truck route to the generator site where service is to be provided. The DIR Instructions print on the pickup sheets for any job created for that WIN ID as a business generating location. RES: Restriction Instructions are used to store descriptive restriction requirements that do not fit into the Restriction database. For example; Customer restricts landfill however, asbestos profile XYZ can be landfilled. RES instructions print on the Pickup Sheet for the field crew and on the Receiving Report for the facility receiving team. NOTE: RES instructions are only to be managed by the limited group of users who manage the restriction database. SCHD: Scheduling and pickup instructions are used to identify repeat scheduling requirements for a generator location. For example; “Fax all manifests to John Doe at (999) hours prior to pickup.” or “Box truck only. No tractor trailer access.” At the Company Level, there are 4 instruction types that can be used; BILL, DIR, RES and SCHD. Company Level instructions can be managed by any Beacon User with the exception of RES which we will discuss in a moment. * BILL instructions are specific to a single WIN ID and should be used to provide guidance to the biller on proper application of pricing to the customers’ invoice. DIR instruction will print on the pickup sheets for any job created for that WIN ID. Directions are used to provide field personnel with a route to the site where the service is being provided. RES instructions are used to store descriptive restriction requirements that do not fit into the Restriction database. RES instructions print on the Pickup sheet for the field crew and on the Receiving Report for the facility receiving team. All RES instructions are managed by a small group of users. Requests for RES Instructions to be added in the system should be sent to “RES_Forms” distribution list in Outlook. SCHD instructions are used to identify regular scheduling and pickup instructions that will print on the pick up sheet.

6 Accessing Instructions
Click the Add’l Info tab to access Company Instructions

7 Add’l Info Tab Click icon to view existing instructions or to expire/add instruction.

8 Add/Expire Instructions
Instructions should be reviewed to make sure there are no duplicates or instructions that contradict each other. If an existing instructions is no longer valid or needs to be changed the user should expire the instruction and add a new one.

9 Add/Expire Instructions
To add an Instruction select the instruction type from the drop down and then click .

10 Add Instruction Detail
In this example a SCHD instruction is being added to the account. Type the instruction in the box provided. Then click Insert.

11 Expire Instruction Detail
In this example a SCHD instruction is being expired from the account. Click on Expired to remove the instruction.

12 Contract Level Instructions Managed by Contract Pricing Team
Instructions are entered based on Contract and type of services provided. Instructions on a STND contract apply to T&D orders, BLCP apply to CP orders, BLFS on a BASE contract apply to FS orders and so on. BL - Types: Contract Level Billing instructions are meant to clarify billing requirements which will apply to all customers linked to the contract table. Billing instructions should not contradict pricing entries from any system but provide guidance on the proper application of pricing to invoices. QSPR: Used to document special pricing requirements that need to be reviewing during quote creation and approval. SCHD: Contract Level SCHD instructions rarely apply because multiple customers and their associated generator locations may be linked to the contract. SCHD instructions should be used primarily at the order, quote and company levels. * Contract Level instructions are the broadest form of instruction and they apply to multiple WIN Ids associated with a contract. Contract level instructions are entered based on contract type for example STND, CP, BASE, etc. ALL contract level instructions are managed by the contract pricing team and request(s)for contract level instructions should be send via to the Outlook distribution list contract pricing”. The two instruction types that can be added at the contract level include BILL and SCHD. Bill instructions are meant to clarify billing requirements which will apply to all customers linked to the contract table. BILL instructions should not contradict pricing entries from any system but provide guidance on the proper application of pricing to invoices. SCHD instructions rarely apply because multiple customers and their associated generator locations may be linked to the contract. SCHD instructions should be used primarily at the company, sales order and quote levels.

13 Contract Level Instructions
Contract level instructions are the broadest form of instruction and they apply to multiple WIN Ids associated with a contract. Contract level instructions are entered based on contract type for example STND, CP, BASE, etc. ALL contract level instructions are managed by the contract pricing team and request(s)for contract level instructions should be send via to the Outlook distribution list contract pricing”. To VIEW contract level instructions click on the “contract pricing” lower tab in Beacon. Next select the contract type that you would like to view instructions for (STND, CP, BASE, ETC). Next click on “Open Contract Instructions” that will display the contract level instructions associated with that contract. To VIEW contract level instructions click on the “contract pricing” lower tab in Beacon. Next select the contract type that you would like to view instructions for (STND, CP, BASE, ETC). Next click on “Open Contract Instructions” that will display the contract level instructions associated with that contract.

14 Contract Level Instructions
To VIEW contract level instructions click on the “contract pricing” lower tab in Beacon. Next select the contract type that you would like to view instructions for (STND, CP, BASE, ETC). Next click Instructions that will display the contract level instructions associated with that contract. To VIEW contract level instructions click on the “contract pricing” lower tab in Beacon. Next select the contract type that you would like to view instructions for (STND, CP, BASE, ETC). Next click on “Open Contract Instructions” that will display the contract level instructions associated with that contract.

15 Quote Level Instructions Managed by user creating the quote.
BL-Types: Used to clarify for the biller how to apply charges properly. Do NOT use Billing instructions to define a rate that is stored as part of the quote data. DIR: Not intended for regular use at the Quote Level. DIR should be at the Company Level for the applicable generator Win ID. Only specialty directions to execute those unique services quoted should be entered against the quote. QSPR: DO NOT print for the biller or on the quote for the customer. Used to outline special pricing requirements to be considered by person approving the quote. I.E. Competitive situation for large customer that may require low margin. SCHD: Prints on pickup sheet for service reps, dispatchers and driver to review. Used to identify special requirements for this quote only. I.E. Need 300ft of hose due to location of the tank. The next level of instruction is the Quote level. Instructions added at the quote level apply just to the quote being created. You can add BILL, DIR, SCHD to quotes. Additionally, instruction types that begin with a Q are displayed for the person reviewing the quote. Let’s discuss these Q level instructions in more detail. QDIS Instructions DO NOT print for the biller or on the quote for the customer. This instruction type is used to outline special disposal information to be taken into consideration by the person approving the quote. QSPR Instructions DO NOT print for the biller or on the quote for the customer. These are used to outline special pricing requirements to be considered by person approving the quote. I.E. Competitive situation for large customer that may require low margin. QTRA DO NOT print for the biller or on the quote for the customer. These are used to outline special transportation information that may impact quote approval

16 Sales Order Level Instructions Managed by user creating the sales order.
SCHD: Every sales order should have SCHD instructions defining the specific pickup requirements for the job. See the following slide to review SCHD requirements. Recurring needs should be entered at the Company level either against the customer code or generator code depending on applicability of the need. BL-types: Outline special billing requirements that apply for only that individual order. There are a few basic scenarios that will always require a Billing instruction entry on the sales order. Customers with COD credit terms must have an itemized list of charges input into the order level BILL instruction to ensure proper processing. Off milkrun pickups require a BILL instruction defining the increased trans rate to be applied to that job. Splitting transportation between multiple stops must be defined for the biller. Reference all applicable sales orders with the appropriate sell price to ensure proper billing. Customer providing their own transportation should be noted for the biller. DIR: Not intended for regular use at the Order Level. DIR should be at the Company Level for the applicable generator Win ID. Only specialty directions to execute the unique job should be entered against the order. Order level instructions are meant to define the basic service requirements to properly execute the job or to clarify any specialty billing needs that apply only to the individual job. Every sales order should have SCHD instructions defining the specific pickup requirements for the job. SCHD: Every sales order should have SCHD instructions defining the specific pickup requirements for the job. See the following slide to review SCHD requirements. Recurring needs should be entered at the Company level either against the customer code or generator code depending on applicability of the need. BILL: Outline special billing requirements that apply for only that individual order. There are a few basic scenarios that will always require a BILL instruction on the sales order. Customers with COD credit terms must have an itemized list of charges input into the order level BILL instruction to ensure proper processing. Off milkrun pickups require a BILL instruction defining the increased trans rate to be applied to that job. Splitting transportation between multiple stops must be defined for the biller. Reference all applicable sales orders with the appropriate sell price to ensure proper billing. Customer providing their own transportation should be noted for the biller. DIR: Not intended for regular use at the Order Level. DIR should be at the Company Level for the applicable generator Win ID. Only specialty directions to execute the unique job should be entered against the quote.

17 Sales Order Level Instructions
To access Order Level Instructions, click on the Order Instructions button. Functionality is similar to that in other applications. Use your drop down to choose the Instr Type to be viewed or entered. Use the button to create a new instruction. Sales Order Level Instructions can be accessed in the Sales Order Master and then clicking on the Order Instrns icon. * Next the Sales Order Instructions screen will be displayed. Entry of these instructions is the same as other instructions types.

18 Profile Level Instructions Managed by Central Profile
ALT: Alternate receiving code. When it is identified during the profile approval process that the waste may be received utilizing a waste classification code other than what is identified as the pre-code due to variations in the chemical composition. EX: FB1, alternate FB2 due to potential solids EXP: Profile expiration comments. When a profile is expired purposely by a member of Central Profile due to concerns raised after the initial approval. Appropriate comments will be entered in order to prevent the profile from being re-activated until the concerns are addressed HAND: Special Handling. If a waste streams deserves additional attention due to special handling, packaging requirements, routing or hazard communication, then appropriate comments are entered here. They print on the drivers pickup sheet, the plant receiving report and the plant inventory pick sheet INC: Incomplete profile comments. If a profile is identified as needing additional information from the field during the review/approval process, Central Profile will enter appropriate comments. These comments print on the nightly incomplete profile batch report INT: Internal Profile comments. Rarely used. Supports general internal (internal for use by Central Profile)notes regarding the profile LAB: Lab comments. Used by plant lab personnel to identify lab sample identification numbers. Rarely used by Central Profile PEND: Pending approval comments. Default notification to the field once a profile is created and submitted “pending signed profile” TREA: Treatment and handling. Similar to HAND comments. The information will be captured and print on the same documents, however, these comments are more specific to plant operations and handling Profile level instructions are the most specific level of Instruction and apply to specific profiles. These instructions are managed by the Central Profile Group or CPG. The instruction types that are used at this level include ALT, EXP, HAND, INC, INT, LAB, PEND and TREA * ALT: Instructions stands for Alternate receiving code. When it is identified during the profile approval process that the waste may be received utilizing a waste classification code other than what is identified as the pre-code due to variations in the chemical composition. EX: FB1, alternate FB2 due to potential solids EXP: Instructions stands for Profile expiration comments. When a profile is expired purposely by a member of Central Profile due to concerns raised after the initial approval. Appropriate comments will be entered in order to prevent the profile from being re-activated until the concerns are addressed HAND: Instructions stands for Special Handling. If a waste streams deserves additional attention due to special handling, packaging requirements, routing or hazard communication, then appropriate comments are entered here. They print on the drivers pickup sheet, the plant receiving report and the plant inventory pick sheet INC: Instructions stands for Incomplete profile comments. If a profile is identified as needing additional information from the field during the review/approval process, Central Profile will enter appropriate comments. These comments print on the nightly incomplete profile batch report INT: Instructions stands for Internal Profile comments. Rarely used. Supports general internal (internal for use by Central Profile) notes regarding the profile LAB: Instructions stands for Lab comments. Used by plant lab personnel to identify lab sample identification numbers. Rarely used by Central Profile PEND: Instructions stands for Pending approval comments. Default notification to the field once a profile is created and submitted “pending signed profile” TREA: Instructions stands for Treatment and handling. Similar to HAND comments. The information will be captured and print on the same documents, however, these comments are more specific to plant operations and handling

19 Profile Level Instructions
Profile instructions can be accessed in Beacon through the Instruction link in the profile listing. Profile level Instructions can be viewed on the Profile Tab. Pull up the WIN ID in Beacon they click on the profile tab. Next find the profile you would like to see the instructions for and click the Instructions link for that profile.

20 Alerts An alert will be displayed if added on the account in Beacon at either the Company level or the Corporate Account level. It is a pop-up that is displayed before you are able to view the PowerPage for the customer and contains important information about the account. Alerts like instructions can be placed at many levels in BEACON. Corporate level alerts apply to all accounts linked to the corporate account. Company level alerts apply to a specific WIN ID only. Alerts are pop-ups on accounts that are displayed before the user is brought to the PowerPage for the account requested. Alerts like instructions can be placed at many levels in BEACON. Corporate level alerts apply to all accounts linked to the corporate account. Company level alerts apply to a specific WIN ID only. Additionally, you can also set an alert for any incident (pipeline, call note and collection note). This is an example of a company level alert. If it was a corporate level alert it would say “corporate message” instead of “internal message”.

21 Alerts The is used to set Alerts. Alerts can be set on accounts, corporate accounts, pipelines, call notes and collection notes. The edit company screen is shown here. You can enter a company level or corporate account level alert from this screen. The exclamation point icon is used to set the alert. To add an alert at the company level click the exclamation point icon at the top right of the screen. * To add a Corporate level alert that will apply to any account linked to the corporate account click the exclamation point icon to the right of the Corporate account drop down box. If you want to set an alert for an incident, open the pipeline, call note or collection note and click the exclamation point within the incident and then enter the alert.

22 Alerts In clicking on the icon the following screen will be displayed. Type in the alert message that should be displayed. An expiration date can be entered, check the box and complete the date in MM/DD/YYYY format. In order for the information to be saved the save button must be hit. Once you click the exclamation point icon the following pop-up will appear. Type in the alert message you would like to add. If there is an expiration date for the alert click the check box and add the appropriate date of expiration. After that date the alert will automatically drop off the system. It is important to note that Alerts should not be used instead of instructions, call notes, or any place else that a message could be placed in the system. Optional: (This concludes the online training session for Instructions and Alerts, thank you for taking this module and if you have any questions please be sure to contact your training coordinator).

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