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EE 333 Exam 1 September 29, 2005 Answers Instructions Name Student ID

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Presentation on theme: "EE 333 Exam 1 September 29, 2005 Answers Instructions Name Student ID"— Presentation transcript:

1 EE 333 Exam 1 September 29, 2005 Answers Instructions Name Student ID
Seat Instructions Print your name, student ID, and seat in the above blanks. This is a Closed Book exam. Do all of the problems. They may vary in points but the total is 100. Questions are short answer and problems. Do not use any additional pages of paper. If you run out of room, use the back sides. Do not remove the staple. Please write clearly or print. Illegible or unreadable answers may not be graded for partial credit. Mark your answer with a box or star. 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 100 Lillevik 333f05-e1 University of Portland School of Engineering

2 Problem 1, (10 pts) Complete the table. Dec Bin Hex 10 0000 1010 0x a
20 0x 14 28 0x 1c 21 0x 15 13 0x d Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

3 Find the memory byte in hex.
Problem 2, (10 pts) Find the memory byte in hex. memory (hex) Address Contents 0x c 0x 23bd fffc 0x 0x 0x 0x a 0x 0x b Address Byte 0x 00 0x a 40 0x 14 0x b 0x 88 Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

4 MIPS machine language (decimal)
You may also use the following pseudo-instructions: la rdest, address lb rt, address sb rt, address Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

5 Problem 3, (10 pts) Match the instruction to the class.
B lw $s1, 100 ($s2) E beq $s1, $s2, 100 B sw $s1, 100 ($s2) A sub $s1, $s2, $s3 D j label A. Arithmetic and logic B. Memory reference C. Data Movement D. Jump E. Branch Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

6 Problem 4, (10 pts) Find the assembly instruction for: 0x ac82 0010
rs = 0x04 op = 0x2b = 43 rt = 0x2 immed = 0x0010 = 16 sw $rt, immed ($rs) sw $2, 16 ($r4) Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

7 Find the registers and immediate.
Problem 5, (10 pts) Instr = 0x 21ec fffc rs rt immed $15 5 32 add $12 0xfffc addi $12, $15, -4 Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

8 Problem 6, (15 pts) Write a program segment for tau = 4 * beta + pi
Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

9 One ALU device NOTE: Active low symbol provided Lillevik 480f05-a1
University of Portland School of Engineering

10 Problem 7, (15 pts) Design a 16-bit ALU. Lillevik 480f05-a1
University of Portland School of Engineering

11 Draw the traces for signals Sout and Pout
Problem 8, (10 pts) Draw the traces for signals Sout and Pout Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

12 setup = 10ns, hold=5ns, propagation=20ns, gate delay =10ns
Problem 9, (10 pts) A 16-bit computer is built entirely from the 7400LS logic family. Use only the following information to find the maximum clock frequency for the ideal case. Show units. setup = 10ns, hold=5ns, propagation=20ns, gate delay =10ns Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

13 Statistics Prob Std Ave 1/10 0.6 9.8 2/10 0.3 9.9 3/10 1.0 8.1 4/10
2.7 8.7 5/10 0.9 9.6 6/15 3.2 12.1 7/15 1.2 14.2 8/10 4.0 7.4 9/10 4.7 8.5 84.5 Lillevik 480f05-a1 University of Portland School of Engineering

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