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Certification Renewal Revealed: An Insider’s Guide to ILNA
Cyndi Miller Murphy MSN RN CAE Executive Director Good morning and welcome. Thank you for coming to this session about the ONCC individual learning needs assessment, the new option for recertifying by professional development that will replace the ONCPRO option. How many in the room are certified? How many newly certified? How many renewed recently? How many due to renew this year/ Who has taken the assessment/ So…. This is affecting everyone sooner or later I am glad you are all here.
Requirements for recertification are individualized LEARNING NEEDS
Based on learning needs related to current knowledge ASSESSMENT Identified through the certification examination or the assessment So what does this new method mean? It means that requirements for recertification are individualized, are based on your current knowledge and determined by the results of the examination for first time certified nurses and on an assessment for those renewing certification for the second or subsequent time. Those who pass the test for the first time receive a diagnostic score report that directs the professional development they are required to accrue for their next renewal. Those who renew, take an assessment that provides similar results directing professional development in specific content areas. Each person’s needs are individually determined, based on their performance on the examination or the assessment. An important point is that the assessment is based on the current blueprint of knowledge for the certification and learning needs are also based on the most current content.
VALIDATE FOCUS REWARD Comprehensive specialty knowledge
Specific individual learning needs REWARD Nurses who maintain broad, current competencies We believe that ILNA validates comprehensive knowledge because it is based on the broad content represented by the credential, even though a nurse may have subspecialized in a narrowly focused area of practice. ILNA focuses on specific individual learning needs. It does not assume that everyone has the same knowledge base and.. It rewards those nurses who have maintained broad current competencies. Those who do well on the assessments do not have to attain as many professional development points as those who may not have maintained a broad knowledge base.
ILNA: based on a five- step model recommended by the Citizen Advocacy Center to “enable clinicians to practice safe quality care and to support their efforts as life-long learners.” Routine periodic third-party assessment Develop a personal plan Implement a personal plan Documentation Demonstrate evaluate competence Now , you might ask yourself, who came up with this and why did ONCC make the change when ONCPRO was going so well? There has been quite a bit of focus on the issue of continuing competency among healthcare professionals. The Institute of Medicine reports have consistently pointed out that this issue needs more attention. Consumer advocacy groups have also given attention to this issue and have developed recommendations for the ideal system. This slide contains the components of a five step model recommended by the Citizen Advocacy Center- a consumer group. As you can see, ILNA mirrors the recommended process. The most important piece, and which represents the changes that ONCC has made, is the focus on the specific learning needs of each nurse. The vast majority of nurses who use ILNA will need far fewer than the 100 points currently required for ONCPRO, but the points will be more meaningful because they are intended to close the gap in learning needs. Citizen Advocacy Center. (2004). Maintaining and Improving Health Professional Competence: The Citizen Advocacy Center Road Map to Continuing Competency Assurance. Washington D.C.: Author
First Renewal Cycle Pass Certification Examination
Review Identified Learning Needs Earn Targeted Professional Development Track through Individual LearningBuilder Plan So, how does it work? Let’s take a look at the cycle depicted here. A nurse passing the certification examination for the first time will receive a diagnostic score report which indicates the nurse’s learning needs for his or her next recertification. He or she will then attain the required professional development points over the next four years and will document the points in our new system which is called LEARNINGBUILDER. (We will talk more about that later in the presentation.) When the application is due, it will be submitted through LEARNINGBUILDER also
Ongoing Renewal Cycles
Renew Certification Take Online Assessment Review Identified Learning Needs Earn Targeted Professional Development Track through Individual LearningBuilder Plan After the nurse’s renewal application is approved by ONCC, the nurse is given access to take the assessment. This might take up to four weeks. The nurse is then ready to begin the new renewal cyle- hence reinforcing the concept of life-long-learning- an ongoing desire to improve one’s competence- not something that is episodic and occurs every four years. The assessment provides the same type of diagnostic results as the examination and directs the nurse as to the content areas and amount of professional development that is required for the next renewal. The rest of the process is the same as for first-time certified nurses.
Who should use ILNA? OCN®, CPHON®, CBCN®, BMTCN®, AOCNS® and AOCNP® Certified nurses due to renew certification in 2016 and beyond Assessments not available to nurses who hold AOCN® and CPON® Certification These nurses continue to use ONC-PRO forever Who uses ILNA? Everyone who is certified except for those who hold AOCN or CPON certification. Because there are no longer certification examinations for these programs, there are no current test blueprints; therefore we cannot develop an assessment for these programs. AOCN and CPON certified nurses will continue to use ONCPRO for renewal.
Process of Taking the Assessment
Nurse recertifies Access to the assessment via from AMP Must have updated browser versions Nurse logs in to take the assessment from personal computer (2 hours) Nurse receives immediate results which direct professional development Now lets get down to the details. First- those who take the test for the first time or who use the test for renewal do not need to take the assessment because their score report will provide their learning needs. Once a nurse recertifies using points, access to the assessment is provided. Information in the nurse’s certificate packet lets her know that she will be receiving an with instructions on how to access the assessment. The Authorization to Assess is sent via . This provides instructions and only those who are authorized can access the assessment. The will come from the company that administers the assessment, not from ONCC. The nurse may then take the assessment. There is no fee. It is best to access the assessment when you are ready to take it. Once you start you must finish the assessment in one two-hour sitting. You must have updated versions of web browsers to access the assessment and our vendor, AMP has a mechanism to detect your browser and will let you know if it is not compatible. Must have these or higher versions: IE 8.0, Edge 12.0, FF 7.0, Chrome 14.0, Safari 4.0 Once it is started, there is no reauthorization and if the assessment times out the nurse must accept the results as they are.
What is the Assessment Like?
Survey Self assessment Rate knowledge based on test blueprints Tutorial Practice using features of the assessment Mark for review Return to items Assessment items Based on test blueprints 100 items Multiple choice Matching-drag and drop Multiple correct response There are three parts to the assessment: First there is a survey in which the nurse is required to rate his/her level of knowledge of the various content areas represented by the test blueprint. We are using this data to determine if nurses are able to predict their own learning needs. Next, there is a tutorial, much like what is provided for the certification examination, which familiarizes the candidate with the features of the assessment and how to use them. Feedback tells us that the tutorial is quite helpful. Following the tutorial, the actual assessment begins. It is composed primarily of multiple choice items and other short answer formats. There are 100 items on every assessment. Time allotted for each item is similar to that of the certification examinations.
Assessments are Secure and Protected
Secure login provided by AMP Only those with login can access the assessment Must be taken independently- no collaboration permitted Non-disclosure agreement required Timed Must be completed within two hours No exit or re-entry Intellectual Property of ONCC Printing, copying are disabled Sharing of information in any format (including verbal) is strictly prohibited Irregularities are investigated and action may be taken Something important to keep in mind is that the assessment is secure and protected. It is the intellectual property of ONCC and any sharing of the assessment or its contents is prohibited by law. Each nurse must agree to the non-disclosure agreement prior to accessing the assessment. This statement indicates that there will be no collaboration and that items will not be shared in any format, including verbally. Each nurse is to take his/her own and only his/her own assessment. It is not a test and therefore not an open book test. We trust in the integrity of the professional to follow a code of ethics and any breaches will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
ILNA Results No pass/fail-ILNA is not a test
Results based on the major content areas of the test blueprint Benchmarks for each content area Meet benchmark = NO POINTS REQUIRED Do not meet benchmark = POINTS REQUIRED ILNA results: First there are no pass/ fails because ILNA is not a test. ILNA results do not affect a nurse’s certification status. Results are related to the major content categories of the respective test blueprint. There are benchmarks for each content category and if the benchmark is not reached, the nurse is required to attain professional development in that content category in order to recertify. The number of required points in each category is based on the weighting of the content in the blueprint. For example, it a content category is weighted at 15% and the nurse does not meet the benchmark, 15 points will be required. 1 point = 1 hour of CE.
How to Use Results TEST BLUEPRINTS
REVIEW RESULTS May access results anytime with secure login information Required points are based on benchmark in each content area TEST BLUEPRINTS Review for content areas and sub-content areas ATTAIN POINTS ONCC website includes suggested offerings based on blueprint content areas In reviewing results, a nurse should compare them to the test blueprint which provides an expanded list of sub content areas –he or she should then seek professional development in the specific content areas required. To assist nurses, ONS and APHON code all CE based on the test blueprints so nurses will know which categories apply. ONCC also offers the service of coding or labeling if you will , the content areas of other CE providers. ONS and ONCC have many resources to help certified nurses find CE in their required learning needs and I’ll review these as we go through the presentation.
REVIEW RESULTS Let’s first take a look at an example of ILNA results. This is a very typical results report. Each nurse will receive a bar graph of how he/she performed in each category of the test blueprint. Results will look like this for nurses who take the certification examination and for nurses who take the assessment. The bar graph indicates performance in each content area as “weaker” or “stronger” and for areas in which the nurse has not attained the benchmark required, the nurse will be required to attain professional development in that particular content category. You can see in this results report that this nurse needs points in the content categories of Scientific Basis for Practice, Treatment Modalities, and Survivorship. The number of points required is listed on the far right column. Everyone who does not meet the benchmark in a particular area will need the same number of points in the category. The number of points required in the category is based on the weighting of the content in the overall test blueprint This report indicates that a total of 33 points is required and that is pretty typical as the average number of points is about This is far fewer than the 100 points that was required with renewal by ONCPRO. Of all who have taken the assessments to date, the vast majority need fewer than 50 points.
TEST BLUEPRINT Here is page one of the OCN Blueprint with all of the detail under the major content categories. This is helpful in finding CE that fits into the category. Another way is to review the key words in Learning Builder and we will look at that in a minute. Please note that requirements are for major categories only– This permits learners to find offerings that may fit best with their specific area of work focus. We will look at the detail under each category that is required for the specific results we have shown in just a minute. Based on our example requirements, let’s take a look at how a nurse might go about finding CNE to meet the learning needs identified.
Major Content Categories of the OCN® Blueprint
Content Area Weight Health Promotion, Screening and Early Detection 6 % Scientific Basis for Practice 9 % Treatment Modalities 16 % Symptom Management 22 % Psychosocial Dimensions of Care 8 % Oncologic Emergencies 12 % Survivorship Palliative and End of Life Care 11 % Professional Performance TOTAL 100 % TOTAL POINTS NEEDED FOR THIS NURSE 33 Here we have the major content areas again and with markers for what this nurse needs for recertification. Note that the weighting of the blueprint indicates the number of points required. This nurse will need 9 points in the area of Scientific Basis for Practice, 16 in Treatment Modalities and 8 in Survivorship.
TEST BLUEPRINT II. Scientific Basis for Practice – 9%
A. Carcinogenesis B. Immunology C. Genetic risk factors D. Research protocols E. Clinical trials F. Regarding specific cancer types: 1. pathophysiology 2. common metastatic sites 3. diagnostic measures 4. prognosis 5. classification 6. staging 7. histologic grading Now we can take a look at the very specific content under each major area to help with selecting CE or other professional development. Here is scientific basis for practice. Note that CE can be in any of these subcategories- doesn’t have to be in all of them.
OK fine….I understand that I need professional development in specific areas… But, how do I go about finding CNE in that category? Now- what we are hearing from nurses at this point is this--- “I understand what I need but how do I find it?” This seems to be the major point of anxiety and I want to let you know that ONCC is here to help you with that. I will show you what we have done, in concert with ONS and other providers as we can walk through the steps.
ONS Congress Website Since we are here at Congress, let’s start with Congress offerings. There are a couple of ways to see the ILNA points for Congress offerings. You can go to the Congress website- which I think is helpful for planning ahead. Go to “schedule”
Along the right side of the screen, you will see various ways to sort the presentations. One way, listed at the bottom is “ILNA Content” If you click here, you will see a drop down list of all of the ILNA Content Categories for all of the certification programs. You can click on the category that you need.
Using our example, learning plan, we can first look at Scientific Basis for Practice. When we click there, we see all of the offerings here at Congress that can be applied to this category- here I am just showing you two days, but there are more sessions on the other days.
Here is one of the other categories of need on our example learning plan- Treatment Modalities
And here we see the offerings that meet the third category, Survivorship
Here we see what appears when we click on a specific session- you see the description and the speakers. When you scroll down, you see the ILNA Content to which it applies. Something important to note here is that you may see more than one category. Our content model is holistic and there are overlaps between categories. For longer programs, more than 4 hours or so, we would divide the points but for a shorter session like those at Congress, you my choose which one to use.
New this Year: Congress Sessions ILNA Points
“Cheat Sheet” And for those of you who prefer paper- there is the Congress Session ILNA Points Cheat Sheet this year Each category is listed and under it you will see each of the sessions and when they are offered
Total Congress Offerings to our Sample Learning Plan
Scientific Basis for Practice 7.25 Treatment Modalities 14 Survivorship 15.25 Here a made a little table of the total points offered here at Congress in each of the content categories of need in our sample results learning plan. On the OCN Blueprint: Scientific Basis for Practice is a requirement of 9 Treatment modalities is a requirement of 16 Survivorship is a requirement of 8 So, someone with this plan, could almost meet all of their requirements at one Congress.
OK Fine….I understand how to find sessions at Congress… But, what if I don’t get to Congress? How do I go about finding other CNE to meet my learning needs? Now you are saying.. “Ok fine, I get that, but what if I can’t go to Congress?”
ONCC Website
The best resource to help you to find CNE to match your learning needs is the ONCC website -- please take a look- go there regularly for updates. Here is a screenshot of the home page and there are actually two ways to find information about ILNA and sources of CNE to meet your learning needs. One is the Resource Center and the other is the Renew Certifications link.
If you click on “Renew Certification”, you will get this page On the right side menu, you will see options for “ILNA Points for Continuing Education” and “ILNA Points for Conferences and Events”
If you click on “Continuing Education” you will come to this page with the list of ILNA Content Categories. You may click on any of the categories.
When you click on the category, for example, “Scientific Basis for Practice” you will get a page like this. We have listed every CE program that we know of that has content in that category- these program are from a variety of sources and this tells you the number of points in that category. Many of the programs also provide points in other categories also.
Here is the same page, but for another category in our sample learning plan, “Treatment”.
And here is the third content category in our learning plan, “Survivorship”. All of this CE is accredited.
If we go back to his page, you can see at the top that we can also click on this red box that says “additional self-study/online courses”.
And when we do, we come to this kind of list, not by category, but by the programs and with each we see all of the ILNA points that can be applied to an individual course or program.
Now if we go back to the “Renew Certification”, page, we see that we can also click on “Conferences and Events”
And here we will see a list of conferences and when we click on a conference, we will get to the points that were offered for each- for example, we could go back to the 2015 ONS Congress. But if we click on the red box at the top, we will come to another list of conferences and the points allocated.
Here is the chart you will get by clicking on the red box at the top.
CNE Offerings Scientific Basis for Practice
Session Title Provider Points Cancer Genetics ONS 16.3 CNS Tumor Review ASCO 1 What is Cancer Navigation? Breast Cancer Review 3 A Solid Foundation for Practice Western Schools 2.4 Understanding Cancer 2 Pharmacology Basics 4 Here, I put together a sample list of a few offerings that can be found on the ONCC that meet the content of the category “Scientific Basis for Practice” Please note that you are not required to attain your CE through ONS. You may use any accredited CE that matches your learning needs.
OCN® Certification Review Bundle
I also want to mention this bundle of courses that ONS has put together to help nurses review for certification as well as meet their recertification needs. You may purchase and take all of the parts of the “bundle” - which is most likely what someone would do for initial certification preparation or you may purchase just sections of the bundle to meet specific ILNA needs. The entire bundle in contact hours and is $279 (member price). The parts of the bundle vary in price, based on the number of contact hours. For example, the part on treatment and symptom management is 18 contact hours and $199 (member price).
40 Example of ILNA points: ONS Cancer Basics Course
I also want to mention that ONS is in the process of developing this type of chart for each program that they offer showing the ILNA points, along with the program description.
Encourages Nurses to “map/code” Their Own CNE
Look at the number of contact hours, objectives and the content Make a judgement about the “fit” within the content categories Divide the content among the categories Total is 8 hours, 4 objectives = 2 points per objective We encourage nurses to map or code their own professional development , and we are happy to confirm our agreement with the mapping- just call us! To map/code your own CNE for example, take a look at the objectives and the content for the program. Make a judgement about the content fit within the ILNA categories. Divide the content among the categories based on the amount of content for each. For example, let’s take a program that is on lung cancer. It is eight hours long and has four objectives. That is two hours per objective. Let’s say the first objective is about the carcinogenesis of lung cancer. That fits scientific basis for practice and that would be 2 points (hours) in that category Let’s say the next objective is about treatment. That is easy- two points for treatment Let’s say the next objective is about short and long term side effects of treatment. So that can be 2 points (hours) for symptom management or 2 for survivorship or you can take 1 for each of those categories. Let’s say the last one is about palliative care at the end of life, but also included some ethical decision making. That could be 2 for end of life care or two in professional practice.
ONCC does offer the service of coding programs for CE providers and many are using this and including it in their promotional materials. This is very beneficial to nurses
ONCC will code ONS and APHON chapter CE offerings for free. There is information on the ONCC website for individual nurses, chapters and other providers about coding.
ILNA Results Maximum possible points required = 100 Minimum required = 25 Those who need fewer than 25, based on assessment results, may earn the additional points in any blueprint content category they choose I hope that review of the resources on the ONS and ONCC websites is helpful to you in finding the CNE to meet your learning needs. I want to point out that the maximum points that anyone could possibly need to 100- and we have not seen a learning plan with that many needs. As I mentioned earlier the vast majority of plans we are seeing are below 50 points. It is also important to keep in mind that the minimum number of points for anyone is 25. Therefore, if the assessment results indicate fewer than 25 points are required, the nurse will need to attain the difference between their requirement and 25 in any content area they choose.
ILNA Results Minimum of 25 Required
For example, here is a results report that indicates the nurse needs to earn 6 points in Health Promotion, Screening and Early Detection and 8 points in survivorship for a total of 14 points. Since 25 is the minimum requirement, this nurse will need to earn the additional 11 points in the content of his/ her choosing.
Five Ways to Earn Points
Continuing Nursing Education Continuing Medical Education Academic Education Professional Publications Professional Presentations Although we hear nurses most often talking about CNE, and we have been talking a lot about CNE today, there are many ways in which to earn points as noted on this slide. The number of points provided for activities will be the same at the current number for ONCPRO. It is important, however, to make sure the content matches the learning need. One hour of CNE or CME equals one point. One academic credit equals one point. One hour of presentation equals three points. The points for publications depend on the number of pages and other factors. Detailed information on this can be found on the ONCC website.
A New Way to Track and Submit Points for Recertification: LEARNINGBUILDER
Individualized for each certified nurse Results of exam or assessment imported Tracks points and progress Points entered as earned Shows progress toward meeting requirements Submit to ONCC when due Paperless submission Required documents can be uploaded Lets now talk about something that we are very excited about at ONCC and that is what is called LEARNINGBUILDER. ONCC contracted with a company called Heuristics to license the use of this product for oncology certified nurses. It provides each nurse with his/her learning plan, based on the assessment results. It is used by the nurse to track the points they earn and for submission to ONCC. It has many wonderful features that we are very excited about offering.
LEARNINGBUILDER 1-2-3 Imports assessment results to individual plan
1.ONCC Imports assessment results to individual plan Provides access to plan 2.Nurse Attains professional development Enters points into plan-uploads documents Submits plan between January 1 and September 15 of year of certification expiration 3.ONCC Reviews completed plan Approves certification renewal Now the details of LEARNINGBUILDER once a nurse takes the assessment: The results are imported into his/her individual learning plan. This happens within four weeks of taking the assessment. ONCC then notifies the nurse about how to access his/her learning plan. There is a “single sign on process” that enables the nurse to use the same username and password as is used for ONS and ONCC (e.g. to purchase a product) 2. As the nurse earns CE, he/she enters it into the learning plan There are many features of the plan such as the ability to upload documents that might be needed for auditing, such as your CE certificates. 3. Once the nurse has completed requirements and it is time, he/she submits the plan to ONCC with one click.
49 Login with your profile
You can access LEARNINGBUILDER through the ONCC website. You must use your login profile. Login with your profile
Now for the next few slides, I am going to show you some screen shots for an actual learning plan– well an actual one that we made up for this session It is the plan of Arlo Pear and here you see the top of the plan
Now if we were to scroll down on the plan – here you see some of the categories of the OCN Blueprint, that make up the plan. All of them would be listed but we have zoomed in to better see this plan. You will note that this person- Mr. Pear needs points in the category of Treatment Modalities- see the red box there that says points required? Now look above at the weight. This is what indicates how many points are needed. And look above the Scientific Basis for Practice slide- it says ILNA optional and is green. If this person needed fewer than 25 points, he could get the additional in any of the categories marked optional. Also note the arrow to the little icon near Treatment Modalities
Now, the next step is to find an activity to go to and then enter the points once you are done with the activity. If you hover over the little icon next to the ?, it will give you some key words that might help in finding appropriate CE. Here you see the words for treatment modalities: biotherapy BMT chemotherapy radiation therapy brachytherapy etc
Now, it is time to enter points into the plan, note the bent arrow at the bottom pointing to the button to add points. If we click that…
This screen appears. Here you pick the type of activity that you did- CE, academic ed, a presentation, etc-in this case we will click on CE
And this is the screen that appears– Arlo went to the course Breast Cancer Treatment Update, which provided 7 points in the category of treatment modalities
Then when you go back to the main screen- you see that it populated and you see above that 7 points were entered- it is in green.
Then Arlo participated in the ONS/ONCC chemo-bio course and entered that- here you see all 15 of the CE provided for the course counts toward treatment modality and note that now the entire bar has turned green, indicating that Arlo has all the points he needs in this category.
The system also includes a dashboard that will give the nurse an overview of progress in meeting the requirements- note the arrows in the red circles show what is needed and the bar at the top moves indicating how far along the nurse has completed the requirements.
Here is the final submit button that is used to submit the plan to ONCC
Important Things to Know
ILNA replaces ONCPRO as an option (except AOCN®/ CPON® Any recertification due in 2016 and thereafter Retaking and passing the certification examination will remain an option Those who do not take the assessment or retake the certification examination will need to earn 100 points in proportion to the test blueprint In conclusion, lets look at some important things to keep in mind- all of which I have already mentioned, but would just like to emphasize again: ILNA replaces ONCPRO. As of 2016 ONCPRO is not longer an option. That means that anyone who became certified in 2012 or renewed in 2012 will use ILNA the next time. Someone due to renew in 2013, 14 or 15 will use ONCPRO, but will use ILNA the next time. Retaking the certification examination will always remain and option for those who do not want to use ILNA. There will also be a third option and that is to earn the 100 points, but unlike ONCPRO, the points must be in the specific categories of the blueprint and they must be weighted according to the blue print, so an OCN would need 7 points in Screening and Early Detection, 10 in Scientific basis for practice, 15 in Treatment modalities, 22 in Symptom management and so on.
More- Important Things to Know
Must take the assessment prior to earning points No exceptions No fee The security of the assessment is protected Must take alone- no sharing/collaborating Two hours of uninterrupted time is required Assessment is timed and must be completed within two hours-when time is up the results will be final More important things to know- You MUST take the assessment prior to earning your points By being “ready” we mean the nurse is at a computer with a good internet connection and has two hours of uninterrupted time to take the assessment. There is no re-entry into the assessment. Once a nurse begins to take it, he/she must accept the results, even if he/she does not complete the assessment within the timeframe provided. The assessment is the property of ONCC and therefore legally protected. Legal action will be taken if there are any breaches in confidentiality or security.
More- Important Things to Know
Contact the ONCC staff with questions about the process or whether educational offerings will fit the required content categories Here at the Certification Oasis Toll free As I mentioned the professional societies have begun to code offerings to help guide you in choosing CE to meet the requirements. Nurses may contact the ONCC staff at any time to make sure the offering they are considering will fit with their identified learning needs.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts, Modern Philosopher
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts, Modern Philosopher ILNA is a change to the way ONCC Certification is renewed and I very much like this quote about change- I guess because I like to dance- so let’s start off this morning by dancing..
An Example Renews using ONCPRO 2015 Due to renew in 2019 Takes the assessment after renewal complete and before 12/31/18 Earns points after assessment taken, based on results Documents points in Learningbuilder Submits recertification through Learningbuilder between 1/1/19 and 12/31/19 OK lets just take a quick look at a specific example to make more sense of this. Lets say a nurse renews this year in 2015 –this would be a nurse who became certified in 2011 or had renewed in In 2015 this nurse will most likely use ONCPRO though she would have the option of taking the test. Once her ONCPRO application is approved by ONCC, she will be given access to the assessment. She will be due to renew in 2019 and therefore has until December 31, 2018 to take the assessment. However, it is important to take the assessment early in the cycle to allow for as much time as possible to earn the required professional development. Once she takes the assessment, she will be given access to a personalized learning plan in LEARNINGBUILDER. This means that her ILNA results will be reflected in the plan. An important point to remember is that only points earned AFTER taking the assessment are applicable to the next renewal cycle. As the nurse attains the professional development, she will enter it into her personal plan. As of January 1, 2019 she will be able to submit the plan to ONCC for review. And the cycle will begin again.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts, Modern Philosopher ILNA is a change to the way ONCC Certification is renewed and I very much like this quote about change- I guess because I like to dance- so let’s start off this morning by dancing..
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