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MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing and eQuote Training
Welcome to the MyFloridaMarketPlace Recorded Training. This Sourcing and eQuote training provides you with a basic understanding of solicitation events in Sourcing and how to respond. MFMP recommends this Sourcing and eQuote training for all MFMP vendors and its part of our recorded training lines.
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More Today we’re going to cover: What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events Respond to Events Learn More
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More First, let’s take a look at what is Sourcing
What is Sourcing DMS Division of State Purchasing uses MFMP Sourcing to issue formal competitive solicitations. State of Florida agencies use MFMP Sourcing to issue informal electronic quotes, or eQuotes. The Department of Management Services, or DMS, Division of State Purchasing uses the complete MFMP Sourcing application to issue formal competitive bids. In addition, State of Florida agency buyer customers use the eQuote piece of MFMP Sourcing to issue informal electronic quotes, called eQuotes.
What is Sourcing Benefits of Electronic Solicitation in Sourcing
24/7 access to Web-based application. Paperless. Event clock clearly shows time remaining: to preview period for solicitation to solicitation close Message board facilitates question submission. History of vendor responses to any quotes. Vendors' usernames and passwords match their Vendor Information Portal (VIP) username and password. MFMP Sourcing offers many benefits. It is a Web-based application that gives you 24/7 access and means it is a paperless process. An Event clock displays the time remaining and the Message board facilitates question submission. Sourcing also allows you to confirm receipt and readability of your responses within the tool, prior to the event closing. You can access Sourcing using the same username and password as your VIP account.
What is Sourcing Benefits of Electronic Solicitation in Sourcing (continued) "Join vs. Preview" functionality – Vendors can "preview" solicitation information to determine if they want to respond, i.e., "join" the solicitation event in Sourcing. Promotes Transparency – Sourcing includes a “Public Access" view – without a username or password. Simply click the “Public Access" button to view open events. Functionality – Vendors respond in generally the same way for either informal non-competitive eQuotes, or formal competitive solicitations. State Purchasing leverages Public Access view for formal solicitations to provide transparency to open events. eQuotes typically go to a small number of vendors and may not display in Public Access view. When eQuotes display in public access view, vendors or the public will see a preview button for open events. From there, Sourcing offers options to export the content for review. Vendors can join the event if they want to respond. Sourcing provides consistency in the solicitations. For example, Sourcing for eQuote allows all invited vendors to receive the same information from the agency buyer customer at the same time. Whether vendors are responding to an informal eQuote or a formal solicitation, the functionality is generally the same.
What is Sourcing Benefits of Electronic Solicitation in Sourcing (Continued) Registration – Vendors registered in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Information Portal receive solicitation notices from Sourcing and the Vendor Bid System (VBS) based on commodity codes selected during the vendor’s registration. Firewall and other settings can prevent delivery of the notices Monitor Sourcing and VBS regularly as well Vendors registered in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Information Portal receive solicitation notices from Sourcing and the Vendor Bid System based on commodity codes. To receive these notices, vendors must select a commodity code and must select ‘yes’ to participate in electronic solicitations.
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More Now let’s look at access to Sourcing
Access Sourcing Register in the Vendor Information Portal (VIP)
MFMP-VIP drives vendors’ Sourcing login information along with your other company information, such as the commodity codes you select. You can access Sourcing using the same username and password as your VIP account. Vendors register for Sourcing as part of ‘Vendor Information Portal’ (VIP) account registration / maintenance activities. Select the ‘View / Edit Solicitation Selections’ option from the ‘I want to’ dropdown list to launch the ‘Solicitations / Price Quote Requests’ page.
Access Sourcing Sourcing leverages commodity codes to give you visibility to solicitations. On the Commodity Codes screen, vendors can search for and add commodity codes as they wish. If they do not want to add commodity codes to their account, they will have to select the option shown at the bottom of this screen. Keep in mind, not selecting a commodity code means your business will be ineligible to receive notifications from VBS or Sourcing. Not selecting a commodity code means your business will be ineligible to receive notifications from VBS or Sourcing.
Access Sourcing Vendor Information Portal Preferences
Update or select your ‘Solicitation’ preferences by selecting ‘Yes, I want to participate in electronic solicitations’. Selecting ‘Yes’ also provides you with solicitation notifications from the Vendor Bid System (the state’s central posting tool for agency solicitation documents). If you are registering for the first time, you need to search for and add commodity codes in order to be able to select ‘Yes’ to participate in electronic solicitations. For vendors that select commodity codes, the Solicitations / Price Quote Requests page will default to ‘yes’ as shown here. If vendors do not want to receive notifications, they need to manually select the ‘No’ options on this screen in VIP. If your business is registered already, check your account to be sure you selected ‘Yes’; otherwise VIP will not pass your company information to Sourcing, and you will be unable to participate in solicitations. If the vendor wants to opt out of notifications AFTER their original registration, they need to contact the customer service desk to remove them from solicitations.
Access Sourcing If you do not select commodity codes, the next screen in the system, the Solicitations / Price Quote Requests page, will not allow you to elect to participate in Sourcing/eQuote or VBS. If you do not select commodity codes, the next screen in the system, will not allow you to elect to participate in Sourcing/eQuote or VBS.
Access Sourcing Use the ‘I want to’ dropdown list to ‘View / Edit Commodity Codes’ associated with your VIP and Sourcing account and navigate to the update page. MFMP VIP sends account updates nightly to MFMP Sourcing. Allow up to 48 hours for access for new registrations or updates. Complete registration updates at least 48 hours before a bid submission is due. Once updated, MFMP sends notifications to you when a solicitation opens with your registered commodity codes. If a solicitation matches the commodity codes you selected in VIP, and you selected ‘yes’ to participate in electronic solicitations, you should receive an notification to give you visibility to that solicitation. Please keep in mind that your computer system’s firewall or other settings may prevent those s from getting to you. Be sure to regularly monitor both Sourcing and VBS for solicitations of interest to your business. It is also critical that you maintain a current address in VIP for your main contact. If you change that or your main contact changes, update your VIP account so you continue to receive notifications. If you have multiple staff who should receive those notices, consider using a group address at your end and enter that in your VIP account as your main contact. MyFloridaMarketPlace sends notices to just one address, the main contact listed in your account.
Access Sourcing Vendor Bid System (VBS)
The state’s central posting tool for agency solicitation documents. All state agencies, universities and colleges, and some local governments post solicitations in VBS. When you select ‘yes,’ to receive notifications, you will receive VBS notices as well. All state agencies post solicitation notices in the Vendor Bid System, as do universities and colleges, and some local governments. Informal solicitations are not required to be posted on VBS.
Access Sourcing Sample MFMP Sourcing Notification
This is an example notification from Sourcing you will receive when your commodity codes match a formal or informal solicitation.
Access Sourcing Sample Vendor Bid System (VBS) Notification
This is a sample VBS notification. For formal solicitations, the State Purchasing event owner also posts the information in VBS, even though vendors will respond in MFMP Sourcing.
Access Sourcing Sourcing Login Page The website address here is the login page for Sourcing for vendors, as well as a public access site. Vendors use their VIP usernames and passwords to log into Sourcing.
Access Sourcing Reset your password in VIP by 6 p.m. Eastern Time on a given business day, and login to Sourcing with that password information the next business day. Complete any registration updates at least 48 hours before a bid submission is due. To log in, enter the same username and password information you currently use for your VIP account. If you forget your username or password, use the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link on VIP to reset it contact the MyFloridaMarketPlace Customer Service Desk at (866) or for assistance. It is important that you take note of the “deadlines” displayed here. If you reset your password in VIP by 6 p.m. Eastern time, it will be the next business day before you can use your new login information to access Sourcing. MFMP and VIP require that time to verify and share that information. You need to be sure you make those kinds of updates well in advance of any solicitation response deadlines. Remember, your VIP username and password also work to log you in to Sourcing.
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More Now let’s look at how to access events.
Access Events Public Access
Public Access view does not require a username or password. Click the ‘Public Access’ button to view all ‘Open’ events. Public Access view includes a ‘Preview’ option for each event. Note: To respond to solicitations, vendors must log in under their specific Sourcing accounts. The Public Access function allows anyone, including unregistered Sourcing vendors, to preview all open formal competitive Sourcing events and may include eQuotes. If you see an event you want to respond to, you need to add the applicable commodity code to your VIP account. Then work with the MFMP Customer Service Desk to be added to the event. Vendors must log in to their Sourcing accounts to respond to all Sourcing events. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event Description
This area will include a short description of the event.
Access Events My Events and Public Events Once a vendor logs into Sourcing using his/her username and password, this view shows: “My Events” (Solicitation events the vendor already joined). “Public Events” (Solicitation events, not yet joined, with at least one of the vendor’s selected commodity codes). Once you log in to Sourcing, you will see “My Events” and “Public Events”. “Public Events” displays open formal competitive solicitation events with at least one commodity code that matches your selected commodity codes in VIP. If you choose to respond, or think you might respond, you must “Join” these formal solicitation events. If an open event does not display in your public events section, the commodity codes you selected are not associated with the event. If you do not plan to respond, we ask you to use the ‘decline to respond’ option. This gives agencies visibility into your decision and answers the question about whether you received the eQuote. The ‘decline to respond’ button is available for the formal solicitations that you join as well as the eQuotes. However, this button will disappear once the vendor accepts the bidder’s agreement. “My Events” includes eQuotes you are invited to, and any events you responded to in Sourcing. This area will include a short description of the event. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3
This area will include a short description of the event.
Access Events Public Event Preview This area will include a short description of the event. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 3 Preview allows “read-only” viewing of the event. A vendor must Join the event to submit questions or submit a response. When agencies issue eQuote events, they generally invite a specific number of vendors to the event. This means the event automatically displays in those vendors’ “My Events” box. Those invited vendors have the option to view the event and then communicate their intent to participate by agreeing to the terms of the event to submit their responses, Or they can ‘decline to respond’ to the event. If agencies send eQuotes to all vendors with the associated commodity code, the events display in ‘Public Events’. For formal competitive solicitations and eQuotes in ‘Public Events’, vendors can ‘preview’ event or join the event. Click ‘Preview’ for summary level information about the event, due date, time remaining, etc.
This area will include a short description of the event.
Access Events Join This area will include a short description of the event. Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 To join a solicitation event, be sure to click the ‘Join’ button next to the Public Event listed. To respond to the solicitation, vendors must join. Click on the ‘Join’ button next to the public event listed to join the solicitation event. Vendors must join the event to respond to the solicitation.
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More Now let’s look at responding to events.
Respond to Events Event Clock
Upper right-hand corner of event displays clock. Shows time remaining until solicitation event closes. Note the event clock provides a visual of how much time remains until the solicitation closes. For formal competitive solicitations, the State Purchasing event owner may choose to enable a ‘preview period’ before the bidding opens. In that case, the event clock display ‘time remaining in preview’ first. The ‘Preview Period’ ends when the bidding starts, and it provides time for vendors to review the event and decide how to respond. Keep in mind, the official timeline in the formal solicitation documents provides your deadlines for those events.
Respond to Events Event Details
Sourcing gives you a couple of options to capture the information about the event, such as the: The event timeline Terms and conditions of the event Specification sheets Price lists You can Download Content, which gives you an Excel File. You can Print Event Information, which gives you a Word File. Both contain the same information, just in different formats You can also ‘Review Agreement’ to respond to the event, or ‘Decline to Respond’ Use the ‘Event Details’ checklist / navigation menu to facilitate the submission process to respond to an event Vendors can submit questions (messages) using the event messages link. Make sure to complete each area listed (including the link to ‘Review and Accept Agreement’). Use the ‘Review Event Details’ page to view summary information about the event. You can Export Content, which gives you an Excel File. You can Print Event Information, which gives you a Word File. Both downloads contain the same information, just in different formats. You can also ‘Review Agreement’ to respond to the event, or ‘Decline to Respond’.
Respond to Events Decline to Respond
Use the ‘Decline to Respond’ option if you do not wish to participate and respond to the event. Any eQuote events an agency buyer customer invited you to, display under “My Events.” You do not need to join those, and if you choose not to respond, we recommend that you select the ‘Decline to Respond’ option to notify the agency customer you have reviewed the event and have chosen not to respond. This gives agencies visibility into your decision. The ‘decline to respond’ button is available for the formal solicitations that you join as well as the eQuotes. However, this button will disappear once you accept the bidder’s agreement.
Respond to Events Review and Accept Agreement
Prior to submitting a response to an event, vendors must click on ‘review agreement’ to agree to the terms of the event to continue. You must agree: That you are authorized by your company to respond to and enter into an agreement, That you agree to the terms of MyFloridaMarketPlace and The event. If you are registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace, you have already accepted the system terms and conditions. You need to select the radio button stating ‘I accept the terms of this agreement.’ You will now be able to submit questions and responses to the event. The ‘Review and Accept Agreement’ link displays the terms of the bidder agreement. Vendors must accept the agreement to submit an official response.
Respond to Events Submit a Question
To submit a message during an event, click on the ‘Event Messages’ link on the navigation panel. Both Sourcing and eQuote events can use the Message functionality; however, the event owner decides whether to accept questions for the specific event. For formal solicitations, the State Purchasing Category Manager determines the time period to accept questions. If the Compose Message button is gray, you cannot submit a question. The event owner responds to your questions through Sourcing so check there for message. You will also receive an notification that the Event Owner posted answers to questions. This notification is sent to the main contact in your VIP registration. The ‘Review and Accept Agreement’ link displays the terms of the bidder agreement Vendors must accept the agreement to submit an official response On the ‘Event Messages’ page, use the ‘Compose Message’ button to send a message to the event owner.
Respond to Events Submit a Question
Use the ‘Compose New Message’ screen text box to type a question to the event owner. Type your question / message and click ‘Send’ to send the message to the event owner. Using Sourcing’s message function to submit questions to both Sourcing and eQuote events, functions much like creating an .
Respond to Events Response Options
Event Owner selects the type of responses and format he or she wants. Several different types of responses: Attachment Downloads Text Boxes (Single/Multi-Line) Yes/No Questions Pricing File Attachment Responses Asterisks (*) mark required fields. When creating either eQuote and Sourcing events, agency event owners use the same types of response formats. They can choose from any of the options listed here as the format they require vendors to use to respond. Over the next few slides, we will dig a little deeper into each type of response. Generally vendors will see the options listed on this slide that include Attachment Downloads, text boxes and the others you see on the screen. Attachment Downloads Text Boxes (Single/Multi-Line) Yes/No Questions Pricing File Attachment Responses As you respond, remember to take note of required fields that sourcing marks with an asterisk (*)
Respond to Events Attachment download
Read-only document (circled below) specifying information the procurement officer wants in the response. This slide shows an example of a read-only attachment an agency might include for vendor’s reference. These likely include informational data vendors need such as a spec sheet, or the PUR 1000 form as we see here in this example.
Respond to Events Text Box
Vendors submit responses in these fields (circled below). Single Line Sourcing uses two types of text box fields that Event Owners can include in an event: Single line text box, which is limited to 4,000 characters for the vendor’s response Multiple line text box has unlimited characters
Respond to Events Yes/No fields (circled below)
Required responses can be as simple as Yes or No answers. The Yes/No dropdown displays “Unspecified” as the default answer. Vendors select Yes or No. Yes / No questions default to “Unspecified”. Select an answer from the dropdown. Sourcing permits only one answer per question.
Respond to Events Adding Comments / Documents
Event Owners can request vendors to include additional comments or documents as part of Yes/No responses. For example, in an eQuote for staff augmentation, the Event Owner might request resumes for the proposed staff. Look for the “quote balloon”, circled on this slide, next to the Yes/No dropdown box to indicate whether the event owner accepts comments or documents If the procurement officer requests additional comments or documentation, select the “quote balloon” icon (circled on this slide). If this icon is unavailable, the procurement officer does not allow comments or attachments for the question.
Respond to Events Adding Comments / Documentation
When you select the “quote balloon” icon, Sourcing displays a new page to allow entry of text comments (above). To upload documentation click the “Attach a file” link and Sourcing displays the ‘Add Attachment’ page (below). After you click the quote balloon to add comments or documentation, you can: Add comments right in the text box, or Click “attach file” to upload a document Similar to other applications, browse to find your file and then click OK.
Respond to Events File Attachment fields (circled below)
Select “Attach a file”. Sourcing prompts you to browse to the file on your computer. Select “Ok” and your file uploads. File size permitted to 20MB per file. Attaching a file in Sourcing is similar to attaching files in other applications, such as . Click attach a file, browse on your computer for the file you want, and click OK. State Purchasing is guiding agencies to build their content directly into Sourcing for eQuotes, therefore vendors may see less opportunities with eQuotes to add attachments. Similarly with formal competitive solicitation events, vendors will enter much of their responses in Sourcing and include attachments only when asked. Attachment file size restriction for a Sourcing and eQuote event is 20MB per file.
Respond to Events Submit your response
Test Event This toolbar shows several different buttons and options for vendors. Use the Submit Entire Response button to submit your completed response to the event owner, we will discuss this button in more detail in the next slide Update totals ‘refreshes’ any totals on line item responses you provided Save lets you save your response as you are working on it Use Excel Import to import an Excel spreadsheet as your response. Be mindful of how the event owner wants to receive the response. This information should be noted in the event description.
Respond to Events Submit your response
Test Event Vendors can save their work as they develop their responses. Note the orange cross-out symbol on the screen over the Save button. We want vendors to remember, that to submit your response to the agency, you must click Submit Your Response. The Save function is separate from the Submit function, and the Event Owner does not receive your response if you Save only. State Purchasing encourage vendors to submit responses well in advance of the event closing to assure ample time for the submission. To formally submit your bid, you must click ‘Submit Entire Response’. If you only click ‘Save,’ Sourcing saves your record; however, it is not formally submitted. State Purchasing encourages you to submit your responses well in advance of the event day/time.
Respond to Events Confirmation box
Test Event When you click ‘Submit Entire Response,’ you see a confirmation box. You must click ‘Ok’ to proceed. Once you click ‘Ok,’ Sourcing displays this message at the top of the event: “Your response has been submitted. Thank you for participating in the event.” After you click “Submit Entire Response,” Sourcing displays a pop-up box asking you to confirm your submission. Once you click ‘Ok’, you will see a message that your response was submitted.
Respond to Events Response History Additional helpful links include:
Test Event Test Event Additional helpful links include: Event Messages – Shows a message history of notices associated with this event. Response History – Shows your response details and confirmation that the state received your ‘submitted’ response, and therefore it is formally submitted. You can review Event messages and your response history in Sourcing. Under event contents, click on ‘Vendor Response’ to view or download your response. Event Messages displays the history of all notices associated with this event, and Response history shows the confirmation and details of your submissions. Vendors have access to their response history even after events close, within your respective Sourcing account.
Respond to Events Response History Sample ‘Response History’ screen.
Test Vendor Vendor Contact Sample ‘Response History’ screen. Displays vendor’s submission time and current status. “Accepted” means vendor submitted the response through the Sourcing tool and the state received it. Click on ‘Reference Number’ to view your response details. This slide is an example of a “Response History,” with the submission time and the “accepted” status of the response. Accepted means only that the state received the response the vendor submitted through Sourcing. Click on ‘Reference Number’ to view your response details. From that screen you can export an excel version of the response.
Respond to Events Revise in Sourcing as long as solicitation is open
You can update your submitted response if needed. Assuming time is available before solicitation closes Click the ‘Revise Response’ button to update. The event timer is visible in the upper right-hand corner of the event. If there is time available, you can revise your response. Click the Revise Response button and follow/ or repeat the previous steps to submit an updated new response.
Respond to Events Revise Responses
Vendors will see the message shown here. To continue with the revision, click ‘Ok’ After you amend your response, Sourcing asks you through a pop-up dialog box to confirm that you want to revise your response. Click OK to continue with your revision.
Respond to Events Revert to Original Response
Vendor can revert back to the previous response by clicking ‘Reload Last Bid’. This reverts to vendor’s most recent response Once solicitation event closes, the procurement officer receives only the vendor’s last submitted response. A great feature of Sourcing is that you can revert to your most recent response after submitting a revised response. You can do that up until the time the eQuote event closes. Remember you can change your response only if there is time remaining on the event clock.
Respond to Events Avoid Last-minute Responses
MFMP recommends you submit your final bid response at least 24 hours prior to the event closing to allow time for updates if needed. Provide vendors adequate time to verify in Sourcing that the state received the response. Remember to give yourself adequate time to respond, at least 24 hours prior to the event closing. That also gives you time to verify that the state received your response.
Agenda What is Sourcing Access Sourcing Access Events
Respond to Events Learn More
Learn More To recap: MFMP Sourcing allows you to view and respond to both: State Purchasing formal, competitive solicitations, and Agency informal solicitations (eQuotes) or quotes off state term contracts Log in to your VIP account to update your “Solicitation Preferences” to participate in electronic solicitations. Log in to MFMP Sourcing to familiarize yourself with viewing “My Events” and “Public Events”. Use ‘Public Access’ view to familiarize yourself with exporting content related to an event. Response functionality for vendors is generally the same for eQuotes and formal competitive solicitations. To recap, your VIP account login information gives you access to MFMP Sourcing. Take time to check your Solicitation Preferences to be sure you selected to participate in electronic solicitations and that your main contact address is current and accurate. Once you have, begin exploring MFMP Sourcing to be familiar with the application so you are ready to respond when event owners invite you to formal or informal solicitations, or when your commodity codes match solicitations.
Vendor Resources MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Toolkit
MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Customer Service Desk (866) Our website offers several resources to give you more information about MFMP Sourcing. Our MFMP Customer Service Desk is your best resource for technical assistance with Sourcing or other MyFloridaMarketPlace applications. The MFMP customer service desk can also assist with the registration process, or obtaining access to Sourcing.
Congratulations and welcome to MyFloridaMarketPlace!
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