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Update on GRI NW Transparency Project

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1 Update on GRI NW Transparency Project
RCC 29 September 2009

2 Gas storage transparency
GSE expect 50% of SSOs to be ready for daily publication on 1 October Biggest number of participating SSOs will be for the German hub GSE report that the gaps should be filled before the 1 December deadline  GRI NW should welcome the success of the initiative   

3 Transmission transparency
At the SG in Paris TSOs proposed to focus on third package implementation/compliance GRI NW TSOs committed to presenting proposals at the GRI NW meeting on the 29 September There are clear areas where TSOs’ proposals fall short of the Regulation Presentation to confirm RCC view on proposals and next steps

4 Supply and demand information
D-1 nominations aggregated per system at all entries (cross-border points, local production, LNG facilities, storage) at the following exits: cross-border points, storage based on the input from the network users/suppliers: D-1 forecast of national demand D+1 allocations aggregated per system at all exits (cross-border points, storage, national demand) Third package requirements are: TSOs to publish ex-ante and ex-post supply and demand information on the basis of nominations and forecasts and realised flows. Proposed response: Welcome initiative to publish ex-ante supply and demand information The Regulation clearly requires TSOs to publish realised flows

5 Balancing Measures to balance the system Incurred costs
model (balancing period) tolerances (types + range) info to users prior to and during the respective Gas-Day cash-out mechanism balancing mechanisms used by the TSO Incurred costs Generated revenues Third Package proposals are as follows: TSOs to publish measures taken as well as costs incurred and revenue generated to balance the system. Proposed response: The information TSOs propose to publish on balancing does not meet the requirements of the Regulation.

6 Storage and LNG data TSO proposals are as follows: Proposed response:
Daily aggregated amount of gas in storage facilities per (sub)system Daily aggregated amount of gas in LNG facilities per (sub)system Daily aggregated inflows and aggregated outflows in and from storage facilities per (sub)system Daily aggregated inflows and aggregated outflows in and from LNG facilities per (sub)system Daily available capacities at storage facilities aggregated per (sub)system Daily available capacities at LNG facilities aggregated per (sub)system Proposed response: Welcome the TSO proposals which appear to be compliant with the requirements of the Regulation

7 RCC message to TSOs RCC response –
“There are clear areas where the TSO proposals do not meet the third package requirements. The onus is on TSOs to develop proposals that demonstrate compliance with the third package” For consideration – If the TSO proposals do not meet the third package requirements does the regional process still add value?


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