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On Farm Biogas Energy in Agriculture Conference

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1 On Farm Biogas Energy in Agriculture Conference
Gurteen Agricultural College – Roscrea - Tipperary

2 What is Anaerobic Digestion?
Naturally occurring process Microorganisms breakdown organic material in the absence of oxygen Produces a ‘biogas’ composed mainly of methane & carbon dioxide Biogas used to fuel gas generator to produce electricity & heat

3 How to go about it? Planning Permission Grid Connection Feedstock
6-12 Months £5-10k dependant on site and services provided Grid Connection In NI, around £5k to apply Typical connection fee of £75,000 Feedstock Slurry – bacteria & minerals are key to process Energy crop – grass silage, maize, sugar beet Acreage requirements vary widely – land, crop, weather

4 How to go about it? Land for applying digestate
If importing feedstock where does the digestate go? Nitrates directive Storage requirements Waste Management Licence £1,100 to apply Application and working plans Operating Manual

5 How to go about it? Funding
Plant costs - 500kW AD Plant – Project Cost of £2-2.5M Bank 70-80% of project Interest rate of 3-5% & land based guarantee VCT 100% Funding Farmer manages the plant and get for his silage Option to buy 12-14% APR but no land based guarantee Asset Finance 100% funding, 12-14% APR

6 Case Study – Greenville Energy
Based on 600 cow dairy farm with cows housed all year AD system provided by Williams Industrial Services Bespoke design for NI feedstocks Experience in mixing and feedstock preparation Local service & maintenance Availability guarantee Operation About 2-3 hours per day for a normal plant 500kW equates to around 600 acres of crop – we utilise waste Digestate has reduced fertiliser by 2/3

7 Case Study – Greenville Energy
Economics Varies widely ROI approx years Typical figures for an Energy Crop AD Plant in NI £900k income £350k finance (interest & repayment combined) £200-£300k feedstock (dependant on land costs) £100k maintenance £ k profit


9 Questions & Answers

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