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Developmental TCDD Exposure and Postnatal Autoimmune Disease

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1 Developmental TCDD Exposure and Postnatal Autoimmune Disease
SD Holladay, Anatomy and Radiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia

2 Altered selection of T cells?
Cl Altered selection of T cells? • Targeting of thymic epithelium (Greenlee et al. 1985; Schuurman et al. 1992) • Altered thymic distribution of MHC class II Ag (DeWaal et al. 1992) • Down-regulated MHC class I gene (Q1b) (Dong et al. 1997) • Induced extrathymic T cell development (VTCR) (Silverstone et al. 1994)

3 Mouse Model C57BL/6- immunologic responsive strain,
AhR high sensitivity (Ahbb phenotype).

4 Effects of perinatal exposure to TCDD on splenic T cell subsets
Spleen - C57BL/6 Effects of perinatal exposure to TCDD on splenic T cell subsets Mean SEM CD4+CD8- Male 27.31 0.80 30.58 1.11 % Expression Female 32.85 1.04 29.26 1.80 CD4-CD8+ 10.69 0.56 14.72 0.49 12.19 0.59 13.42 0.89 Vb17a TCR+ 3.31 0.39 29.14 3.27 15.16 2.93 17.91 2.15 Vb3 TCR+ 4.19 0.50 32.57 2.78 11.98 2.11 19.07 CD4+CD25+ 0.17 2.00 0.12 2.19 0.24 2.62 0.29 0.0ug/kg 5.0ug/kg C57BL/6 Bold = p≤0.05 student’s t test N= 5/treatment/gender

5 ELISA dsDNA - C57BL/6 24 weeks
FEMALE MALE * * = p≤0.05 student’s t test N= 5/treatment/gender

6 0.0 µg/kg TCDD 5.0 µg/kg TCDD C57 kidney C57 kidney 0.0 µg/kg TCDD

7 Mouse Model SNF1 ( NZB x SWR/J)- lupus nephritis-prone strain, AhR low sensitivity (Ahdd phenotype).

8 ELISA dsDNA SNF-1 24 weeks * * p ≤ 0.5, Kruskal- Wallis
FEMALE MALE * * p ≤ 0.5, Kruskal- Wallis N= 5/treatment/gender

9 Kidney SNF1 Female Kidney SNF1 Female TCDD control Kidney SNF1 Male Kidney SNF1 Male control TCDD

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