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Catholic Counter Reformation

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1 Catholic Counter Reformation
To counter the Protestant Reformations, Catholics decided to enact reforms This movement is known as the Catholic-Reformation The Catholic-Reformation eliminated abuses, clarified Catholic theology, or religious beliefs, and re-established the pope’s authority over church members

2 Council of Trent Pope Paul III called a council of bishops together
Council forbade selling of indulgences Created seminaries, or religious schools to educate clergy

3 Outcome of Council of Trent
Salvation through faith AND good works Church tradition = to the Bible as source of truth Latin version of the Bible only accepted version

4 Spreading Catholicism
Began sending missionaries (Jesuit monks) to convert new members (mainly to the Americas and China) Also known as the Society of Jesus

5 Re-established Papal Authority
Re-established the Inquisition – to root out heretics Introduced Censorship Index of Forbidden Books

6 Arts The Catholic Church used art to further the movement
Established baroque style that emphasized emotion, complexity, and exaggeration (This is Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s “Apollo and Daphne”)

7 St. Ignatius of Loyola He was a Spanish noble Founded the Jesuits
Jesuits wore robes like monks but did not separate themselves from the world Went to different countries to try and convert people to Catholicism Opened universities in many countries Became advisors to royal courts

8 Exit ticket 1. List 3 ways the world changed because of the Protestant Reformation. 2. Who fought during the 30 Year war? 3. Who was Cardinal Richelieu? 4. What was the point of the Catholic Counter Reformation? 5. Who was Ignatius of Loyola? 6. What do Jesuits do? 7. What was the point of the Council of Trent? 8.What was the Inquisition? 9. What role did the Printing Press during the Protestant Reformation?

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