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Date: 11/18/16 Topic: Muscular/Skeletal System Page # ___

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1 Date: 11/18/16 Topic: Muscular/Skeletal System Page # ___ Must wear uniforms/IDs! 11/18/16 EBHS Admit Slip Use your notes to fill in the muscular/skeletal system worksheet (front side only)

2 Worksheet share-out

3 Musculoskeletal System
Why is it sometimes combined into one system? Why can we do that? What two other systems are actively being used here?

4 Analyze this image. What is it trying to convey? (T-P-S)

5 MCAS Practice Flip your sheet over and complete the open response questions Score out of 4 points 1 pt = needs improvement 2 pt = proficient 3-4 pt = high proficient/advanced Score responses…

6 Bones & Blood Jigsaw Each person takes a part
Make a mini presentation on white board DO NOT WRITE DIRECTLY WHATS ON SHEET!  Put in own words Put *** next to the part other people should record

7 Leave space next to each bone to label each type!
Build-a-skeleton Cut out bones (don’t have to be perfect) and place in proper order on poster paper to make a skeleton! Leave space next to each bone to label each type!


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