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Part I Planning the Research.

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1 Part I Planning the Research

2 Step 1:Select a Subject Research: is the process of gathering facts and evidence about a topic. Once you have gathered your information, you write a formal presentation, called a research paper.

3 Step 1:Select a Subject Paper presents the results of your investigation. Research paper makes a point and then supports that point with evidence.

4 Skills Needed Reading Writing Organizing Planning Note-taking
Thinking clearly

5 Step 1: Select a Subject Can be assigned a general topic area

Length of the paper Time allotted to do it Subject: Is it content specific?

Too technical or complex Enough info?

You are to research a 21st century topic and explain the negative or positive impact or the importance of it; or discuss the advantages or disadvantages of a single use of a 21st century technology; or persuade the need for a change in a particular subject such as a policy or educational aspect; or other based on your own creation that needs to be approved by your English teacher ***KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU ARE ONLY WRITING A SMALL RESEARCH PAPER OF 2 1/2 FULLTO 4 PAGES SO YOUR TOPIC MUST BE NARROWED AND NOT TOO VAST TO TACKLE

9 Step 2:Narrow the Subject into the Topic
Read background information Far East Japan City Life Puppet Religion Sports Baseball Sumo Wrestling Rituals

10 Step 3: State the Objective
Thesis-statement of your objective -point you want to prove -main idea of the entire research paper Easy thesis would be your point plus your 3 reasons in one formal sentence

11 Step 3: State the Objective
Not an indisputable fact Examples: The Bororo men of the Amazon think that knocking out their front teeth makes them beautiful. George Washington was the first president of the United States

12 Sample thesis statements
The new universal healthcare plan will negatively impact the United States citizens by reason #1, reason #2, and reason #3. For your research paper, you would use your own ideas and research to develop the following paper: You would provide 1-3 paragraphs of background information briefly outlining the new plan. You would then use your 3 reasons in a structured format to discuss how each reason proves the negative impact the healthcare plan will cause. You will close your research paper with an effective 1-2 paragraph conclusion.

13 Step 3: State the Objective
Not a personal opinion Example: Tattooing hurts too much to be worth it. I think pierced ears are disgusting.

14 Step 3: State the Objective
Opinions can NEVER be supported with facts! Only evidence would be your own opinions!

15 Step 3: State the Objective
Topic: Beauty Excellent Thesis: People all over the world are willing to suffer for what they think is beautiful by reason #1, reason #2, and reason #3. Not an indisputable fact Not an insupportable opinion

16 Step 3: State the Objective
People all over the world are willing to suffer for what they think is beautiful by reason #1, reason #2, and reason #3. Underline section is your main purpose or point. Your 3 reasons will be used to further support, explain, or prove your main point or angle Must gather evidence to support Thesis presents argument or “angle” to defend with evidence!

17 Step 3: State the Objective (your main point)
Thesis: The Sioux Indians are being treated more unfairly today than they were in the 1890’s. (This is a broad thesis. To narrow it more you can add your 3 reasons to your thesis or only discuss your 3 reasons in the body of your paper to prove this thesis). Words “treated more unfairly” must be defined and then proven in the research paper.

18 Step 3: State the Objective
Ask questions: Who? What ? Where? When? Why?

19 Sample thesis statements
The lyrics in Beatles’ songs reflect where and how the members of the group were raised by reason #1, reason #2, and reason #3. (You can omit 3 reasons and discuss your paper or you can be more specific by including your 3 reasons in this statement) World War II radically changed American eating habits due to reason #1, reason #2, and reason #3.

20 Tips to remember about thesis
For this assignment, remember the following: You must include the author and novel in the intro paragraph You must include the aphorism in thesis with “” and parenthetical citation that is author’s last name and page number = (Coehlo 22). You must have a claim You must include 3 points (they must be specific and different) Your thesis must be LAME (Limited, Arguable, Meaningful, and Exact) Refer to your summer reading writing tips, go to my website under summer reading, or click Here

21 Choice A: Your assignment is to take your aphorism/quote and show how differing types of today’s media portray or depict your aphorism. You could focus on 3 ways of one particular media or how your aphorism in portrayed in 3 types of media. These 3 areas or 3 ways will become your 3 points or reasons to support your idea. You will then provide valid research to support your point. Thesis Statement Examples: Paolo Coehlo’s aphorism insert aphorism has been contradicted by current media through 1st reason, 2nd reason, and 3rd reason. Include your specific reasons. 1st reason, 2nd reason, and 3rd reason depict how the aphorism insert aphorism has been positively portrayed throughout history.

22 Choice B: Your assignment is to take an aphorism and develop how a person (in 3 ways) or how 3 people have portrayed, or continue to portray your selected aphorism/quote. For example, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. both believed in choosing love over anger, hate, and war. You could tie one of them to an aphorism or come up with a 3rd person and tie each to the aphorism/quote through your research of their lives, beliefs and philosophies, and posthumous inspiration, and/or impact on society. Sample Thesis Statements: Mahatma Ghandi lived the aphorism insert aphorism through 1st reason, 2nd reason, and 3rd reason. Paolo Coehlo’s aphorism insert aphorism is depicted through the altruism and kindness of 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person.

23 Choice C: Your assignment is to research an event or 3 related events, past or present, and provide a well-developed paper depicted how this event (in 3 ways) or these 3 events tie or connect to the aphorism/quote. Sample Thesis Statements: The aphorism insert aphorism is displayed through the heroism, hardship, and determination of the survivors of The Holocaust during World War II. The aphorism insert aphorism is portrayed by the ________________ and __________________ displayed during 1st event, 2nd event, and 3rd event.

24 Choice D: Your assignment is to take a fictional literary character in a series of 3 or more novels and prove or diprove one of Coehlo’s aphorism/quotes using specific examples form the novels. You will also need to use at least 1 outside source in addition to the series of books to provide additional information to show how your selected aphorism is displayed by that character or within the novel in some way. Sample Thesis Statements:  The protagonist in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series proves Paolo Coehlo’s aphorism insert aphorism through his _________________, his _____________________, and his ________________________. The aphorism insert aphorism is depicted in through Katniss Everdeen’s 1st reason, 2nd reason, and 3rd reason. in The Hunger Games series.

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