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Published byAshlyn Simpson Modified over 6 years ago
Some measurements of the quality of the Hungarian IPUMSI samples
5% samples from the 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2001 population and housing census (Gábor Rózsa. retired deputy head of the Population Census Dept. of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office)
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“the father”: the series of quality checks for Hungarian population and housing censuses censuses ( ) “the mother”: the selection of the Hungarian IPUMS International samples in “inventory” and tabulated values of quality indicators calculated for the samples
Example from the PES (post-enumeration survey) for the reliability check of the 1980 Hungarian census
Variables in the harmonization tables
Dwellings: type (occupied conventional, vacant, non conventional), ownership, right for using, year of construction, water supply, WC, sewage, gas supply, kitchen(s), bathroom(s), level of comfort, location, type of heating, hot water Persons: marital status, type of family, family status, highest education, tenure status, mother tongue, economic activity, economic activity, status in employment, staff group (non manual or manual, skilled-unskilled), commuting
Calculation of errors for the 1970 Hungarian sample/1
Population by 5-year age groups Estimate Census value Absolute difference (Estimate-Census) Sampling error (at 95% prob. level) Relative difference Relative sampling Error 0-4 years of age 706220 701431 4789.0 6906.8 0.0068 0.0098 5-9 647340 648452 1112.0 6659.1 0.0017 0.0103 10-14 821760 823671 1911.0 7436.7 0.0023 0.0091 15-19 917600 914443 3157.0 7798.1 0.0035 0.0085 20-24 774760 774196 564.0 7228.7 0.0007 0.0093 25-29 737180 737833 653.0 7070.3 0.0009 0.0096 30-34 670760 670228 532.0 6762.4 0.0008 0.0101 35-39 713060 711451 1609.0 6952.3 40-44 734640 735977 1337.0 7062.1 0.0018 45-49 728960 730563 1603.0 7038.1 0.0022 0.0097 50-54 426500 430303 3803.0 5485.5 0.0088 0.0129 55-59 669600 665292 4308.0 6739.2 0.0065 60-64 573280 574908 1628.0 6294.0 0.0028 0.0110 65-69 472280 474959 2679.0 5750.1 0.0056 0.0122 70-74 348500 348633 133.0 4958.0 0.0004 0.0142 75-79 207420 204528 2892.0 3824.9 0.0141 0.0184 80-84 104320 106189 1869.0 2769.4 0.0176 0.0266 85-x 48380 47939 441.0 1866.1 0.0092 0.0386
Calculation of errors for the 1970 Hungarian sample/2
Estimate Census value Absolute diff. Sampl. error Relative diff. Relative sampl.err Activity status active earn. 1966.0 0.0004 0.0028 inactive earn. 1220.0 9379.4 0.0009 0.0067 dependent 4750.0 0.0012 0.0034 Highest educational attainment completed of persons aged 7 and older less than 8 grades 2459.0 0.0005 0.0026 8+. but no second. 8615.0 0.0040 Secondary final exam. 879860 877600 2260.0 7620.2 0.0087 Third-level education 294500 294550 50.0 4564.1 0.0002 0.0155
Calculation of errors for the 1980 Hungarian sample/1
Activity status Estimate Census Value Absolute diff. Sampl. error (95 % prob. level) Relat. diff. Rel. sampl. error Distrib. sample Distrib. census ‘80 Active earner 3180.0 0.0006 0.0028 47.3 Inactive earn. 2797.0 0.0013 0.0051 20.5 20.6 Dependent 0.0030 0.0038 32.1 32.0 Seeking first job 9700 9757 57.0 843.1 0.0058 0.0869 0.1
Calculation of errors for the 1980 Hungarian sample/2
Type of house-hold Estimate Census Value Absolute diff. Sampl. error (95 % prob. level) Relat. diff. Rel. sampl. error Distrib. sample Distrib. census ‘80 Couple family househ. 3097.0 7871.6 0.0013 0.0033 64.5 64.7 Lone parent with child househ. 297040 299958 2918.0 4483.8 0.0097 0.0151 8.0 8.1 Multifamily househ. 159840 158756 1084.0 3328.7 0.0068 0.0208 4.3 One-person househ. 739100 730741 8359.0 6542.8 0.0114 0.0089 19.8 19.6 Other househ. 125620 124917 703.0 2966.7 0.0056 0.0236 3.4
Calculation of errors for the 1990 Hungarian sample/1
Economic activity Estimate Census Value Abs. diff. Sampl. error (95 % prob. level) Relat. diff. Relat. sampl. err. Distr. sample Distr. cens. Active earner 1683.0 0.0004 0.0030 43.7 43.6 Unempl. seeking job 110680 113051 2371.0 2858.4 0.0210 0.0258 1.1 Seeking first job 14240 13176 1064.0 980.6 0.0808 0.0689 0.1 Inactive earner 6075.0 0.0023 0.0045 25.6 Dependent 4824.0 0.0016 0.0042 29.5
Calculation of errors for the 1990 Hungarian sample/2
Period of construction Estimate Census Abs. diff. Sampl. err. Rel. diff. Rel. sampl. err. Distr. sample Distr. cens. Constr. before 1899 364940 361045 3895.0 4886.0 0.0108 0.0134 9.5 9.4 323160 322348 812.0 4642.2 0.0025 0.0144 8.4 562440 566925 4485.0 5939.4 0.0079 0.0106 14.6 14.7 456000 454995 1005.0 5410.7 0.0022 0.0119 11.8 582200 584717 2517.0 6015.5 0.0043 0.0103 15.1 15.2 878880 877864 1016.0 7032.5 0.0012 0.0080 22.8 687320 685394 1926.0 6411.7 0.0028 0.0093 17.8
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/1
Distribution ’01 by FAMILY STATUS 5% sample Full count husband. wife 41.67 41.71 consensual (cohabiting) partner 5.42 5.35 father, mother 5.19 5.21 child 31.50 31.52 any other relative, non-relative 3.84 3.87 person living alone 12.38 12.35 Distribution ’01 by TENURE STATUS owner or his/her relative 89.19 89.22 (main) tenant or his/her relative, user of service dwelling 6.76 6.74 Subtenant, bedtenant, night-lodger, other tenure 1.57 1.56 person living in institution, homeless (with no home address) 2.48 2.49
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/2
Distribution ’01 by SEX 5% sample Full count Male 47.55 47.56 Female 52.45 52.44 Distribution ’01 by AGE 0-4 4.82 4.79 5-9 5.72 5.70 10-14 6.08 6.11 15-19 6.56 20-24 7.99 7.92 25-29 7.77 7.72 30-34 6.85 6.87 35-39 5.96 5.97
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/3
Distribution ’01 by AGE (contd.) 5% sample Full count 40 1.32 1.30 41 1.29 42 1.35 43 1.38 1.41 44 1.60 1.59 40-44 6.94
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/4
Distribution ’01 by age (contd) 5% sample Full count 45-49 8.00 8.09 50-54 6.94 6.91 55-59 5.97 5.99 60-64 5.23 5.26 65-69 4.78 4.81 70-74 4.28 4.29 75-79 3.29 3.32 80-84 1.51 1.52 85-X 1.25 1.24
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/5
Distribution ’01 by MARITAL STATUS 5% sample Full count single (never married) 39.33 39.26 married, living together with spouse 42.28 42.34 married, not living together with spouse 1.25 1.26 widowed 9.74 9.71 divorced 7.40 7.43 Distribution ’01 by RELATION TO HEAD OF FAMILY head of family 28.17 28.16 spouse of the head of family 20.84 20.85 cohabiting partner of the head of family 2.71 2.67 other family member 48.29 48.31 Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/5
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/6
Distribution ’01 by HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD 5% sample Full count other household member 62.12 head of household 37.88 Distribution ’01 by NUMBER OF LIVEBORN CHILDREN (OF WOMEN 14+) 42.30 42.22 1 17.19 17.32 2 28.07 28.00 3 8.59 4 2.30 5 0.80 0.81 6 0.35 0.36 7 or more 0.38 0.39
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/7
Distribution ’01 by EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT (ISCED-97) 5% sample Full count 3 grades of general (primary) school or less 12.83 12.82 4-7 grades of general school 12.70 12.76 first cycle of secondary school 28.54 28.55 second-level apprentice or vocational school 15.46 15.51 second cycle of secondary school 21.31 21.21 third-level education 9.15 9.16
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/8
Distribution ’01 by ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 5% sample Full count in employment with or without other source of livelihood) 36.22 36.19 unemployed (incl. those with different sources of livelihood) 4.07 4.08 pers. receiving childcare fee. benefit or allow. 2.93 2.88 pensioner 27.07 27.14 other inactive earner 2.42 2.39 dependent supported by an institution 1.24 1.25 dependent supported by a private person 26.06 26.07
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/9
Distribution ’01 by STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT 5% sample Full count employee 30.24 30.22 private (own-account) entrepreneur with or without employee 3.76 3.74 working member of partnership 1.57 1.56 member of cooperative 0.28 unpaid helping family worker 0.11 0.10 occasional worker. day labourer 0.26 0.27 worker of public utility 0.01 Not in employment 63.77 63.81
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/10
Distribution ’01 by INDUSTRY (NACE Rev.1) 5% sample Full count Agriculture, hunting, forestry. fishing 2.00 1.99 Mining, quarrying, manufacturing 8.87 8.90 Electricity, gas, water supply, construction 2.74 2.70 Wholesale and retail trade; repair…. hotels and restaurants 6.38 6.43 Transport, storage and communication, financial intermed. 3.53 3.51 Real est., rent. and busin. act., public admin. and defence, compulsory social security 5.50 5.49 Education, health and social work 5.44 5.41 Other comm., social and personal services activities, private households with empl., extra-terr. org. 1.49 1.48 Not in employment 63.77 63.81
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/11
Distribution '01 by WATER SUPPLY 5% sample Full count from community network within dwelling 86.67 outside dwelling. but within building 0.87 0.85 on the ground-plot of the building 3.77 3.79 outside the ground-plot of the building 1.37 from domestic water system. within dwelling 2.32 2.33 other: from the well on the ground-plot 3.30 3.25 from other place 1.70 1.74
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/12
Distribution '01 by GAS 5 % sample Full count none 11.27 11.25 network (piped) gas 65.21 65.14 from container 0.63 cylinder (bottle) gas 22.89 22.98 Distribution '01 by HEATING no heating facility 2.76 2.81 district (block, thermic water) heat. 15.36 15.39 central boiler for several dwellings 3.01 3.00 central boiler for one dwelling 31.96 31.91 individual (separate) heating of places 46.90
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/13
Distribution '01 by existence of WC (flush toilet) 5 % sample Full count none 15.12 15.07 yes: within dwelling, in separate place 52.46 52.67 in another place of the dwelling 30.95 30.80 outside dwelling 1.47 1.46 Distribution '01 by existence of SEWAGE 10.27 into community scheme 53.78 53.84 into domestic system: closed sewage tank 22.65 22.72 dessicator (drain tank) 12.91 12.79 other 0.39 0.38
Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/14
Distribution '01 by LEVEL OF COMFORT 5 % sample Full count with all modern conveniences 47.34 47.27 with principal conveniences 30.26 30.28 half-comfort (part of conveniences) 5.02 without comfort 11.41 11.42 emergency or other accommodation. occupied housing unit 5.98 6.01 Calculation of errors for the 2001 Hungarian sample/14
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