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October 31, 2014 No journal today.

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1 October 31, 2014 No journal today.
Use the words below to fill in the blanks on your introduction to food chain worksheet.

2 Part A - Fill in the blanks below:
1. The ________________ provides most all of the energy for our planet. 2. We know that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it changes ___________________. 3. Organisms that make their own food are called __________________________________. 4. Organisms that eat other organisms for energy are called ______________________________. 5. The process in which plants make their own food is called ____________________________. 6. When one organism eats another organism, the energy is _____________________________ from the organism to the other.







9 Part B – Food Chains A food chain is simply a path that shows the of energy from one organism to another. Most food chains begin with the energy from the sun. The arrows in a food chain point the DIRECTION THAT THE ENERGY GOES.

10 Zombie Food Chain Energy passes from the sun to the corn plant. The corn plant is used to make candy corn – energy transferred to candy.

11 Zombie Food Chain Candy corn is eaten by the human. The energy passes from the candy to the human who ate it.

12 Zombie Food Chain Zombie sees human and wants to eat his brains. Zombie eats human. Energy passes from human to zombie.

13 Now it’s your turn…. Start with energy from the sun. Show the flow of energy to at least three other organisms. Draw your food chain with arrows showing the flow of energy from one to the next. Be creative!

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