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Topic: General virology

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1 Topic: General virology
Topic: General virology. Morphology, structure and reproduction of viruses. Viral infections diagnostics. Bacteria phages Individual work-General virology. Morphology, structure and reproduction of viruses. Viral infections diagnostics. Bacteria phages

2 A place of carrying out of practice, equipment.
- Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium, -gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.

3 Duration of employment
- 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes

4 The employment purpose
To give common knowledge about General virology To give understanding about classification of viruses. To give knowledge about Morphology of viruses. To give understanding about structure of viruses. To give data’s about registration into the registration journal and the technique of taking the material from patients. To give knowledge about reproduction of viruses. To give knowledge about Viral infections diagnostics. To give understanding about Bacteria phages.

5 Task of teaching General virology. Morphology, structure and reproduction of viruses. Viral infections diagnostics. Bacteria phages

6 Tasks Student should know:
1        Classification of viruses, of diseases caused by them. 2        Properties of viruses, of diseases caused by them. 3        Species and difference viruses from each other. 4        Pathogenesis of diseases caused by vuruses in human body. 5        Methods of carrying on laboratory diagnostic of diseases caused by viruses. 6        Holding prophylactics and carrying on the treatment.

7 Tasks The student should make:
1        To take material from the patient and deliver it to the laboratory. 2        According to the properties of the virus to plant them on the environment, from the taken material. 3        To give the mark of virus culture and to achieve clear culture. 4        To give the mark of morphological and tinctorial properties of virus(preparation of the smear and microscopy). 5        Carrying on identification of excrete virus culture according to biochemical, anti genetic and other properties.

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