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OPG New Requests FY 2008 Budget

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Presentation on theme: "OPG New Requests FY 2008 Budget"— Presentation transcript:

1 OPG New Requests FY 2008 Budget
July 26, 2007

2 Agenda Planner III (Projects)
0.5 FTE Senior Planner (Urban Initiatives) 0.5 FTE Senior Grants Administrator (Housing)

3 Planner III (Projects)
Total cost $75,927 County share $44,797 59% Approved City share $31,130 41%

4 Projects Section Staff
6.5 FTE Senior Planner Mary McCrea Planner II Jennie Dixon Tim Worley Planner I Michele Reinhart Vacant Plan Tech John Newman (1/2 time)

FY 2006 FY 2007 Subdivisions 48 49 Pre-Applications 185 138 Certifications/Element/Sufficiency 33 88 Condition Amendments 8 12 Plat Adjustments 4 6 Extensions 14 17 Final Plats 35 34 ZONING ACTIVITY Zoning/Rezoning 13 15 74 42 Recommendation: $ (Ravalli)

6 Projects Section FY 2007 Overtime
Mary McCrea 368 hours 18% Jennie Dixon 331 hours 16% Tim Worley 88.25 hours 4%

7 0.5 FTE Senior Planner (Urban Initiatives)
Total annual cost $29,354 Push hire back to January 2008 $14,677 Partially funded by contract with County $7,339 in new cost to City

8 Urban Initiatives Staff
3 FTE Senior Planner Mike Barton (1/2 time) Planner II Laval Means Mark Landkammer Plan Tech Vacant (1/2 time)

9 Urban Initiatives Work Plan
Code rewrite Urban fringe plan Growth policy review Central City master plan Rattlesnake plan update (scoping) Customer service, education, outreach Administration and benefit time

10 Urban Fringe Planning Council/BCC Priority in OPG Work Plan
Contract with County per Interlocal Agreement County contribution $25,000 Approved by BCC City contribution $25,000 $7,339 new revenue $17,661 existing resources Growth Policy amendments Interim plans Consistent approach to development review Coordination of infrastructure investment Certainty for residents, developers, agencies

11 0.5 FTE Senior Grants Administrator (Housing)
Total annual cost $29,665 Push hire back to October 2007 $22,249

12 City Housing Investment
CDBG and HOME Grants Limited to 80% of median income and below Revenues declining Gap between citizens served by grant funds and the market No City general fund commitment to housing

13 Mayor’s Housing Initiative
Face of Affordable Housing Where to build it What it should look like How to pay for it

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