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Presentation on theme: "TRADE & INVESTMENT KWAZULU-NATAL"— Presentation transcript:

Building expertise for economic success Incoterms and Costing An initiative of the TRADE & INVESTMENT KWAZULU-NATAL

2 International Commercial Terms - Incoterms ® 2010 Fundamentals
Tasks, costs and risks. It is not the contract of sale – just part of a sales contract. No connection between Incoterms and contract of carriage Incoterms say nothing about: - The price to be paid Method of payment Transfer of ownership of goods Consequences of a breach of contract. The contract of sale should deal with the above Incoterms and Costing

3 International Commercial Terms - Incoterms ® 2010
F C D Group E Departure term EXW (ex works) Goods are made available to the buyer at the seller’s premises Group F Main carriage unpaid FCA (free carrier) FAS (free alongside ship) - Suitable for BULK (sea freight) FOB (free on board) - Suitable for BREAKBULK (sea freight) Seller must deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer Group C Main carriage paid CPT (carriage paid to) CIP (carriage & insurance paid to) CFR (cost and freight) - Suitable for BULK or BREAKBULK (sea freight) CIF(cost, insurance and freight) - Suitable for BULK or BREAKBULK (sea freight) Seller contracts the carriage of the goods without assuming risk of loss or damage to the goods and additional costs due to events occurring after shipment. Seller must deliver to carrier. Group D Delivered (arrival) DAT (delivered at terminal) DAP (delivered at place) DDP (delivered duty paid) Seller bears all costs and risks required to bring the goods to the place of destination. Incoterms and Costing

4 Examples of supplier/exporter invoice costs
Price paid or payable for goods Packing Commission Royalties and license fees Research and development costs Warranty charges Interest Cargo Insurance Incoterms and Costing

5 Examples of land leg charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per container/carton Per CBM/KG Per shipment Surcharge (% of fuel charge) % of disburse-ment % of value of goods Per document Fixed charge Per day Combin-ation Fumigation Cargo dues (port tax) Inland freight Fuel surcharge Inland insurance Depot charges Port storage Forwarding charges (handling fee; communication; labelling; house bill of lading fee) Certificate of origin Customs clearance – export (customs documentation fee; agency; facility/finance fee) Terminal handling Hazardous cargo fee/surcharge Hazardous cargo handling fee Trem (transport emergency) card Courier charges Incoterms and Costing

6 Examples of shipping line charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per container/carton Per CBM/KG Per shipment Surcharge (% of fuel charge) % of disburse-ment % of value of goods Per document Fixed charge Per day Combin-ation Master Bill of lading fee Ocean freight Bunker adjustment factor (BAF) ISPS (security surcharge) PIRACY fee (on certain routes) Other charges (release fees; service fee; manifest security fee on certain routes) Incoterms and Costing

7 Examples of destination charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per container/carton Per CBM/KG Per shipment Surcharge (% of fuel charge) % of disburse-ment % of value of goods Per document Fixed charge Per day Combin-ation Port charges Shipping line charges Landside charges Duties and VAT Customs clearance Incoterms and Costing

8 Unloading (discharge port)
Incoterms and cost allocation Inco- terms 2010 Customs clearance Inland transport Unloading of truck Loading on vessel Carriage Insurance Unloading (discharge port) Loading on truck Landside transport Duties and taxes Who pays EXW Buyer FCA Seller FAS FOB CPT 1 CFR CIF 2 CIP DAT 3 DAP DDP Buyer or Seller depending on the contract of carriage Seller must obtain minimum cover only Seller and Buyer The risk when selling EXW (VAT laws) The risk when selling DDP (customs legislation) Incoterms and Costing

9 Incoterms and Costing

10 Incoterms and Costing FCL Cost estimate charged by 1 X 20ft 1 X 40ft 1
Freight rate per container Shipping line 2 IPS, ISS, SEAL 3 Master bill of lading fee per shipment USD 40.00 4 Courier fees (if Master Bill is required) Courier Company 5 Terminal handling charge per cont. Transnet Port Terminal ZAR 1,699.00 ZAR 2,509.00 6 Shipping line charges per container ZAR ZAR 7 Cargo dues per container Transnet National Ports Authority ZAR ZAR 1,272.07 8 Inland transport per container Transporter 9 customs brokerage per shipment Customs broker 10 agency per shipment 11 Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) if applicable SGS, Intertek, etc. 12 Cargo Insurance Insurance company EXAMPLES OF GROUPAGE COSTS 1) Ocean freight (all-in) per freight ton 2) Cargo dues (port tax) - per freight ton 3) Handling (THC, packing, etc) per freight ton 4) Courier fee 5) SOLAS VGM fee 6) Inland transport 7) Customs Brokerage 8) Agency 9) Other costs (PVOC, insurance, etc) Incoterms and Costing

11 Are there any questions?
Incoterms and Costing

12 Why buy from
“We simplify complexity, improve compliance, manage risk, provide solutions, create value, deliver convenience and focus on mutual learning because we are committed to building mutually beneficial relationships for advancing careers and companies for economic success in the logistical chain.” Ricky Pillay Mobile:


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