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Mathematics Groups 7 & 8 (10-12 years old) 15 February 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Groups 7 & 8 (10-12 years old) 15 February 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Groups 7 & 8 (10-12 years old) 15 February 2016
Co funded by the EU Mathematics Groups 7 & 8 (10-12 years old) 15 February 2016

2 Programme 08.15: Arrival partners at obs Dubbeldam
08.30: Welcome and tour of the school 08.50: Feedback workshop Mogent School 09.00: Start of workshop 10.15: Tea/coffee break 10.30: Classroom visits 11.15: Feedback lessons 12.00: Lunch 13.00: Introduction to the afternoon programme 13.30: Classroom visits 15.15: Questions of the classroom visits, feedback & evaluation of the workshop & handing out of certificates of attendance. 16.00: End of workshop

3 Welkom - Willkommen - Welcome - Bienvenue Benvinguda – Välkommen
Pupils of class 8 are going to give you a guided tour of our school.

4 Feedback workshop Mogent School
Day 1: Problem solving Inspiring Lots of materials are made by special Maths teachers There is a progression from year 1 - 8 Combination of cooperative work; children know what they have to do and how they have to do it OBS Dubbeldam → some materials are copied and teachers in the Kindergarten classes are experimenting with them Day 2: English 2 English teachers → Luxury Close attention to speaking and listening (practical) Lots of different ways of working/teaching OBS Dubbeldam → we want to change the way we teach English; our English work group is looking at ways to do so → We were very impressed by the travelling bags. We have made a number of them. We will start with 1 bag in each group, but our aim is to have more bags per class. We are going to start this after the Summer break

5 New Seaham Blog

6 The Netherlands……. Country of methods
Our mathematics method is called Pluspunt. There are many methods, so every school has to decide which method is best for their students. In each year there are objectives that have to be reached. These objectives are set by the government. This morning we are going to visit three classes to see how the lessons are done, working with chromebooks, because Pluspunt is a digital method. In the afternoon we will visit the same classes and an extra class to see a special way of working with mathematics, called Rekendag (Day of Math). Every year a Day of Math with a special theme is organised for primary schools.

7 Example of method objectives in year 7 and 8







14 Pluspunt The topics of the year are divided into 12 blocks.
Each block consists of 15 lessons. In each block there are two test objectives and two new objectives. The new objectives are test objectives in the next block. So we work on these items in two blocks before they are a test item. Each instruction lesson starts with the lesson objective. After this we do the instruction in which we train together. In this method we work on two levels of instruction: Fundamental level: the level that every student has to reach Target level: the level that students must reach who are good in math.

15 In the lessons where they have to work independently,
students work on three levels, called: 1 * 2** 3*** (which is the highest level) Tests are done on two levels: 1* 2**/3*** And now we will look at the possibilities of the digital version: Pluspunt

16 Let’s see how a digital lesson is composed…
Please login with your user name and password: The accounts are written with plain letters without any extra symbols. Name Account Password Reece Huntley erasmus16 Gaëlle Fouasson Bodil Wiklund Louise Åstrom Anna Nord Ann-Kristin Göbel Kerstin Henche Dörthe Dyck Laura Rodriguez Mireia Fuentes

17 Classroom visits Class 7B: Liesbeth (10-11 year olds) Class 8A: Jeroen (11-12 year olds) Class 8B: Elske (11-12 year olds) You will see a lesson with instruction and how the children work on the chromebooks. Please make notes and write down the questions you have. We are going to discuss them afterwards.

18 The Cito tests Twice a year children do the Cito test - in January (approximately the middle of the year) and in June. (Cito = central institute for test developement) We translated a part of the test, so you can do it. It is a part of the test pupils do in January in class 7. The test consists of 96 questions. Once the test has been marked, the teacher transfers the results of each child onto the special software of the method. The computer then translates this information into an overview of the class. The outcome of the test looks like this:


20 Time for lunch

21 Grote Rekendag Day of Math

22 Afternoon programme: We are going to visit classes 7 and 8. The teachers and children are going to work on various themes of “Days of Math”. You are welcome to visit all the classes and ask the children some questions. The themes in the different classes are:

23 7B (Liesbeth): Money

24 7A (Evert/Hans): Geometry in art

25 8A (Jeroen): Charts

26 8B (Elske): Fibonacci

27 We will see the instruction of the lesson and also how the group works in a circuit with materials they have made themselves. Previous versions of the Day of Math can be found on the following website: These are the instruction manuals and the worksheets. They are in Dutch but it is most probably clear enough for you to use at your schools.

28 Describe in pairs: What struck you the most during the classroom visits? Were there ways of working and approaches you could use? Are there subjects/themes you could use? Is a similar approach used in your country for teaching math? Could we exchange these approaches with one another? If you would like lessons to be translated, please let us know!


30 Please write a short evaluation of the day on the page.
Handing out of certificates. End of the workshop Discuss plans for dinner and the visits tomorrow (Tuesday).

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